Source code for epsproc.sphCalc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ePSproc spherical function calculations.

Collection of functions for calculating Spherical Tensors: Ylm, wignerD etc.

For spherical harmonics, currently using scipy.special.sph_harm

For other functions, using Moble's spherical_functions package

See tests/Spherical function testing Aug 2019.ipynb

04/12/19        Added `setPolGeoms()` to define frames as Xarray.
                Added `setADMs()` to define ADMs as Xarray
02/12/19        Added basic TKQ multipole frame rotation routine.
27/08/19        Added wDcalc for Wigner D functions.
14/08/19    v1  Implmented sphCalc


# Imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from scipy.special import sph_harm, lpmv
import spherical_functions as sf
import quaternion
import string

    from sympy.physics.quantum.spin import Rotation  # For basic frame rotation code, should update to use sf
except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'sympy'":
    print('* Sympy not found, some (legacy) sph functions may not be available. ')

# Pkg functions
from epsproc.util import listFuncs
# from .util.listFuncs import YLMtype

# Master function for setting geometries/frame rotations
[docs]def setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = None, quat = None, labels = None, vFlag = 2): """ Generate Xarray containing polarization geometries as Euler angles and corresponding quaternions. Define LF > MF polarization geometry/rotations. Provide either eulerAngs or quaternions, but not both (supplied quaternions only will be used in this case). For default case (eulerAngs = None, quat = None), 3 geometries are calculated, corresponding to z-pol, x-pol and y-pol cases. Defined by Euler angles: (p,t,c) = [0 0 0] for z-pol, (p,t,c) = [0 pi/2 0] for x-pol, (p,t,c) = [pi/2 pi/2 0] for y-pol. Parameters ---------- eulerAngs : list or np.array of Euler angles (p(hi), t(heta), c(hi)), optional. List or array [p,t,c...], shape (Nx3). List or array including set labels, [label,p,t,c...], shape (Nx4) quat : list or np.array of quaternions, optional. labels : list of labels, one per set of angles. Optional. If not set, states will be labelled numerically. vFlag : version of routine to use, optional, default = 2 Options: - 1, use labels as sub-dimensional coord. - 2, set labels as non-dimensional coord. Returns ------- RX : Xarray of quaternions, with Euler angles as dimensional params. To do ----- - Better label handling, as dictionary? With mixed-type array may get issues later. (sf.quaternion doesn't seem to have an issue however.) - Xarray MultiIndex with mixed types? Tested with pd - not supported: >>> eulerInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([eulerAngs[:,0].T, eulerAngs[:,1:].T.astype('float')], names = ['Label','P','T','C']) # Gives error: # NotImplementedError: > 1 ndim Categorical are not supported at this time Examples -------- >>> # Defaults >>> RXdefault = setPolGeoms() >>> print(RXdefault) >>> # Pass Eulers, no labels >>> pRot = [1.666, 0, np.pi/2] >>> tRot = [0, np.pi/2, np.pi/2] >>> cRot = [-1.5, 0, 0] >>> eulerAngs = np.array([pRot, tRot, cRot]).T >>> RXePass = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs) >>> print(RXePass) >>> # Pass labels separately >>> RXePass = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs, labels = ['1','23','ff']) >>> print(RXePass) >>> # Pass Eulers with existing labels >>> labels = ['A','B','C'] >>> eulerAngs = np.array([labels, pRot, tRot, cRot]).T >>> RXePass = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs) >>> print(RXePass) >>> # Pass Quaternions and labels >>> RXqPass = setPolGeoms(quat = RXePass, labels = labels) >>> print(RXqPass) >>> # Pass both - only quaternions will be used in this case, and warning displayed. >>> RXqeTest = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs, quat = RXePass, labels = labels) >>> print(RXqeTest) """ # Default case, set (x,y,z) geometries if (eulerAngs is None) and (quat is None): # As arrays, with labels pRot = [0, 0, np.pi/2] tRot = [0, np.pi/2, np.pi/2] cRot = [0, 0, 0] labels = ['z','x','y'] eulerAngs = np.array([labels, pRot, tRot, cRot]).T # List form to use later, rows per set of angles # Get quaternions from Eulers, if provided or as set above for default