Source code for epsproc.util.misc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ePSproc convenience functions

Collection of small functions for sorting etc.


# import numpy as np
import re
import itertools
import os
from datetime import datetime

# import itertools   # For itertools.chain.from_iterable
from import Iterable   # For iterable checking

# import scipy.constants
# # Package fns.
# from epsproc.basicPlotters import molPlot

# Used for data type checking later, but may not be required if this can be done per data object?
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd

from epsproc.util.listFuncs import getRefDims
from epsproc.util.xrIO import splitComplexXR, combineComplexXR, sanitizeAttrsNetCDF

    from natsort import natsorted  # For natural sorting
    natsortFlag = True

except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'natsort'":
    print('* natsort not found, some sorting functions not available. ')
    natsortFlag = False

#***************** Convenience functions...

# Multistring replace
# See
[docs]def stringRepMap(string, replacements, ignore_case=False): """ Given a string and a replacement map, it returns the replaced string. :param str string: string to execute replacements on :param dict replacements: replacement dictionary {value to find: value to replace} :param bool ignore_case: whether the match should be case insensitive :rtype: str CODE from: ... more or less verbatim. Thanks to *bgusach* for the Gist. """ # If case insensitive, we need to normalize the old string so that later a replacement # can be found. For instance with {"HEY": "lol"} we should match and find a replacement for "hey", # "HEY", "hEy", etc. if ignore_case: def normalize_old(s): return s.lower() re_mode = re.IGNORECASE else: def normalize_old(s): return s re_mode = 0 replacements = {normalize_old(key): val for key, val in replacements.items()} # Place longer ones first to keep shorter substrings from matching where the longer ones should take place # For instance given the replacements {'ab': 'AB', 'abc': 'ABC'} against the string 'hey abc', it should produce # 'hey ABC' and not 'hey ABc' rep_sorted = sorted(replacements, key=len, reverse=True) rep_escaped = map(re.escape, rep_sorted) # Create a big OR regex that matches any of the substrings to replace pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep_escaped), re_mode) # For each match, look up the new string in the replacements, being the key the normalized old string return pattern.sub(lambda match: replacements[normalize_old(], string)
# Sort a 2D numpy array.
[docs]def arraySort2D(a, col): """ Sort np.array `a` by specified column `col`. From """ return a[a[:,col].argsort()]
# Set up lambdas for itertools groupby use in fileListSort (below) # Quick hack to get this working for different file-naming conventions. # TODO: make nicer & generalise. # TODO: consider cases with/without prefix str for single and multiple dirs - that's the main difference with prefixStr...? # 28/04/21 - currently broken for wavefn files, must have changed this for other purposes AFTER ? # Quick fix by also matching by file type for orb data files (.dat) # Should really use regex here!
[docs]def sortGroupFn(fListSorted, prefixStr): # (1) Original case, works for wavefunction files with naming convention # <jobSym>_<Eke>_Orb.dat, e.g. CH3ISA1CA1_1.0eV_Orb.dat # In this case, split and group on first part of file name partName = fListSorted[0].replace(prefixStr,'') if (len(partName.split('_')) < 2) or (partName.endswith('.dat')): return lambda x:x.replace(prefixStr,'').split('_')[0] # (2) Case for multi-E ePS job output files. # <job>.<orb>_<Sym>_<Eke>.out, e.g. N2O_wf.orb1_S_E1.0_6.0_97.0eV.inp.out # In this case, just group be prefix, which should be OK if only a single dir is set. # Should likely also check for file extension or other here? else: # return lambda x:prefixStr # Use prefix str only return lambda x:x.split('_E')[0] # Check from full name, no additional prefixStr required.
