Source code for epsproc.geomFunc.wNjSympyWrapper

ePSproc Wigner 3,6,9j implementation with Sympy

Basic wrappers to tabulate Sympy results.
For preference, use w3jVecMethods which contain functions for accelerated (vector, parallel, GPU) Wigner 3j calculations with spherical_functions library.

07/11/20    v1  Adding for testing half-integer values, and 6j capabilities.


    import sympy as sp
    from sympy.physics.wigner import wigner_3j, wigner_6j, wigner_9j

except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'sympy'":
    print('* Sympy not found, Wigner Nj functions not available.')

# Bare function with loop, pass w3j_QNs
[docs]def w3jSympy(QNs, Nflag = True): """ Basic wrapper for Sympy Wigner 3j function for a list of QNs. For function details, see the Sympy documentation, For a higher-level wrapper (recommended), use :py:func:`epsproc.geomFunc.geomCalc.w3jTable()`, with backend = 'sympy'. Parameters ---------- QNs : list List of QNs [l, lp, L, m, mp, M] to compute 3j terms for. Nflag : bool, optional, default = True Return float or symbolic values. Returns ------- w3j_QNs : list List of w3j values. """ # w3j_QNs = np.zeros(QNs.shape[0]) # for n in range(QNs.shape[0]): # w3j_QNs[n] = sf.Wigner3j(QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2], QNs[n,3], QNs[n,4], QNs[n,5]) if Nflag: # Convert to sypmy.core.float, then force to native python float w3j_QNs = [float(sp.N(wigner_3j(QN[0], QN[1], QN[2], QN[3], QN[4], QN[5]))) for QN in QNs] else: w3j_QNs = [wigner_3j(QN[0], QN[1], QN[2], QN[3], QN[4], QN[5]) for QN in QNs] return w3j_QNs