case. if eulerAngs is not None: if type(eulerAngs) is not np.ndarray: # eulerAngs = np.asarray(eulerAngs) eulerAngs = np.array(eulerAngs, ndmin=2) # 11/05/21 added to force ndmin for single element list case. elif eulerAngs.ndim == 1: eulerAngs = np.expand_dims(eulerAngs, 0) # 11/05/21 added to force ndmin for single element list case. if eulerAngs.shape[1] == 3: if labels is None: # Set labels if missing, alphabetic or numeric if eulerAngs.shape[0] < 27: labels = list(string.ascii_uppercase[0:eulerAngs.shape[0]]) else: labels = np.arange(1,eulerAngs.shape[0]+1) elif not isinstance(labels, (list, np.ndarray)): # 11/05/21 added to fix for single element non-list case. labels = [labels] eulerAngs = np.c_[labels, eulerAngs] # If quaternions are passed, set corresponding Eulers if quat is not None: eulerFromQuat = quaternion.as_euler_angles(quat) # Set Eulers from quaternions if labels is None: # Set labels if missing labels = np.arange(1,eulerFromQuat.shape[0]+1) if eulerAngs is not None: print('***Warning: Euler angles and Quaternions passed, using Quaternions only.') eulerAngs = np.c_[labels, eulerFromQuat] # Otherwise set from Eulers else: quat = quaternion.from_euler_angles(eulerAngs[:,1:]) # Convert Eulers to quaternions #*** Set up Xarray if vFlag == 1: # v1 keep Labels as subdim. # This works, and allows selection by label, but Euler coords may be string type # Set Pandas MultiIndex - note transpose for eulerAngs to (angs,set) order eulerInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(eulerAngs.T, names = ['Label','P','T','C']) # Create Xarray RX = xr.DataArray(quat, coords={'Euler':eulerInd}, dims='Euler') RX.attrs['dataType'] = 'Euler' elif vFlag == 2: # v2 Labels as non-dim coords. # Doesn't allow selection, but keeps Euler coords as floats in all cases. Euler = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(eulerAngs[:,1:].T.astype('float'), names = ['P','T','C']) RX = xr.DataArray(quat, coords={'Euler':Euler,'Labels':('Euler',eulerAngs[:,0].T)}, dims='Euler') RX.attrs['dataType'] = 'Euler' else: print('***Version not recognized') return RX
# Create Xarray from set of ADMs - adapted from existing blmXarray()
[docs]def setADMs(ADMs = [0,0,0,1], KQSLabels = None, t = None, addS = False, name = None, tUnits = 'ps'): """ Create Xarray from ADMs, or create default case ADM(K,Q,S) = [0,0,0,1]. Parameters ---------- ADMs : list or np.array, default = [0,0,0,1] Set of ADMs = [K, Q, S, ADM]. If multiple ADMs are provided per (K,Q,S) index, they are set to the t axis (if provided), or indexed numerically. KQSLabels : list or np.array, optional, default = None If passed, assume ADMs are unabelled, and use (K,Q,S) indicies provided here. t : list or np.array, optional, default = None If passed, use for dimension defining ADM sets (usually time). Defaults to numerical label if not passed, t = np.arange(0,ADMs.shape[1]) addS : bool, default = False If set, append S = 0 to ADMs. This allows for passing of [K,Q,ADM] type values (e.g. for symmetric top case) name : str, optional, default = None Set a name for the array. If None, will be set to 'ADM' (same as dataType attrib) tUnits : str, optional, default = 'ps' Units for temporal axis, if set. Returns ------- ADMX : Xarray ADMs in Xarray format, dims as per :py:func:`epsproc.utils.ADMdimList()` Examples --------- >>> # Default case >>> ADMX = setADMs() >>> ADMX >>> # Set with ranges (as an array [K,Q,S, t(0), t(1)...]), with values per t >>> tPoints = 10 >>> ADMX = setADMs(ADMs = [[0,0,0, *np.ones(10)], [2,0,0, *np.linspace(0,1,tPoints)], [4,0,0, *np.linspace(0,0.5,tPoints)]]) >>> # With full N2 rotational wavepacket ADM set from demo data (ePSproc\data\alignment), where modPath defines root... >>> # Load ADMs for N2 >>> from import loadmat >>> ADMdataFile = os.path.join(modPath, 'data', 'alignment', 'N2_ADM_VM_290816.mat') >>> ADMs = loadmat(ADMdataFile) >>> ADMX = setADMs(ADMs = ADMs['ADM'], KQSLabels = ADMs['ADMlist'], addS = True) >>> ADMX """ # Check size of passed set of ADMs # For ease of manipulation, just change to np.array if necessary! if isinstance(ADMs, list): ADMs = np.array(ADMs, ndmin = 2) # Set lables explicitly if not passed, and resize ADMs if KQSLabels is None: if addS: KQSLabels = ADMs[:,0:2] KQSLabels = np.c_[KQSLabels, np.zeros(KQSLabels.shape[0])] ADMs = ADMs[:,2:] else: KQSLabels = ADMs[:,0:3] ADMs = ADMs[:,3:] else: if addS: KQSLabels = np.c_[KQSLabels, np.zeros(KQSLabels.shape[0])] # Add S for labels passed case # Set indexing, default to numerical if t is None: t = np.arange(0,ADMs.shape[1]) tUnits = 'Index' # Set up Xarray QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(KQSLabels.real.T.astype('int8'), names = ['K','Q','S']) # Set lables, enforce type ADMX = xr.DataArray(ADMs, coords={'ADM':QNs,'t':t}, dims = ['ADM','t']) # Metadata if name is None: = 'ADM' else: = name ADMX.attrs['dataType'] = 'ADM' ADMX.attrs['long_name'] = 'Axis distribution moments' # Set units ADMX.attrs['units'] = 'arb' ADMX.t.attrs['units'] = tUnits return ADMX
# General BLM setter for using with custom values. # 04/04/22: hacking in as per existing setADMs() and cf. also blmXarray(). # TODO: implement dim remapping, see PEMtk.toePSproc()
[docs]def setBLMs(BLMs = [0,0,1], LMLabels = None, # keyDims = {}, t = None, name = None, tUnits = 'ps', conformDims = False, **kwargs): """ Create Xarray from BLMs, or create default case BLM = [0,0,1]. Parameters ---------- BLMs : list or np.array, default = [0,0,1] Set of BLMs = [L, M, BLM]. If multiple BLMs are provided per (L,M) index, they are set to the E or t axis (if provided), or indexed numerically. LMLabels : list or np.array, optional, default = None If passed, assume BLMs are unabelled, and use (L,M) indicies provided here. t : list or np.array, optional, default = None If passed, use for dimension defining BLM sets (usually time or energy). Defaults to numerical label if not passed, t = np.arange(0,ADMs.shape[1]) name : str, optional, default = None Set a name for the array. If None, will be set to 'ADM' (same as dataType attrib) tUnits : str, optional, default = 'ps' Units for t axis, if set. conformDims : bool, optional, default = False Add any missing dims to match ep.listFuncs.BLMdimList. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED - see PEMtk.toePSproc() for method. Returns ------- BLMX : Xarray BLMs in Xarray format, dims as per :py:func:`epsproc.utils.BLMdimList()` TODO: - Implemnt conformDims, see PEMtk.toePSproc() for method. - General handling for additional dims, currently only 't' supported. Should change to dict mapping. Examples --------- >>> # Default case >>> BLMX = setBLMs() >>> BLMX >>> # Set with ranges (as an array [L,M, t(0), t(1)...]), with values per t >>> tPoints = 10 >>> BLMX = setBLMs(ADMs = [[0,0, *np.ones(10)], [2,0, *np.linspace(0,1,tPoints)], [4,0, *np.linspace(0,0.5,tPoints)]]) """ # Check size of passed set of ADMs # For ease of manipulation, just change to np.array if necessary! if isinstance(BLMs, list): BLMs = np.array(BLMs, ndmin = 2) # Force additional dim for 1D case elif isinstance(BLMs, np.ndarray): if BLMs.ndim < 2: BLMs = BLMs[:,np.newaxis] # Set lables explicitly if not passed, and resize ADMs if LMLabels is None: LMLabels = BLMs[:,0:2] BLMs = BLMs[:,2:] # Set indexing, default to numerical if t is None: t = np.arange(0,BLMs.shape[1]) tUnits = 'Index' # Set up Xarray QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(LMLabels.real.T.astype('int8'), names = ['l','m']) # Set lables, enforce type BLMX = xr.DataArray(BLMs, coords={'BLM':QNs,'t':t}, dims = ['BLM','t']) # Metadata if name is None: = 'BLM' else: = name BLMX.attrs['dataType'] = 'BLM' BLMX.attrs['long_name'] = 'Beta parameters' # Set units BLMX.attrs['units'] = 'arb' BLMX.t.attrs['units'] = tUnits # Set defaults for harmonics BLMX.attrs['harmonics'] = listFuncs.YLMtype(**kwargs) if conformDims: print("*** ConformDims NOT YET IMPLEMENTED - see PEMtk.toePSproc() for method.") return BLMX