# Sort & group filenames
[docs]def fileListSort(fList, groupByPrefix=True, prefixStr = None, verbose=1): """ Sort a list of file names, and group by prefix. Note: this currently assumes a file name schema whereby split('_')[0] picks the grouping string. Note: os.path.commonprefix() is used for determining prefix, this may fail in some cases (e.g. for cases where a single file is passed, or files from different dirs). Pass prefix manaully in these cases. Returns ------- fListSorted, groupedList, prefixStr """ if natsortFlag: fListSorted = natsorted(fList) else: fListSorted = sorted(fList) # prefixStr = '' if groupByPrefix: if prefixStr is None: prefixStr = os.path.commonprefix(fListSorted) # Find common prefix if not passed. # Solution with itertools groupby # Adapted from # groupedList = [list(v) for k,v in itertools.groupby(fListSorted,key=lambda x:x.replace(prefixStr,'').split('_')[0])] groupedList = [list(v) for k,v in itertools.groupby(fListSorted,key=sortGroupFn(fListSorted, prefixStr))] if verbose: print(f"\n*** FileListSort \n Prefix: {prefixStr} \n {len(groupedList)} groups.") if verbose > 1: print("\n Grouped list:") print(*groupedList, sep = '\n') if len(fList) > 1: return fListSorted, groupedList, prefixStr else: return fList, fList, None
# Return a time-string for setting unique file names # May already have this elsewhere...?
[docs]def timeStamp(): """Get local time and return formatted string "%d-%m-%y_%H-%M-%S" for time-stamping filesnames.""" dt = return dt.strftime("%d-%m-%y_%H-%M-%S")
[docs]def setDefaultArgs(defaults={}, presetDict = {}, method = 'defaultKeys', **kwargs): """ Set default function arguments from dictionaries. Set and update defaults dict from presetDict and any other passed kwargs. Parameters ---------- defaults : dict, optional, default = {} Default values for function (which must be set). presetDict : dict, optional, default = {} Preset values, e.g. from another function or object. method : str, optional, default = 'defaultKeys' - defaultKeys: set outputs according to keys found in defaults.keys() only. - presetDictKeys: set outputs including *all* keys found in presetDict.keys(). Returns ------- defaults : dict Updated according to method. Note this is modified in-place unless a copy is explicitly passed to the function. """ # print(defaults) # print(kwargs) # Update defaults - could also use .update() if not None testing? See alt method below. if method == 'defaultKeys': for k in defaults.keys(): # Set from setDict if specified if (k in presetDict.keys()): defaults[k] = presetDict[k] # Set from kwargs if specified, except if None - allows for propagation of setDict setting. if (k in kwargs.keys()): # and (defaults[k] is None): if kwargs[k] is not None: defaults[k] = kwargs[k] # This will add ALL values to defaults - may be problematic in some cases. elif method == 'presetDictKeys': defaults.update(presetDict) {defaults[k]:v for k,v in defaults.items() if (k in kwargs.keys()) and (kwargs[k] is not None)} # for k in defaults.keys(): # # Set from kwargs if specified, except if None - allows for propagation of setDict setting. # if (k in kwargs.keys()): # and (defaults[k] is None): # if kwargs[k] is not None: # defaults[k] = kwargs[k] # print(defaults) return defaults
