Source code for epsproc.util.listFuncs

ePSproc list functions.

Define data types and generate lists.

Main function for data types is :py:func:`dataTypesList`


import numpy as np
# import ..geomFunc.setPhaseConventions
from epsproc.geomFunc import setPhaseConventions

#************************** LIST functions

# Return list of standard dataArray dims for matrix elements
[docs]def matEdimList(sType = 'stacked'): """ Return standard list of dimensions for matrix elements. Parameters ---------- sType : string, optional, default = 'stacked' Selected 'stacked' or 'unstacked' dimensions. Set 'sDict' to return a dictionary of unstacked <> stacked dims mappings for use with xr.stack({dim mapping}). Returns ------- list : set of dimension labels. """ if sType == 'stacked': # stackedDims return ['LM', 'Eke', 'Sym', 'mu', 'it', 'Type'] elif sType == 'sDict': return {'LM':['l','m'],'Sym':['Cont', 'Targ', 'Total']} else: # unstackedDims return ['l','m', 'Eke', 'Cont', 'Targ', 'Total', 'mu', 'it', 'Type']
# Return list of standard dataArray dims for BLM values
[docs]def BLMdimList(sType = 'stacked'): """ Return standard list of dimensions for calculated BLM. Parameters ---------- sType : string, optional, default = 'stacked' Selected 'stacked' or 'unstacked' dimensions. Set 'sDict' to return a dictionary of unstacked <> stacked dims mappings for use with xr.stack({dim mapping}). Returns ------- list : set of dimension labels. """ if sType == 'stacked': # stackedDims return ['Euler', 'Eke', 'BLM'] elif sType == 'sDict': return {'BLM':['l','m'],'Euler':['P','T','C']} else: # unstackedDims return ['Eke', 'l', 'm', 'P', 'T', 'C']
# Return list of standard dataArray dims for BLM values
[docs]def YLMdimList(sType = 'stacked'): """ Return standard list of dimensions for calculated YLMs (spherical harmonics). Parameters ---------- sType : string, optional, default = 'stacked' Selected 'stacked' or 'unstacked' dimensions. Set 'sDict' to return a dictionary of unstacked <> stacked dims mappings for use with xr.stack({dim mapping}). Returns ------- list : set of dimension labels. """ if sType == 'stacked': # stackedDims return ['LM','Theta','Phi'] elif sType == 'sDict': return {'LM':['l','m']} else: # unstackedDims return ['l', 'm', 'Theta','Phi']
# Return list of standard dataArray dims for Euer angles
[docs]def eulerDimList(sType = 'stacked'): """ Return standard list of dimensions for frame definitions, from :py:func:`epsproc.sphCalc.setPolGeoms()`. Parameters ---------- sType : string, optional, default = 'stacked' Selected 'stacked' or 'unstacked' dimensions. Set 'sDict' to return a dictionary of unstacked <> stacked dims mappings for use with xr.stack({dim mapping}). Returns ------- list : set of dimension labels. """ if sType == 'stacked': # stackedDims return ['Euler'] elif sType == 'sDict': return {'Euler':eulerDimList(sType = 'unstacked')} else: # unstackedDims return ['Label','P','T','C']
# Return list of standard dataArray dims for Euer angles
[docs]def ADMdimList(sType = 'stacked'): """ Return standard list of dimensions for frame definitions, from :py:func:`epsproc.sphCalc.setADMs()`. Parameters ---------- sType : string, optional, default = 'stacked' Selected 'stacked' or 'unstacked' dimensions. Set 'sDict' to return a dictionary of unstacked <> stacked dims mappings for use with xr.stack({dim mapping}). Returns ------- list : set of dimension labels. """ if sType == 'stacked': # stackedDims return ['ADM','t'] elif sType == 'sDict': return {'ADM':['K','Q','S'],'t':'t'} else: # unstackedDims return ['K','Q','S','t']
[docs]def YLMtype(dtype=None,kind='complex', normType= 'ortho', csPhase= True, **kwargs): """ Return dict of specified YLM parameters. """ # return locals() # Set long name if required - bit redundant if dtype is None: if kind == 'complex': dtype = 'Complex harmonics' elif kind == 'real': dtype = 'Real harmonics' else: dtype = 'NA' # Allow for kwargs and unpack to base dict. out = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k != 'kwargs'} out.update(kwargs) return out
#**************** Master list fn. # Return a dict of allowed dataTypes, corresponding to ePS commands/file segments, or epsproc processed data.