# Calculate a set of sph function
[docs]def sphCalc(Lmax = 2, Lmin = 0, res = None, angs = None, XFlag = True, fnType = 'sph', convention = 'phys', conj = False, realCSphase = False): r''' Calculate set of spherical harmonics Ylm(theta,phi) on a grid. Parameters ---------- Lmax : int Maximum L for the set. Ylm calculated for Lmin:Lmax, all m. Lmin : int, optional, default 0 Min L for the set. Ylm calculated for Lmin:Lmax, all m. res : int or list, optional, default None (Theta, Phi) grid resolution, outputs will be of dim [res,res] (if int) or [res[0], res[1]] (if list). angs : list of 2D np.arrays, [thetea, phi], optional, default None If passed, use these grids for calculation. NOTE: if 'maths' convention set, this array will be assumed to be [phi, theta] XFlag : bool, optional, default True Flag for output. If true, output is Xarray. If false, np.arrays fnType : str, optional, default = 'sph' Currently can set to 'sph' for SciPy spherical harmonics, or 'lg' for SciPy Legendre polynomials. 23/09/22 - hacked in 'complex' and 'real' here too, but TODO: split by kind and backend. More backends to follow. convention : str, optional, default = 'phys' Set to 'phys' (theta from z-axis) or 'maths' (phi from z-axis) spherical polar conventions. (Might need some work!) conj : bool, optional, default = False Return complex conjugate. realCSphase : bool, optional, default = False Apply (-1)^m term in real harmonics calc. Generally will already be included in complex spherical harmonics defn., so can be left as False. Note that either res OR angs needs to be passed. Outputs ------- - if XFlag - YlmX 3D Xarray, dims (lm,theta,phi) - else - Ylm, lm 3D np.array of values, dims (lm,theta,phi), plus list of lm pairs Methods ------- Currently set for scipy.special.sph_harm as calculation routine. Note (theta, phi) definition, and normalisation. .. math:: \begin{equation} Y_{l,m}(\theta,\phi) = (-1)^m\sqrt{\frac{2l+1}{4\pi} \frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!}}e^{i m \phi} P^m_l(\cos(\theta)) \end{equation} And for real harmonics: .. math:: \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} Y_{\ell m}&={\begin{cases}{\sqrt {2}}\,\Im [{Y_{\ell }^{|m|}}]&{\text{if}}\ m\lt0 \\Y_{\ell }^{0}&{\text{if}}\ m=0 \\{\sqrt {2}}\,\Re [{Y_{\ell }^{m}}]&{\text{if}}\ m\gt0.\end{cases}} \end{aligned} \end{equation} See Demos: - Complex: - Real: - For scipy backend, realCSphase = False case matches SHtools defn, see Example ------- >>> YlmX = sphCalc(2, res = 50) Notes ----- TODO: - additional backends. - remove hard-coded dim names for flexibility (or set from ref YLMdimList()) - remove 'fnType' and/or use 'kind' instead (SHtool notation) ''' # Check if res is 1D or 2D if passed if res is not None: if isinstance(res, int): res = [res, res] # Set coords based on inputs # TODO: better code here (try/fail?) # TODO: 03/09/20 checking/testing coords defns, needs a tidy up (or just remove) if angs is None and res: if convention == 'maths': # theta, phi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res),np.linspace(0,np.pi,res)) TP = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res[0]),np.linspace(0,np.pi,res[1])) elif convention == 'phys': # phi, theta = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res),np.linspace(0,np.pi,res)) TP = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,np.pi,res[0]),np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res[1])) elif res is None and angs: # theta = angs[0] # phi = angs[1] if convention == 'maths': TP = angs.T else: TP = angs # Used passed angs directly. else: print('Need to pass either res or angs.') return False # Loop over lm and calculate # TODO: rewrite loop with fn handles set. lm = [] Ylm = [] for l in np.arange(Lmin,Lmax+1): for m in np.arange(-l,l+1): lm.append([l, m]) if (fnType == 'sph') or (fnType == 'complex'): # 23/09/22 - hacked in 'complex' here too, but TODO: split by kind and backend if convention == 'maths': # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,theta,phi)) Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,TP[0],TP[1])) # For SciPy.special.sph_harm() 'maths' convention is enforced. elif convention == 'phys': # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,phi,theta)) Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,TP[1],TP[0])) # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,TP[0],TP[1])) # Pass arrays by ind to allow for different conventions above. elif fnType == 'lg': # Ylm.append(lpmv(m,l,np.cos(phi))) if convention == 'maths': Ylm.append(lpmv(m,l,np.cos(TP[1]))) # For SciPy.special.lpmv() 'maths' convention is enforced. elif convention == 'phys': Ylm.append(lpmv(m,l,np.cos(TP[0]))) # Generate REAL harmonics as linear combinations of re + im parts. elif fnType == 'real': if convention == 'maths': # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,theta,phi)) # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,TP[0],TP[1])) # For