[docs]def checkDims(data, refDims = [], method = 'fast', forceStacked = False): """ Check dimensions for a data array (Xarray) vs. a reference list (or dict). Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Data array to check. refDims : str, list, dict, optional, default = [] Dims to check vs. input data array. If dict is passed only keys (==stacked dims) are tested. Update 06/06/22: now also checks unstacked refDims case & returns safe ref mapping. method : str, optional, default = 'fast' Set which properties to check. - 'fast' basic stacked/unstacked dim checks, suitable for selectors. - 'full' includes ND dim checks for dictionary conversion/unwrapping. This may be brittle. forceStacked : bool, optional, default = False Force stacked/mixed dim behaviour (pre-2022 style output) from list refDims input. Required for some routines (e.g. density.dimRestack()) to function. May break others (e.g. paramPlot())! Returns ------- dictionary Containing: - stacked and unstacked dims - stacked dim mappings - intersection and differences vs. refDims - safeStack for use with restack() function even if dims are missing. Examples -------- >>> # Return dim lists >>> ep.util.misc.checkDims(dataTest) >>> # Return dim lists >>> ep.util.misc.checkDims(dataTest) TODO: check and order dims by size? Otherwise set return is alphebetical TODO: tidy up mixed stacked/unstacked dim handling with refDims passed as list. 25/07/22 - additional checking on dims and to_index added - this previously failed for "0-dimensional" cases, which can appear after xr.squeeze(drop=False), AND for MultiIndex coords. This may be XR/PD version dependent too, tested in XR 0.19, Pandas 1.2.4 only. See notes in code for more details. 21/07/22 Removed `refDims[k] = [v]` to force ref dims to list - this breaks original IO code due to xr.sel() for singleton MultiIndex case. Update now reinstated, fixed issue with .copy() instead. 20/07/22 added forceStacked as optional flag to preserve old behaviour (pre-2022) for mixed cases. Otherwise missing sharedDimsStacked However forceStacked=True also breaks some other cases (e.g. paramPlot) - so may need to more carefully rework this. 23/06/22 Added support for non-dimensional coords. These are treated separately from dimensional coords, and mappings pushed to dict (for MultiIndex) or list (for Index). 06/06/22 Added better support for stacked refDims & remapping with refDims. Now also tests refDims items (unstacked dims), as well as keys (stacked dims). Added outputs 'extraUS', 'invalidUS', 'remap' May now be some repetition here, but didn't touch existing items to ensure back compatibility! 28/09/21 Added basic support for Pandas DataFrames, still needs some work. See for some thoughts. 26/08/21 Added additional tests for stacked dims vs. ref. Bit messy, but left as-is to avoid breaking old code. In future should amalgamate stacked & unstacked tests & tidy output. 23/08/21 Added stacked dim mapping output. 11/05/21 Added handling for stacked dims. """ # refDimsUS = [] # In most cases copy to avoid possible passed object overwrite, except for string. if not isinstance(refDims,str): refDims = refDims.copy() # Force to list to avoid breaking *unpacking later if not isinstance(refDims, (list, dict)): refDims = [refDims] # refDimsUS = [] # For stacked case, also get unstacked dims. if isinstance(refDims, dict): # refDimsUS = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(refDims.values())) # This can fail for mixed types with non-iterables # More robust flattening for all types - probably there is a cleaner way to do this however? refDimsUS = [] # v1 # for v in refDims.values(): # if isinstance(v, Iterable): # refDimsUS.extend(v) # else: # refDimsUS.append(v) # v2 - includes wrapping for non-iterables in refDims. Fixes issues with, e.g., refDims={'it':1} for k,v in refDims.items(): if isinstance(v, Iterable): refDimsUS.extend(v) else: refDimsUS.append(v) # 21/07/22 - actually this breaks main file IO for singleton items to xr.sel() for MultiIndex cases (see subselectDims() below). # May need to add a flag for this, or additional checks? # UPDATE: reinstated, but set explicit .copy() at input, which was the issue! refDims[k] = [v] # Also force to iterable for refDim, can cause issues later otherwise stacked = True else: refDimsUS = refDims # Case for unstacked refDims stacked = False