[docs]def dataTypesList(): """ Return a dict of allowed dataTypes, corresponding to epsproc processed data. Each dataType lists 'source', 'desc' and 'recordType' fields. - 'source' fields correspond to ePS functions which get or generate the data. - 'desc' brief description of the dataType. - 'recordType' gives the required segment in ePS files (and associated parser). If the segment is not present in the source file, then the dataType will not be available. - 'def' provides definition function handle (if applicable). - 'dims' lists results from def(sType = 'sDict') TODO: best choice of data structure here? Currently nested dictionary. """ dataDict = {'BLM' : {'source':'epsproc.MFBLM', 'desc':'Calcualted MF beta parameters from epsproc.MFBLM(), based on dipole matrix elements from ePS.', 'recordType':'DumpIdy', 'dims': BLMdimList(sType = 'sDict'), 'def': BLMdimList }, 'matE' : {'source':'epsproc.IO.readMatEle', 'desc':'Raw photoionization matrix elements from ePS, DumpIdy command and file segments.', 'recordType':'DumpIdy', 'dims': matEdimList(sType = 'sDict'), 'def': matEdimList }, 'EDCS' : {'source':'epsproc.IO.readMatEle', 'desc':'Electron scattering DCS results from ePS, EDCS command and file segments.', 'recordType':'EDCS' }, 'XSect' : {'source':'CrossSection', 'desc':'Photoionziation cross section results from ePS, GetCro command and CrossSection file segments.', 'recordType':'CrossSection' }, 'TX' : {'source':'epsproc.MFPAD.mfpad', 'desc':'MF continuum wavefunction (E,theta,phi), expanded or summed over (l,m). Abs(TX)^2 gives the MFPAD.', 'recordType':'DumpIdy' }, 'Itp' : {'source':'epsproc.sphPlot.sphFromBLMPlot', 'desc':'Expansion of a set of parameters in spherical harmonics on a grid, usually defined as BLM(...) * YLM(theta,phi,...).', }, 'Wigner' : {'source':'epsproc.MFPAD.mfWignerDelay', 'desc':'Phase derivative of the MF continuum wavefunction (E,theta,phi), expanded or summed over (l,m), converted to temporal units.', 'recordType':'DumpIdy' }, 'Euler' : {'source':'epsproc.sphCalc.setPolGeoms()', 'desc':'Frame rotation definitions in terms of Euler angles and corresponding Quaternions.', 'dims':eulerDimList(sType = 'sDict'), 'def': eulerDimList }, 'ADM' : {'source':'epsproc.sphCalc.setADMs()', 'desc':'Defines ADMs, A(K,Q,S), for aligned frame distributions.', 'dims':ADMdimList(sType = 'sDict'), 'def':ADMdimList }, 'YLM' : {'source':'epsproc.sphCalc', 'desc':'Spherical harmonics from epsproc.sphCalc(), with various options.', 'dims': YLMdimList(sType = 'sDict'), 'def': YLMdimList }, 'phaseCons' : {'source':'epsproc.geomFunc.setPhaseConventions()', 'desc':'Defines sets of phase choices for calculations, implemented on in geomFuncs.', 'dims': setPhaseConventions(typeList = True), # Currently supported types, should integrate in fn. 'defns': [setPhaseConventions(item) for item in setPhaseConventions(typeList = True)], 'def': setPhaseConventions }, } return dataDict
# Get ref dims for self
[docs]def getRefDims(data = None, refType = None, sType = 'sDict'): """ Get ref dims from dataTypesList() using data or refType. Convenience wrapper for dataTypesList()[dataType]['def'](sType=sType). Parameters ---------- data : optional, Xarray Data to use for dataType = data.attrs['dataType'] refDims : optional, str, list or dict. Default = None. Reference dimensions - If None, use data.attrs['dataType'] - If string, use dataTypesList()[refDims]['def'](sType='sDict') - Other types will be ignored and returned. """ if refType is None: try: return dataTypesList()[data.attrs['dataType']]['def'](sType=sType) except: print("*** Input Xarray missing self.attrs['dataType'], can't get reference dimensions. To fix set missing attr, or pass refDims as string, list or dict.") return 0 if isinstance(refType, str): return dataTypesList()[refType]['def'](sType=sType) # For other refTypes just return. # This allows for ignoring dictionary or list refDim cases. else: return refType
#****** QN lists # Generate LM index from 0:Lmax # Should be able to use sf.LM_range here, but throwing type errors for some reason.
[docs]def genLM(Lmax, allM = True): """ Return array of (L,M) up to supplied Lmax If allM=False only M=0 terms will be set. TODO: add return type options, include conversion to SHtools types. """ # Loop version # LM = np.empty((Lmax * (Lmax + 2) + 1, 2), dtype=int) # n=0 # for L in np.arange(Lmax+1): # for M in np.arange(-L,L+1): # LM[n,:] = [L,M] # n+=1 # List version LM = [] for L in np.arange(Lmax+1): if allM: LM.extend(np.c_[np.tile(L,2*L+1), np.arange(-L,L+1)]) # LM.append([np.tile(L,2*L+1), np.arange(-L,L+1)]) else: LM.extend(np.c_[L, 0]) return np.asarray(LM)