SciPy.special.sph_harm() 'maths' convention is enforced. spC = sph_harm(np.abs(m),l,TP[0],TP[1]) elif convention == 'phys': # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,phi,theta)) # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,TP[1],TP[0])) spC = sph_harm(np.abs(m),l,TP[1],TP[0]) # Method adapted from # See also # NOTE: Condon-Shortley phase (-1)**np.abs(m) removed here, since it's in the Ylm defn. already. # Although may be required if not using abs(m) above? # UPDATE: now added as an option, may be needed for some back-ends. # For scipy backend, realCSphase = False case matches SHtools defn, see if realCSphase: phase = (-1)**np.abs(m) else: phase = 1 if m < 0: # Ylm.append(np.sqrt(2) * (-1)**np.abs(m) * spC.imag) Ylm.append(phase * np.sqrt(2) * spC.imag) elif m > 0: # Ylm.append(np.sqrt(2) * (-1)**np.abs(m) * spC.real) Ylm.append(phase * np.sqrt(2) * spC.real) else: Ylm.append(spC.real) # Force real for m=0 else: print(f"fnType {fnType} not supported.") # Return as Xarray or np arrays. if XFlag: # Set indexes QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(np.asarray(lm).T, names = ['l','m']) # YlmX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(Ylm), coords=[('LM',QNs), ('Theta',theta[0,:]), ('Phi',phi[:,0])]) # YlmX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(Ylm), coords=[('LM',QNs), ('Theta', TP[0][0,:]), ('Phi', TP[1][:,0])]) YlmX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(Ylm), coords=[('LM',QNs), ('Phi', TP[1][:,0]), ('Theta', TP[0][0,:])]) # Fixed dim ordering for SciPy maths convention. # Metadata if (fnType == 'sph') or (fnType == 'real') or (fnType == 'complex'): # Define meta data fnName = 'scipy.special.sph_harm' # Should generalise to fn.__name__ - although may be less informative. # Set attrs = 'YLM' YlmX.attrs['dataType'] = 'YLM' YlmX.attrs['long_name'] = 'Spherical harmonics' # YlmX.attrs['harmonics'] = {'dtype':'Complex harmonics', # 'kind':'complex', # 'normType': 'ortho', # 'csPhase': True # } # YlmX.attrs['harmonics'] = epsproc.util.listFuncs.YLMtype() YlmX.attrs['harmonics'] = listFuncs.YLMtype() # Update attrs for real type only if fnType == 'real': YlmX.attrs['harmonics'] = listFuncs.YLMtype(dtype='Real harmonics',kind='real') if fnType == 'lg': # Define meta data fnName = 'scipy.special.lpmv' normType = None csPhase = True = 'PL' YlmX.attrs['dataType'] = 'PL' YlmX.attrs['long_name'] = 'Legendre polynomials' # YlmX.attrs['harmonics'] = {'dtype':'Legendre polynomials', # 'kind':'complex', # 'normType': None, # 'csPhase': True # } # YlmX.attrs['harmonics'] = epsproc.util.listFuncs.YLMtype(dtype='Legendre polynomials', normType= None) YlmX.attrs['harmonics'] = listFuncs.YLMtype(dtype='Legendre polynomials', normType= None) # Set units YlmX.attrs['units'] = 'arb' # Set other attribs YlmX.attrs['harmonics'].update({'method': {fnType:fnName}, 'conj':conj, 'keyDims':{'LM':['l','m']}, 'Lrange':[Lmin,Lmax], 'res':res, 'convention':convention}) if conj: return YlmX.conj() else: return YlmX else: if conj: return np.conj(np.asarray(Ylm)), np.asarray(lm) else: return np.asarray(Ylm), np.asarray(lm)
# Calculate wignerD functions # Adapted directly from Matlab code, # via Jupyter test Notebook "Spherical function testing Aug 2019.ipynb"
[docs]def wDcalc(Lrange = [0, 1], Nangs = None, eAngs = None, R = None, XFlag = True, QNs = None, dlist = ['lp','mu','mu0'], eNames = ['P','T','C'], conjFlag = False, sfError = True, verbose = False): ''' Calculate set of Wigner D functions D(l,m,mp; R) on a grid. Parameters ---------- Lrange : list, optional, default [0, 1] Range of L to calculate parameters for. If len(Lrange) == 2 assumed to be of form [Lmin, Lmax], otherwise list is used directly. For a given l, all (m, mp) combinations are calculated. QNs : np.array, optional, default = None List of QNs [l,m,mp] to compute Wigner D terms for. If supplied, use this instead of Lrange setting. Options for setting angles (use one only): Nangs : int, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Ranges will be set as (theta, phi, chi) = (0:pi, 0:pi/2, 0:pi) in Nangs steps. eAngs : np.array, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Array of angles, [theta,phi,chi], in radians R : np.array, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Array