Source code for epsproc.util.verify

ePSproc verification functions

04/11/22    Added verifyAFiso(), based on test_AFBLM_iso,

import time
import numpy as np

from epsproc.util.conversion import conv_BL_BLM

[docs]def verifyAFiso(data, thres = 1e-2, sym = ('All','All'), pGauge = 'L', outputDict = 'AFisoChecks'): """ Verify AFBLM calculation for isotropic by comparison with ePS GetCro outputs. Based on test_AFBLM_iso() routine, Note that existing test routine for use with pyTest, this version for general use. Parameters ---------- data : ePSproc data class object. thres : float, default = 1e-2 sym : tuple, optional, default = ('All','All') Set symmetry selections for GetCro output. pGauge : str, optional, default = 'L' Set gauge selection fro GetCro output. outputDict : str, optional, default = 'AFisoChecks' Name for output data. Will be set to[key][outputDict] Returns ------- dict Output summary per key and over all keys. TODO: clean up input params, should match options elsewhere (e.g. matEleSelector), and use this for selections? TODO: pretty print summary """ # data = dataClass # Calculate BLMs for default case start = time.time() data.AFBLM() end = time.time() print(f'\nAFBLM reference calc completed, elapsed time = {end-start} seconds') # Compare with ref ePS values to test # See # Note default threshold for AFBLM calcs, thres = 1e-2 - should give rough size of errors # May want to test for smaller thresholds too? # thres = 1e-2 # Set getCro options keys = data._keysCheck(None) # pGauge = 'L' pTypes = [['SIGMA',0],['BETA',2]] # Crude selection for XS and l values for test case only. # sym = ('All','All') outputSummary = {} for key in keys:[key][outputDict] = {} outputSummary[key] = {} for pType in pTypes: if pType[0] == 'SIGMA': # Test XS XSdiff =[key]['XS'].sel(XC=pType[0], Type=pGauge, Sym = sym) -[key]['AFBLM'].sel(l=pType[1]).squeeze().XSrescaled #, Type=pGauge) else: # Test B2, include conversion to Ylm coeffs. betaConv = conv_BL_BLM([key]['XS'], to='sph', renorm=True) XSdiff = betaConv.sel(XC=pType[0], Type=pGauge, Sym = sym) -[key]['AFBLM'].sel(l=pType[1]).squeeze() #, Type=pGauge) # assert np.abs(XSdiff.sum()) < (XSdiff.size * thres) # assert np.abs(XSdiff.max()) < thres # # assert np.abs(XSdiff.max().imag) < np.finfo(complex).eps # Check complex zero to machine precision. # assert np.abs(XSdiff.imag.max()) < np.finfo(complex).eps # Check complex zero to machine precision. # Tests & outputs # Note .values or bool() to avoid full Xarray returns here. XSdiff.attrs['metrics'] = {'diffSum': np.abs(XSdiff.sum()).values, 'diffSumOK': bool(np.abs(XSdiff.sum()) < (XSdiff.size * thres)), 'diffAbsMax': np.abs(XSdiff.max()).values, 'diffAbsMaxOK': bool(np.abs(XSdiff.max()) < thres), 'diffImagMax': np.abs(XSdiff.imag.max()).values, 'diffImagMaxOK': bool(np.abs(XSdiff.imag.max()) < np.finfo(complex).eps), } XSdiff.attrs['pass'] = XSdiff.attrs['metrics']['diffSumOK'] and XSdiff.attrs['metrics']['diffAbsMaxOK'] and XSdiff.attrs['metrics']['diffImagMaxOK'] outputSummary[key]['metrics'] = XSdiff.attrs['metrics'] outputSummary[key]['pass'] = XSdiff.attrs['pass'] if XSdiff.attrs['pass']: print(f"AFBLM iso test for key={key}, dataType={pType} \t\t PASSED") else: print(f"AFBLM iso test for key={key}, dataType={pType} \t\t *** FAILED ***")[key][outputDict][pType[0]] = XSdiff # Overall results outputSummary['All'] = all([outputSummary[key]['pass'] for key in outputSummary.keys()]) if outputSummary['All']: print("\n*** All tests passed. ***") else: print("\n*** Some tests FAILED. ***") return outputSummary