if forceStacked: stacked = True # 20/07/22: added stacked=True here to preserve old behviour for mixed cases. # Otherwise missing sharedDimsStacked # May want to convert this to a passed flag to force? # However this also breaks some other cases - may need to more carefully rework this. # Set some empty defaults to allow PD return OK # TODO: tidy this up with better return! nonDimCoords = {} nonDimMap = {} nonDimStacked = {} nonDimDicts = {} nonDimDims = {} # Get dim names from Xarray if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray) or isinstance(data, xr.Dataset): # dims = data.dims # Set dim list - this excludes stacked dims # dimsUS = data.unstack().dims # Set unstaked (full) dim list # As above, but wrap to tuple - this should work for Dataset case which otherwise returns full frozen maps, and leave dataArray methods unaffected dims = tuple(data.dims) # Set dim list - this excludes stacked dims dimsUS = tuple(data.unstack().dims) # Set unstaked (full) dim list stackedDims = list(set(dims) - set(dimsUS)) stackedDimsMap = {k: list(data.indexes[k].names) for k in stackedDims} # Get stacked dim mapping from indexes (Xarray/Pandas) # Note list() wrapper to avoid pandas.core.indexes.frozen.FrozenList type. stackedComponents = sorted({x for v in stackedDimsMap.values() for x in v}) # Flat list of stacked dims only (not a map) # Could also do as sets below, e.g. set(dataDimsUS) - set(dataDims) # Update 10/06/22 # Additional tests for non-dimensional coords & mappings. # These may be stacked, are not listed in self.dims, and are not addressed by .unstack() idxKeys = list(data.indexes.keys()) coordsKeys = list(data.coords.keys()) nonDimCoords = list(set(coordsKeys) - set(idxKeys)) # Update 23/06/22 # Add non-dim maps too, and push to native types for dict/HDF5 IO # Needs work for robustness - currently throwing errors on basic ePS file IO, looks like "2D" singleton SF coord is the issue here, at `data.coords[k].to_index()`? # Similar issues for AFBLM data types, with XSraw non-dim coord. # NOW set with flag, can skip this in most cases. if method == 'full': # Get non-dim indexes # nddimIndexes = {k:data.coords[k].to_index() for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords} # Note this returns Pandas Indexes, so may fail on IO. # [print(k, data.coords[k].to_index()) for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords] # [print(k, data.coords[k]) for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords] try: nonDimMap = {k:list(data.coords[k].to_index().names) for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords} except: # 13/07/22 Added for testing - should be equivalent and also always work? # May need to replicate this fix for other cases below... nonDimMap = {k:list(data.coords[k].indexes.keys()) for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords} # 25/07/22 - additional checking on dims and to_index - this fails for "0-dimensional" cases, which can appear after xr.squeeze(drop=False), AND for MultiIndex coords. # This may be XR/PD version dependent too. # # TODO: Integrate all items into same loop for speed? # TODO: More testing, tested in XR 0.19, Pandas 1.2.4 only safeIndex = {} unsafeDims = [] for k,v in data.coords.items(): # print(k) if k in nonDimCoords: try: safeIndex[k] = data.coords[k].to_index() # if (k in nonDimCoords) and isinstance(dataTestSq.coords[k].to_index(),pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex): # nonDimStacked.append(k) except Exception as e: # print(f'Error {k}') if isinstance(e, ValueError) and (e.args[0] == 'IndexVariable objects must be 1-dimensional'): # Not sure if this is robust? Basic e.message doesn't exist in ValueError case? # Zero dimensional cases, to_index fails on these generally if data.coords[k].ndim == 0: unsafeDims.append([k, data.coords[k].ndim]) safeIndex[k] = data.coords[k].expand_dims(dim=k).to_index() # Fix index to 1D # >1 dimensional cases, data.coords[k].to_index fails on these generally, but data[k].coords.to_index() works? (Maybe XR version issue.) elif data.coords[k].ndim > 1: safeIndex[k] = data[k].coords.to_index() # For N>1 cases (Multiindex nested case, e.g. XSraw coords) this should work, although may not give expected return type? # E.g. In testing for AFBLM values # dataTest.coords['XSraw'].to_index() # Fails # dataTest['XSraw'].coords.to_index() # OK - returns PD MultiIndex else: raise(e) nonDimStacked = [k for k,v in data.coords.items() if (k in nonDimCoords) and isinstance(safeIndex[k],pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex)] # Get dict maps - to_dict per non-dim coord # nddimDicts = {k:data.coords[k].reset_index(k).to_dict() for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords} # Use Pandas - this allows direct dump of PD multiindex to dicts nonDimDicts = {k:safeIndex[k].to_frame().to_dict() for k,v in data.coords.items() if (k in nonDimCoords) and (k in nonDimStacked)} nonDimDicts.update({k:safeIndex[k].to_list() for k,v in data.coords.items() if (k in nonDimCoords) and (k not in nonDimStacked)}) # Get coords correlated to non-dim coords, need these to recreate original links & stacking (?) nonDimDims = {k:data.coords[k].dims for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords} #*** Code pre-25/07/22 without dim check # # nddimStacked = {k:type(data.coords[k].to_index()) for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords} # nonDimStacked = [k for k,v in data.coords.items() if (k in nonDimCoords) and isinstance(data.coords[k].to_index(),pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex)] # # # Get dict maps - to_dict per non-dim coord # # nddimDicts = {k:data.coords[k].reset_index(k).to_dict() for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords} # # Use Pandas - this allows direct dump of PD multiindex to dicts # nonDimDicts = {k:data.coords[k].to_index().to_frame().to_dict() for k,v in data.coords.items() if (k in nonDimCoords) and (k in nonDimStacked)} # nonDimDicts.update({k:data.coords[k].to_index().to_list() for k,v in data.coords.items() if (k in nonDimCoords) and (k not in nonDimStacked)}) # # Get coords correlated to non-dim coords, need these to recreate original links & stacking (?) # nonDimDims = {k:data.coords[k].dims for k,v in data.coords.items() if k in nonDimCoords} # else: # nonDimMap = {} # nonDimStacked = {} # nonDimDicts = {} # nonDimDims = {} # Get BOTH columns and index names & items from Pandas DataFrame elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): # Basic version # if isinstance(data.index, pd.MultiIndex): # print("*** Warning: checkDims doesn't yet support Pandas MultiIndex.") # # TODO: add full MultiIndex unstack/pull names here. See # # .index.names should work? But only for MultiIndex, or returns none? And for cols too? # # UPDATE: now added more general routine below, but doesn't differentiate between stacked & unstacked dims. # dims = [] # dimUS = [] # # else: # dims = data.columns.append(data.index.names) # Set dim list, assume this is both columns & rows # dimUS = [] # Get names & items from Pandas DataFrame # Assume that dim labels must be strings, skip if not, or if None # This currently gets both stacked & unstacked dims and puts these in a single list. dims = [] dimsUS = [] for item in ['columns','index']: base = getattr(data, item) #.to_list() if isinstance(base, pd.MultiIndex): # print(f"*** Warning: found MultiIndex for DataFrame data.{item} - checkDims doesn't yet support Pandas MultiIndex.") print(f"*** Warning: found MultiIndex for DataFrame data.