Source code for epsproc.geomFunc.w3jVecMethods

ePSproc Wigner 3j vector methods

Functions for accelerated (vector, parallel, GPU) Wigner 3j calculations.

26/02/20    v1  Functions for accelerated Wigner 3j calcs plus sorting.


# Imports
import numpy as np
# import numba as nb
import spherical_functions as sf

# Set numba as an optional import for RTD testing.
# Should add a wrapper here, see
# Optional imports
    import numba as nb
except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'numba'":
    print('* Numba not found, fast 3j functions not available. ')

#*****************  Wrappers for functions
# For tests, see
# Test wrap sf.Wigner3j in Numba

# Bare function with loop, pass w3j_QNs
[docs]def Wigner3jQNs(QNs): w3j_QNs = np.zeros(QNs.shape[0]) for n in range(QNs.shape[0]): w3j_QNs[n] = sf.Wigner3j(QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2], QNs[n,3], QNs[n,4], QNs[n,5]) return w3j_QNs
# Cached function, only for single set of QNs. # @lru_cache(maxsize = None) # def Wigner3jLRUCached(QNlist): # """Wrapper for 3j caching with functools.lru_cache""" # return sf.Wigner3j(QNlist[0], QNlist[1], QNlist[2], QNlist[3], QNlist[4], QNlist[5]) # Try joblib Memory for caching too... this is likely moot unless very large arrays are required # # From the docs, this should be fast for large arrays, while other cache methods may not be. # Q: is it possible to set cache to RAM? # cachedir = r'E:\temp\memCache' # SSD cache # memory = Memory(cachedir, verbose=0) # @memory.cache # def Wigner3jMemory(QNlist): # """Wrapper for 3j caching with functools.lru_cache""" # return sf.Wigner3j(QNlist[0], QNlist[1], QNlist[2], QNlist[3], QNlist[4], QNlist[5]) # Parallelised 3j using Numba prange, see @nb.njit(parallel = True) def w3jprange(QNs): """ Wrapper for 3j with @numba.njit(parallel=True), using prange parallel loop. In testing (Feb 2020) on an AMD Threadripper 1950X (16 core) this was (usually) fastest case, and beat vectorised version. Parameters ---------- QNs : np.array Array of QNs to calculated Wigner 3j terms for, columns [l,lp,L,m,mp,M]. Returns ------- w3j_QNs : np.array Array of Wigner 3j results, one per row of input QNs. """ w3j_QNs = np.zeros(QNs.shape[0]) for n in nb.prange(0, QNs.shape[0]): w3j_QNs[n] = sf.Wigner3j(QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2], QNs[n,3], QNs[n,4], QNs[n,5]) return w3j_QNs # To try - other high-level parallelisation methods, e.g. xyzpy parallel, joblib # Vectorized 3j, see # Use Numba to compile function, vecotrised over input sets of QNs, doesn't return, but writes directly to passed 1D list of corresponding 3j terms # 11/10/22: note this has typing issues in some cases, fails with Numba 0.53.1, working in v0.48.0. # didn't test more extensively as yet, but not used in any of the main routines, so can remove? (TBC) # TODO: need to rationalise import chain before removing! @nb.guvectorize(["void(int32[:,:], float64[:])"], '(n,m)->(n)', target = 'parallel') def w3jguVecCPU(QNs,w3j_QNs): """ Wrapper for 3j with vectorization via @numba.guvectorize(["void(int32[:,:], float64[:])"], '(n,m)->(n)', target = 'parallel'). Parameters ---------- QNs : np.array Array of QNs to calculated Wigner 3j terms for, columns [l,lp,L,m,mp,M]. w3j_QNs : np.array Empty array to hold results (no return from @guvectorize). Create as w3j_QNs = np.zeros(QNs.shape[0]) """ for n in range(QNs.shape[0]): w3j_QNs[n] = sf.Wigner3j(QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2], QNs[n,3], QNs[n,4], QNs[n,5]) # # Try wrapping vec version for caching too... # @lru_cache(maxsize = None) # def Wigner3jguVecCPULRUCached(QNs,w3j_QNs): # w3jguVecCPU(QNs,w3j_QNs) # # def Wigner3jguVecCPULRUCached(QNs): # # w3jguVecCPU(QNs) # # @memory.cache # def Wigner3jguVecCPUMemory(QNs,w3j_QNs): # w3jguVecCPU(QNs,w3j_QNs) # # def Wigner3jguVecCPUMemory(QNs): # # w3jguVecCPU(QNs,w3j_QNs)