of quaternions, as given by quaternion.from_euler_angles(eAngs). XFlag : bool, optional, default True Flag for output. If true, output is Xarray. If false, np.arrays dlist : list, optional, default ['lp','mu','mu0'] Labels for Xarray QN dims. eNames : list, optional, default ['P','T','C'] Labels for Xarray Euler dims. conjFlag : bool, optional, default = False If true, return complex conjuage values. sfError : bool, optional, default = None If not None, set `sf.error_on_bad_indices = sfError` If True (default case), this will raise a value error on bad QNs. If False, set = 0. See code at **05/05/21 - added, but CURRENTLY NOT WORKING** Outputs ------- - if XFlag - wDX Xarray, dims (lmmp,Euler) - else - wD, R, lmmp np.arrays of values, dims (lmmp,Euler), plus list of angles and lmmp sets. Methods ------- Uses Moble's spherical_functions package for wigner D function. Moble's quaternion package for angles and conversions. For testing, see Examples -------- >>> wDX1 = wDcalc(eAngs = np.array([0,0,0])) >>> wDX2 = wDcalc(Nangs = 10) ''' # Set QNs for calculation, (l,m,mp) if len(Lrange) == 2: Ls = np.arange(Lrange[0], Lrange[1]+1) else: Ls = Lrange # Set QNs based on Lrange if not passed to function. if QNs is None: QNs = [] for l in Ls: for m in np.arange(-l, l+1): for mp in np.arange(-l, l+1): QNs.append([l, m, mp]) QNs = np.array(QNs) # Set angles - either input as a range, a set or as quaternions if Nangs is not None: # Set a range of Eugler angles for testing pRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi,Nangs) tRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2,Nangs) cRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi,Nangs) eAngs = np.array([pRot, tRot, cRot,]).T if eAngs is not None: if eAngs.shape[-1] != 3: # Check dims, should be (N X 3) for quaternion... but transpose for pd.MultiIndex eAngs = eAngs.T else: if R is not None: eAngs = quaternion.as_euler_angles(R) # Set Eulers from quaternions if R is None: # Convert to quaternions R = quaternion.from_euler_angles(eAngs) # Calculate WignerDs # 05/05/21 - Testing term skipping here and try/except below for afpad routine with sub-selected polarization terms, which currently sets some invalid QNs. # Setting sf.error here currently doesn't work - may be version or scope issue? Use in try/except in main loop instead, also with option of skipping terms. # Term skipping may be problematic, since it changes size of QNs array, so left as setting zeros for now. if sfError is not None: sf.error_on_bad_indices = sfError # sf.Wigner_D_element is vectorised for QN OR angles # Here loop over QNs for a set of angles R wD = [] lmmp = [] for n in np.arange(0, QNs.shape[0]): try: if conjFlag: wD.append(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2]).conj()) else: wD.append(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2])) lmmp.append(QNs[n,:]) except ValueError: # Set to zero to maintain array dims if sfError: if verbose: print(f'*** WignerD calc invalid (l,m,m) term ({QNs[n,0]}, {QNs[n,1]}, {QNs[n,2]}) set to 0') lmmp.append(QNs[n,:]) wD.append(0.0) else: if verbose: print(f'*** WignerD calc skipping invalid (l,m,m) term ({QNs[n,0]}, {QNs[n,1]}, {QNs[n,2]})') # Return values as Xarray or np.arrays if XFlag: # Put into Xarray #TODO: this will currently fail for a single set of QNs. QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(np.asarray(lmmp).T, names = dlist) if (eAngs is not None) and (eAngs.size == 3): # Ugh, special case for only one set of angles. Euler = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[eAngs[0]],[eAngs[1]],[eAngs[2]]], names = eNames) wDX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(wD), coords=[('QN',QNs)]) wDX = wDX.expand_dims({'Euler':Euler}) else: Euler = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(eAngs.T, names = eNames) wDX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(wD), coords=[('QN',QNs), ('Euler',Euler)]) return wDX else: return wD, R, np.asarray(lmmp).T
#*** Basic frame rotation code, see # Define frame rotation of state multipoles. # Eqn. 4.41 in Blum (p127) # Currently a bit ugly! # Also set for numerical output only, although uses Sympy functions which can be used symbolically. # Pass TKQ np.array [K,Q,TKQ], eAngs list of Euler angles (theta,phi,chi) to define rotation.