{item} - checkDims may have issues with Pandas MultiIndex, but will try anyway.") # Get data.item and data.item.names for nameList in [base.to_list(), list(getattr(base, 'names'))]: dimsUS.extend((nameList if ((nameList[0] is not None) and (isinstance(nameList[0], str))) else [])) dims = dimsUS stackedDims = [] #list(set(dims) - set(dimsUS)) stackedDimsMap = {} # {k:data.index[k].names for k in stackedDims} # Get stacked dim mapping from indexes (Xarray/Pandas) stackedComponents = {} else: print(f'*** checkDims only supports xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset and pd.DataFrame, not passed data type: {type(data)}') return None # Check ref vs. full dim list (unstacked dims) sharedDims = list(set(dimsUS)&{*refDims}) # Intersection extraDims = list(set(dimsUS) - {*refDims}) # Difference invalidDims = list({*refDims} - set(dimsUS)) # Missing # 09/06/22 - added stacked flag here, and return empty otherwise. # Not sure if this may break old behviour in some cases? safeStack = {} if stacked: # Check also unstacked dims - this is useful in remapping cases extraDimsUS = list(set(dimsUS) - {*refDimsUS}) # Difference Unstacked invalidDimsUS = list({*refDimsUS} - set(dimsUS)) # Missing # 26/08/21 - added additional tests for stacked dims vs. ref, but may want to amalgamate with above? # TODO: tidy output too - separate dicts for stacked and unstacked dims? # Check ref vs. full dim list (stacked dims), note also unstacked dims subtracted to avoid duplicated dims. sharedDimsStacked = list(set(dims)&{*refDims} - set(dimsUS)) # Intersection extraDimsStacked = list(set(dims) - {*refDims} - set(dimsUS)) # Difference invalidDimsStacked = list({*refDims} - set(dims) - set(dimsUS)) # Missing # Set remapping dict for safe dims only for k in invalidDimsStacked: # if k in refDims.keys(): stackList = [item for item in refDims[k] if item not in invalidDimsUS] if stackList: safeStack[k] = stackList # Only assign if list NOT empty! else: extraDimsUS = [] invalidDimsUS = [] sharedDimsStacked = [] extraDimsStacked = [] invalidDimsStacked = [] # Test also missing dims overall missingDims = list({*refDims} - set(dimsUS) - set(dims)) # Missing # UDPATE: safeStack now set above. # Set remapping dict for safe dims only # safeRemap = list({*refDims} - {*invalidDimsStacked}) # safeStack = {} # This works # for k,v in refDims.items(): # if k in invalidDimsStacked: # safeRemap[k] = [item for item in v if item not in invalidDimsUS] # # Better (?) - only check missing stacked dims # if isinstance(refDims,dict): # This requires dict, otherwise stack not defined. # for k in invalidDimsStacked: # # if k in refDims.keys(): # stackList = [item for item in refDims[k] if item not in invalidDimsUS] # # if stackList: # safeStack[k] = stackList # Only assign if list NOT empty! # Return dict of lists and settings # return {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k !='data'} # May have issues with some legacy names! return {'dataDims':dims, 'dataDimsUS':dimsUS, 'refDims':refDims, 'refDimsUS':refDimsUS, 'shared':sharedDims, 'extra':extraDims, 'extraUS':extraDimsUS, 'invalid':invalidDims, 'invalidUS':invalidDimsUS, 'stacked':stackedDims, 'stackedMap':stackedDimsMap, 'stackedShared':sharedDimsStacked, 'stackedExtra':extraDimsStacked, 'stackedComponents':stackedComponents, 'stackedInvalid':invalidDimsStacked, 'missing':missingDims, 'safeStack':safeStack, 'stackedRef': stacked, 'nonDimCoords':nonDimCoords, 'nonDimMap':nonDimMap, 'nonDimStacked':nonDimStacked, 'nonDimDicts':nonDimDicts, 'nonDimDims':nonDimDims}
# Restack Xarray from refDims # def restack(data, refDims): # """ # Restack Xarray to conform to refDims. # # Wraps checkDims() and data.stack() for "safe" restacking even with missing dims. # # """ # # dimsDict = checkDims(data,refDims) # # data = data.stack(dimsDict['safeStack']) # # return data # Restack Xarray from refDims - IN PROGRESS!!!
