Source code for epsproc.util.summary

import numpy as np

# Package fns.
from epsproc.basicPlotters import molPlot
from epsproc.util.conversion import (conv_ev_atm, conv_ev_nm)

#*************** Summary & display functions

# Print some jobInfo stuff & plot molecular structure
[docs]def jobSummary(jobInfo = None, molInfo = None, tolConv = 1e-2): """ Print some jobInfo stuff & plot molecular structure. (Currently very basic.) Parameters ------------ jobInfo : dict, default = None Dictionary of job data, as generated by :py:function:`epsproc.IO.headerFileParse()` from source ePS output file. molInfo : dict, default = None Dictionary of molecule data, as generated by :py:func:`epsproc.IO.molInfoParse()` from source ePS output file. tolConv : float, default = 1e-2 Used to check for convergence in ExpOrb outputs, which defines single-center expansion of orbitals. Returns ------- JobInfo : list orbInfo : dict Properties of ionizing orbital, as determined from (jobInfo, molInfo). History ------- 20/09/20 v2 Added orbInfo dict, and use this to hold all orbital related outputs for return. May break old codes (pre v1.2.6-dev). Moved orbInfo to a separate function. """ # orbInfo = {} # Pull job summary info if jobInfo is not None: print('\n*** Job summary data') [print(line.strip('#')) for line in jobInfo['comments'][0:4]] print(f"\nElectronic structure input: {jobInfo['Convert'][0].split()[1].strip()}") print(f"Initial state occ:\t\t {jobInfo['OrbOccInit']}") print(f"Final state occ:\t\t {jobInfo['OrbOcc']}") print(f"IPot (input vertical IP, eV):\t\t {jobInfo['IPot']}") # Log orbOcc # orbInfo['OrbOccInit'] = jobInfo['OrbOccInit'] # orbInfo['OrbOccFinal'] = jobInfo['OrbOcc'] # Additional orb info print("\n*** Additional orbital info (SymProd)") # orbInfo['iList'] = jobInfo['OrbOccInit'] - jobInfo['OrbOcc'] iList = jobInfo['OrbOccInit'] - jobInfo['OrbOcc'] print(f"Ionizing orb:\t\t\t {iList}") if molInfo is not None: # Get orbGrp for event # orbInfo['iOrbGrp'] = np.flatnonzero(orbInfo['iList']) + 1 orbX, orbInfo = getOrbInfo(jobInfo, molInfo) # Find entries in orbTableX # orbInfo['orbSym'] = np.unique(molInfo['orbTable'].where(molInfo['orbTable'].coords['OrbGrp'] == orbInfo['iOrbGrp'], drop = True).coords['Sym']) print(f"Ionizing orb sym:\t\t {orbInfo['orbSym']}") # orbInfo['orbIP'] = np.unique(molInfo['orbTable'].where(molInfo['orbTable'].coords['OrbGrp'] == orbInfo['iOrbGrp'], drop = True).sel(props = 'E')) # orbInfo['orbIPH'] = np.unique(molInfo['orbTable'].where(molInfo['orbTable'].coords['OrbGrp'] == orbInfo['iOrbGrp'], drop = True).sel(props = 'EH')) print(f"Orb energy (eV):\t\t {orbInfo['orbIP']}") print(f"Orb energy (H):\t\t\t {orbInfo['orbIPH']}") # orbInfo['orbIPnm'] = conv_ev_nm(orbInfo['orbIP']) # orbInfo['orbIPcm'] = 1/orbInfo['orbIPnm']*1e7 # orbInfo['threshold'] = np.abs(orbInfo['orbIPnm'])[0] print(f"Orb energy (cm^-1):\t\t {orbInfo['orbIPcm']}") print(f"Threshold wavelength (nm):\t {orbInfo['threshold']}") # Check ExpOrb outputs... ind = (molInfo['orbTable'][:,8].values < 1-tolConv) + (molInfo['orbTable'][:,8].values > 1+tolConv) if ind.any(): print(f"\n*** Warning: some orbital convergences outside single-center expansion convergence tolerance ({tolConv}):") print(molInfo['orbTable'][ind, [0, 8]].values) # Display structure if molInfo is not None: print('\n*** Molecular structure\n') molPlot(molInfo) # return jobInfo # Why bother? - but left for back-compatibility for now... had plans to do more with this? # 20/09/20 Added orbInfo return, to allow further use of values determined above return jobInfo, orbInfo
# Pull orbital-specific properties for job.
[docs]def getOrbInfo(jobInfo, molInfo): """ Pull orbital information for job from (jobInfo, molInfo) structures and return as Xarray. 20/09/20 v1 Adapted from routines in jobSummary(). """ # Init dict. orbInfo = {} try: # Find which orb is ionized using ePS orb numbering. orbInfo['OrbOccInit'] = jobInfo['OrbOccInit'] orbInfo['OrbOccFinal'] = jobInfo['OrbOcc'] orbInfo['iList'] = jobInfo['OrbOccInit'] - jobInfo['OrbOcc'] # Get orbGrp for event orbInfo['iOrbGrp'] = np.flatnonzero(orbInfo['iList']) + 1 # Find entries in orbTableX orbX = molInfo['orbTable'].where(molInfo['orbTable'].coords['OrbGrp'] == orbInfo['iOrbGrp'], drop = True) # Set orb properties to structure - mainly just taking relevant entries from orbTable, but will make for easier reference later. orbInfo['orbN'] =[0] orbInfo['orbSym'] = np.unique(molInfo['orbTable'].where(molInfo['orbTable'].coords['OrbGrp'] == orbInfo['iOrbGrp'], drop = True).coords['Sym']) orbInfo['orbIP'] = np.unique(molInfo['orbTable'].where(molInfo['orbTable'].coords['OrbGrp'] == orbInfo['iOrbGrp'], drop = True).sel(props = 'E')) orbInfo['orbIPH'] = np.unique(molInfo['orbTable'].where(molInfo['orbTable'].coords['OrbGrp'] == orbInfo['iOrbGrp'], drop = True).sel(props = 'EH')) orbInfo['orbIPnm'] = conv_ev_nm(orbInfo['orbIP']) orbInfo['orbIPcm'] = 1/orbInfo['orbIPnm']*1e7 orbInfo['threshold'] = np.abs(orbInfo['orbIPnm'])[0] return orbX, orbInfo except: print("*** getOrbInfo Failed to get orbital info, returning empty.") return None, None
# Print (LM) and symmetry sets with Pandas tables
[docs]def lmSymSummary(data): """Display summary info data tables. Works nicely in a notebook cell, with Pandas formatted table... but not from function? For a more sophisticated Pandas conversion, see :py:func:`epsproc.util.conversion.multiDimXrToPD` """ print('\n*** Index summary\n') test = data.Sym.to_pandas() print('Symmetry sets') print(test.unstack()) test = data.LM.to_pandas() print('\n(L,M) sets') print(test.unstack().T)