[docs]def TKQarrayRot(TKQ,eAngs): r""" Frame rotation for multipoles $T_{K,Q}$. Basic frame rotation code, see for examples. Parameters ---------- TKQ : np.array Values defining the initial distribution, [K,Q,TKQ] eAngs : list or np.array List of Euler angles (theta,phi,chi) defining rotated frame. Returns ------- TKQRot : np.array Multipoles $T'_{K,Q}$ in rotated frame, as an np.array [K,Q,TKQ]. TODO: redo with Moble's functions, and Xarray input & output. Formalism ---------- For the state multipoles, frame rotations are fairly straightforward (Eqn. 4.41 in Blum): .. math:: \begin{equation} \left\langle T(J',J)_{KQ}^{\dagger}\right\rangle =\sum_{q}\left\langle T(J',J)_{Kq}^{\dagger}\right\rangle D(\Omega)_{qQ}^{K*} \end{equation} Where $D(\Omega)_{qQ}^{K*}$ is a Wigner rotation operator, for a rotation defined by a set of Euler angles $\Omega=\{\theta,\phi,\chi\}$. Hence the multipoles transform, as expected, as irreducible tensors, i.e. components $q$ are mixed by rotation, but terms of different rank $K$ are not. """ TKQRot = [] thres = 1E-5 Kmax = 6 # Easy way - loop over possible output values & sum based on input TKQ. Can probably do this in a smarter way. for K in range(0,Kmax+1): for q in range(-K,K+1): # Set summation variable and add relevant terms from summation TKQRotSum = 0.0 for row in range(TKQ.shape[0]): Kin = TKQ[row][0] Qin = TKQ[row][1] if Kin == K: Dval = Rotation.D(K,Qin,q,eAngs[0],eAngs[1],eAngs[2]) TKQRotSum += conjugate(Dval.doit())*TKQ[row][2] else: pass if np.abs(N(TKQRotSum)) > thres: TKQRot.append([K,q,N(TKQRotSum)]) # Use N() here to ensure Sympy numerical output only return np.array(TKQRot)
# 05/12/19 Rewriting with new eAngs and ADM defns... (Xarrays)
[docs]def TKQarrayRotX(TKQin, RX, form = 2): r""" Frame rotation for multipoles $T_{K,Q}$. Basic frame rotation code, see for examples. Parameters ---------- TKQin : Xarray Values defining the initial distribution, [K,Q,TKQ]. Other dimensions will be propagated. RX : Xarray defining frame rotations, from :py:func:`epsproc.setPolGeoms()` List of Euler angles (theta,phi,chi) and corresponding quaternions defining rotated frame. Returns ------- TKQRot : Xarray Multipoles $T'_{K,Q}$ in rotated frame, as an np.array [K,Q,TKQ]. Formalism ---------- For the state multipoles, frame rotations are fairly straightforward (Eqn. 4.41 in Blum): .. math:: \begin{equation} \left\langle T(J',J)_{KQ}^{\dagger}\right\rangle =\sum_{q}\left\langle T(J',J)_{Kq}^{\dagger}\right\rangle D(\Omega)_{qQ}^{K*} \end{equation} Where $D(\Omega)_{qQ}^{K*}$ is a Wigner rotation operator, for a rotation defined by a set of Euler angles $\Omega=\{\theta,\phi,\chi\}$. Hence the multipoles transform, as expected, as irreducible tensors, i.e. components $q$ are mixed by rotation, but terms of different rank $K$ are not. Examples -------- >>> vFlag = 2 >>> RX = ep.setPolGeoms(vFlag = vFlag) # Package version >>> RX >>> testADMX = ep.setADMs(ADMs=[[0,0,0,1],[2,0,0,0.5]]) >>> testADMX >>> testADMrot, wDX, wDXre = TKQarrayRotX(testADMX, RX) >>> testADMrot >>> testADMrot.attrs['dataType'] = 'ADM' >>> sph, _ = sphFromBLMPlot(testADMrot, facetDim = 'Euler', plotFlag = True) """ # Check dataType and rename if required if TKQin.dataType == 'ADM': TKQ = TKQin.copy() elif TKQin.dataType == 'BLM': TKQ = TKQin.copy().unstack('BLM').rename({'l':'K','m':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) else: print('***TKQ dataType not recognized, skipping frame rotation.') return None, None, None # Test if S is set, and flag for later # Better way to get MultiIndexes here? if 'S' in TKQ.unstack().dims: # incS = TKQ.S.pipe(np.abs).values.max() > 0 incS = True else: incS = False # If S = 0, apply basic TKQ transformation # if not incS: #*** Formulate using existing style (looped) # # Loop over rotations, extract quaternion value from Xarray (better way to do this...?) # # Note this will fail for looping over RX, then taking values - seems to give size=1 array which throws errors... weird... # for R in RX.values: # # Loop over input K values, for all Q # for Kin in ADMX.K: # # Set QNs # # Rotation matrix elements # sf.Wigner_D_element(R, QNs) #*** Formulate using existing wDX code, then multiply - should be faster and transparent (?), and allow multiple dims # Calculate Wigner Ds wDX = wDcalc(Lrange = np.unique(TKQ.K.values), R = RX.values) # NOTE - alternatively can pass angles as Eulers, but may need type conversion for RX.Euler depending on format, and/or loop over angle sets. # Rename coords, use dataType for this # dtList = ep.dataTypesList() # dtDims = dtList[TKQ.dataType]['dims'] # Best way to get relevant QNs here...? Maybe need to start labelling these in dataTypesList? # Rename for ADMs for testing... # ... then mutliply (with existing dims), resort & sum over Q if incS: # Test cases if form == 1: wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Q','mu0':'Qp'}).expand_dims({'S':[0]}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Q,Qp} # This matches Blum 4.41 for CONJ(wD) and conj(TKQ) # Here formulated as TKQp* = sum_Q(TKQ* x D^K_{Q,Qp}*) TKQrot = (TKQ.conj() * wDXre.conj()).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}).conj() # Gives *no difference* between (x,y) cases? Should be phase rotation? if form == 2: # ******************* THINK THIS is the correct case. wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Qp','mu0':'Q'}).expand_dims({'S':[0]}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Qp,Q} # This matches Zare, eqn. 3.83, for D*xTKQ # Here formulated as TKQrot = sum_q(TKq x D^K_{q,Q}*) TKQrot = (TKQ * wDXre.conj()).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Gives re/im difference between (x,y) cases? Should be phase rotation? if form == 3: wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Q','mu0':'Qp'}).expand_dims({'S':[0]}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Q,Qp} # This matches Zare, eqn. 5.8, for sum over Q and REAL wD # Here formulated as TKQp = sum_Q(TKQ x D^K_{Q,Qp}) TKQrot = (TKQ * wDXre).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # TKQrot = (wDXre * TKQ).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Gives *no difference* between (x,y) cases? Should be phase rotation? else: # wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Q','mu0':'Qp'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Q,Qp} # TKQrot = (TKQ * wDXre).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) # form = 2 case only. # wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Qp','mu0':'Q'}).expand_dims({'S':[0]}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Qp,Q} wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Qp','mu0':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) # This matches Zare, eqn. 3.83, for D*xTKQ # Here formulated as TKQrot = sum_q(TKq x D^K_{q,Q}*) TKQrot = (TKQ * wDXre.conj()).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) #*** Mutliply (with existing dims), then resort & sum over Q # NOW INCLUDED ABOVE for different test cases # Propagate frame labels & attribs # TODO: fix Labels propagation - this seems to drop sometimes, dim issue? # TKQrot['Labels'] = RX.Labels TKQrot['Labels']=('Euler',RX.Labels.values) # This seems to work... TKQrot.attrs = TKQ.attrs # For BLM data, rename vars. if TKQin.dataType == 'BLM': TKQrot = TKQrot.unstack('ADM').rename({'K':'l','Q':'m'}).stack({'BLM':('l','m')}) return TKQrot, wDX, wDXre