[docs]def restack(data, refDims = None, conformDims = False, forceUnstack = True, addMissing = False, unstackExtra = False, dimMap = None, strDims = ['Cont','Targ','Total','Type'], verbose = True): """ Restack Xarray to conform to refDims. Wraps checkDims() and data.stack() for "safe" restacking even with missing dims. See also :py:func:`epsproc.density.dimRestack`, which handles remapping stacked dims. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Data to restack. refDims : optional, str, list or dict. Default = None. Reference dimensions - If None, use self.attrs['dataType'] - If string, use epsproc.util.listFuncs.dataTypesList()[refDims]['def'](sType='sDict') - If list, treat as unstacked ref dims (will do dim check and missing dims only). - If dict, treat as stacked dim mappings. conformDims : bool, default = False If True, conform stacked dims to ref as closely as possible, including adding missing dims and unstacking extra dims. This sets forceUnstack = True, addMissing = True and unstackExtra = True. Note that extra dims will not be deleted. forceUnstack : bool, default = True Unstack input DataArray before further manipulation if True. addMissing : bool, default = False Add missing (unstacked) dims if True. Note these are added as string or numerical coords, as defined by strDims. (Setting incorrect coord type can affect some selection functions, specifically lmplot()) unstackExtra : bool, default = False Unstack any extra stacked dims. Note that the dims are not removed, just unstacked. dimMap : dict, optional, default = None NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Map for dim renaming. strDims : list, default = ['Cont','Targ','Total','Type'] Settings for addMissing for string coord dims. verbose : bool, default = True Show extra output if True. Returns ------- Xarray : with restacked dims. Dict : output from checkDims() used to define the restacking. TODO: - Fix coord type issues, maybe define in dataTypesList? - Logging for before & after dims? """ daTest = data.copy() # Might be overkill # Set options to conform dims if conformDims: forceUnstack = True addMissing = True unstackExtra = True # if refDims is None: # try: # refDims = dataTypesList()[daTest.attrs['dataType']]['def'](sType='sDict') # except: # print("Input Xarray missing self.attrs['dataType']. Please set or pass refDims as string, list or dict to fix.") # # if isinstance(refDims, str): # refDims = dataTypesList()[refDims]['def'](sType='sDict') # Above now in function refDims = getRefDims(daTest, refType = refDims, sType='sDict') # dimsDict = checkDims(daTest,refDims) if forceUnstack: # and dimsDict: # TODO - check existing dims first, and only proceed if restacking required? daTest = daTest.unstack() # May not be necessary? But will allow for more complex cases. dimsDict = checkDims(daTest,refDims) # Add missing dims (uses UNSTACKED dim ref) if addMissing: for dim in dimsDict['invalidUS']: # Set for int vs. str labelled dims. # This works with existing lmplot routine OK if dim in strDims: daTest = daTest.expand_dims({dim: ['U']}) else: daTest = daTest.expand_dims({dim: [0]}) # daTest = daTest.expand_dims({dim: [0]}) if verbose: print(f'Added dim {dim}') dimsDict = checkDims(daTest,refDims) # Update dimsDict in case new dims are stacked # Unstack extra dims? if dimsDict['stackedExtra'] and unstackExtra: daTest = daTest.unstack(dimsDict['stackedExtra']) # Safe stack to match ref. if dimsDict['safeStack']: daTest = daTest.stack(dimsDict['safeStack']) return daTest, dimsDict
# Deconstruct stacked Xarray
[docs]def deconstructDims(data, returnType = 'xr', splitComplex = False): """ Deconstruction (unstack) for Xarray, including non-dimensional dims. Existing dim map is set to data.attrs['dimMaps']. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Object to deconstruct (flatten) returnType : str, optional, default = 'xr' Set return object type. - 'xr' Xarray object. - 'dict' return as dictionary. - 'all' return both types. Returns ------- Xarray and/or dictionary object according to returnType Examples -------- >>> # Decon to dict >>> safeDict = deconstructDims(array2).to_dict() >>> # Rebuild >>> xrFromDict = reconstructDims(xr.DataArray.from_dict(safeDict)) Notes ----- See discussion at """ xrDecon = data.copy() # Additional decon for complex valued terms # Note this always returns a dataset # Note need to run first, otherwise complex coords may persist in dimMap! if splitComplex: xrDecon = splitComplexXR(xrDecon) # xrDecon.attrs['dimMapsSplit'] = checkDims(xrDecon, method = 'full') # Map dims xrDecon.attrs['dimMaps'] = checkDims(xrDecon, method = 'full') # Unstack all coords xrDecon = xrDecon.unstack() # Remove non-dim coords # for nddim in xrDecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nonDimCoords']: # Remove only stacked non-dim coords # Should be OK as xr.to_dict() works for non-MultiIndex coords, although possible issues with links to stacked dims? for nddim in xrDecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nonDimStacked']: xrDecon = xrDecon.drop(nddim) if returnType == 'xr': return xrDecon elif returnType == 'dict': return xrDecon.to_dict() else: return xrDecon, xrDecon.to_dict()
[docs]def reconstructDims(data, dropna = True): """ Reconstruction (stack) for Xarray or dictonary, including non-dimensional dims. Uses dim map as set in data.attrs['dimMaps'], e.g. from array.attrs['dimMaps'] = checkDims(array, method = 'full'). This is also set by the :py:func:`epsproc.util.misc.deconstructDims()`__ routine. See also :py:func:`epsproc.util.misc.restack()`__ for restacking to specific data types without a dimMap. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray or dict Object to reconstruct (stack) Returns ------- Xarray Examples -------- >>> # Decon to dict, including dim unstacking >>> safeDict = deconstructDims(array, returnType='dict') >>> # Rebuild >>> xrFromDict = reconstructDims(safeDict) """ if isinstance(data, dict): xrRecon = xr.DataArray.from_dict(data) else: xrRecon = data.copy() # Restack coords # for stacked in xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['stackedDims']: # xrRecon = xrRecon.stack({stacked:xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['stackedDimsMap'][stacked]}) # # May need this after stacking? # if dropna: # xrRecon = xrRecon.dropna(stacked,how='all') if 'dimMaps' not in xrRecon.attrs.keys(): print("*** Can't reconstruct array, missing self.attrs['dimMaps']. For general restacking, try epsproc.util.misc.restack().") return xrRecon # Rebuild stacked dims. if xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['stacked']: xrRecon = xrRecon.stack(xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['stackedMap']) # May need this after stacking? if dropna: for dim in xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['stacked']: xrRecon = xrRecon.dropna(dim,how='all') # General non-dim coord rebuild # TODO: also need to handle non-stacked NDDIMs here, currently not flagged, but should check by type in mapping fn. # UPDATE: added this, but only works if DROPNA used above? Not sure if this is general. for nddim in xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nonDimCoords']: # Add nddim back into main XR array if nddim in xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nonDimStacked']: xrRecon.coords[nddim] = (xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nonDimDims'][nddim],pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nonDimDicts'][nddim]))) # OK else: # Set dim explicitly? # xrRecon.coords[nddim] = (xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nddimDims'][nddim],xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nddimDicts'][nddim]) # OK # print(nddim) # print(xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nddimDims'][nddim],xrRecon.attrs['dimMaps']['nddimDicts'][nddim]) # OK # Assume handled OK by xr? pass return xrRecon
# Subselect from sharedDims
[docs]def subselectDims(data, refDims = [], ignoreItems = False): """ Subselect dims from shared dim dict. Check dimensions for a data array (Xarray) vs. a reference list. Used to set safe selection criteria in matEleSelector. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Object to use for dims to check. refDims : dict or list Ref dims to compare against data. ignoreItems : bool, optional, default = False If True, only pass refDims.keys() to checkDims() Returns ------- Dict or list Safe selection criteria in format to match input refDims. 20/10/22: added ignoreItems option. If true, only refDims.keys() is tested. This is better for selectors which don't need to be tested vs. dims. Default behaviour is False, which matches original code. """ # Check dims if ignoreItems: dimSets = checkDims(data, list(refDims.keys())) else: dimSets = checkDims(data, refDims) # Subselect if isinstance(refDims,dict): # Return dim with only subselected keys, i.e. existing dims. return {k:v for k,v in refDims.items() if k in dimSets['shared']} else: if not isinstance(refDims, list): refDims = [refDims] # Force to list. # return dimSets['shared'] # Return shared dim list only. return [item for item in refDims if item in dimSets['shared']] # Return shared items with forced ordering to match inputs.