Source code for epsproc.geomFunc.mfblmGeom

import numpy as np

# from epsproc.util import matEleSelector   # Circular/undefined import issue - call in function instead for now.
from epsproc.sphCalc import setPolGeoms
from epsproc.geomFunc import geomCalc
# from epsproc.geomFunc.geomCalc import (EPR, MFproj, betaTerm, remapllpL, w3jTable,)
from epsproc.geomFunc.geomUtils import genllpMatE

# Code as developed 16/17 March 2020.
# Needs some tidying, and should implement BLM Xarray attrs and format for output.
[docs]def mfblmXprod(matEin, QNs = None, EPRX = None, p=[0], BLMtable = None, lambdaTerm = None, RX = None, eulerAngs = None, thres = 1e-2, thresDims = 'Eke', selDims = {'it':1, 'Type':'L'}, sumDims = ['mu', 'mup', 'l','lp','m','mp'], sumDimsPol = ['P','R','Rp','p'], symSum = True, SFflag = False, squeeze = False, phaseConvention = 'E', basisReturn = "BLM", verbose = 1): r""" Implement :math:`\beta_{LM}^{MF}` calculation as product of tensors. .. math:: \begin{eqnarray} \beta_{L,-M}^{\mu_{i},\mu_{f}} & = & \sum_{l,m,\mu}\sum_{l',m',\mu'}(-1)^{(\mu'-\mu_{0})}{B_{L,-M}}\nonumber \\ & \times & \sum_{P,R',R}{E_{P-R}(\hat{e})\Lambda_{R',R}(R_{\hat{n}})}I_{l,m,\mu}^{p_{i}\mu_{i},p_{f}\mu_{f}}(E)I_{l',m',\mu'}^{p_{i}\mu_{i},p_{f}\mu_{f}*}(E) \end{eqnarray} Where each component is defined by fns. in :py:module:`epsproc.geomFunc.geomCalc` module. 16/03/20 In progress! Dev code: http://localhost:8888/lab/tree/dev/ePSproc/geometric_method_dev_Betas_090320.ipynb D:\code\ePSproc\python_dev\ePSproc_MFBLM_Numba_dev_tests_120220.PY TOTAL MESS AT THE MOMENT>>?>>>>?DFdas<>r ty Parameters ---------- phaseConvention : optional, str, default = 'S' Set phase conventions with :py:func:`epsproc.geomCalc.setPhaseConventions`. To use preset phase conventions, pass existing dictionary. """ from epsproc.util import matEleSelector # Set phase conventions - either from function call or via passed dict. # if type(phaseConvention) is str: # phaseCons = geomCalc.setPhaseConventions(phaseConvention = phaseConvention) # else: # phaseCons = phaseConvention # For transparency/consistency with subfunctions, str/dict now set in setPhaseConventions() phaseCons = geomCalc.setPhaseConventions(phaseConvention = phaseConvention) # Fudge - set this for now to enforce additonal unstack and phase corrections later. BLMtableResort = None #*** Threshold and selection # Make explicit copy of data to avoid any overwrite issues matE = matEin.copy() matE.attrs = matEin.attrs # May not be necessary with updated Xarray versions # Use SF (scale factor) # Write to data.values to make sure attribs are maintained. (Not the case for da = da*da.SF) if SFflag: matE.values = matE * matE.SF matEthres = matEleSelector(matE, thres = thres, inds = selDims, dims = thresDims, sq = True, drop = True) # Sum **AFTER** threshold and selection, to allow for subselection on symmetries via matEleSelector if symSum: if 'Sym' in matEthres.dims: matEthres = matEthres.sum('Sym') # Sum over ['Cont','Targ','Total'] stacked dims. # Set terms if not passed to function if QNs is None: QNs = genllpMatE(matEthres, phaseConvention = phaseConvention) #*** Polarization terms if EPRX is None: # *** EPR # EPRX = geomCalc.EPR(form = 'xarray', p = p, phaseConvention = phaseConvention).sel({'R-p':0}) # Set for R-p = 0 for p=0 case (redundant coord) - need to fix in e-field mult term! # EPRXresort = EPRX.unstack().squeeze().drop('l').drop('lp') # This removes photon (l,lp) dims fully. Be careful with squeeze() - sends singleton dims to non-dimensional labels. # EPRXresort = EPRX.unstack().drop('l').drop('lp') # This removes photon (l,lp) dims fully, but keeps (p,R) as singleton dims. # EPRXresort = EPRX.unstack().squeeze(['l','lp']).drop(['l','lp']) # Safe squeeze & drop of selected singleton dims only. # EPRX = geomCalc.EPR(form = 'xarray', p = p).unstack().sum(['p','R-p']) # Set for general sum over (p,R-p) terms - STILL need to fix in e-field mult term! # EPRX = geomCalc.EPR(form = 'xarray', p = p).unstack().sum('R-p') # Set for general sum over (p,R-p) terms - STILL need to fix in e-field mult term! EPRX = geomCalc.EPR(form = 'xarray', p = p).unstack().sel({'R-p':0}).drop('R-p') EPRXresort = EPRX.squeeze(['l','lp']).drop(['l','lp']) # Safe squeeze & drop of selected singleton dims only. if phaseCons['mfblmCons']['negRcoordSwap']: EPRXresort['R'] *= -1 if lambdaTerm is None: # Set polGeoms if Euler angles are passed. if eulerAngs is not None: RX = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs) # *** Lambda term lambdaTerm, lambdaTable, lambdaD, _ = geomCalc.MFproj(RX = RX, form = 'xarray', phaseConvention = phaseConvention) # lambdaTermResort = lambdaTerm.squeeze().drop('l').drop('lp') # This removes photon (l,lp) dims fully. lambdaTermResort = lambdaTerm.squeeze(['l','lp']).drop(['l','lp']) # Safe squeeze & drop of selected singleton dims only. # *** Blm term with specified QNs if BLMtable is None: QNsBLMtable = QNs.copy() # Switch signs (m,M) before 3j calcs. if phaseCons['mfblmCons']['BLMmPhase']: QNsBLMtable[:,3] *= -1 QNsBLMtable[:,5] *= -1 BLMtable = geomCalc.betaTerm(QNs = QNsBLMtable, form = 'xdaLM', phaseConvention = phaseConvention) # if BLMmPhase: # BLMtable['m'] *= -1 if BLMtableResort is None: # Apply additional phase convention BLMtableResort = BLMtable.copy().unstack() if phaseCons['mfblmCons']['negMcoordSwap']: BLMtableResort['M'] *= -1 if phaseCons['mfblmCons']['Mphase']: BLMtableResort *= np.power(-1, np.abs(BLMtableResort.M)) # Associated phase term if phaseCons['mfblmCons']['negmCoordSwap']: BLMtableResort['m'] *= -1 if phaseCons['mfblmCons']['mPhase']: BLMtableResort *= np.power(-1, np.abs(BLMtableResort.m)) # Associated phase term #*** Products # Matrix element pair-wise multiplication by (l,m,mu) dims matEconj = matEthres.copy().conj() # matEconj = matEconj.unstack().rename({'l':'lp','m':'mp','mu':'mup'}) # Full unstack # matEmult = matEthres.unstack() * matEconj matEconj = matEconj.unstack('LM').rename({'l':'lp','m':'mp','mu':'mup'}) # Unstack LM only. matEmult = matEthres.unstack('LM') * matEconj matEmult.attrs['dataType'] = 'multTest' # Threshold product and drop dims. # matEmult = ep.util.matEleSelector(matEmult, thres = thres, dims = thresDims) matEmult = matEleSelector(matEmult, thres = thres, dims = thresDims) # Product terms with similar dims BLMprod = matEmult * BLMtableResort # Unstacked case with phase correction - THIS DROPS SYM TERMS? Takes intersection of das - # polProd = (EPRXresort * lambdaTermResort).sum(sumDimsPol) # Sum polarization terms here to keep total dims minimal in product. Here dims = (mu,mup,Euler/Labels) polProd = (EPRXresort * lambdaTermResort) # Without polarization terms sum to allow for mupPhase below (reqs. p) # Set additional phase term, (-1)^(mup-p) **** THIS MIGHT BE SPURIOUS FOR GENERAL EPR TENSOR CASE??? Not sure... but definitely won't work if p summed over above! if phaseCons['mfblmCons']['mupPhase']: mupPhaseTerm = np.power(-1, np.abs(polProd.mup - polProd.p)) polProd *= mupPhaseTerm # Additional [P]^1/2 degen term, NOT included in EPR defn. # Added 09/04/20 polProd *= np.sqrt(2*polProd.P+1) polProd = polProd.sum(sumDimsPol) polProd = matEleSelector(polProd, thres = thres) # Select over dims for reduction. # Test big mult... # mTerm = polProd.sel({'R':0,'Labels':'z'}) * BLMprod.sum(['Total']) # With selection of z geom. # BLMprod.sum(['Cont', 'Targ', 'Total']) # mTerm = polProd.sel({'R':0}) * BLMprod # BLMprod.sum(['Cont', 'Targ', 'Total']) mTerm = polProd * BLMprod # Multiplication works OK, and is fast... but might be an ugly result... INDEED - result large and slow to manipulate, lots of dims and NaNs. Better to sub-select terms first! # No subselection, mTerm.size = 6804000 # For polProd.sel({'R':0}), mTerm.size = 1360800 # For polProd.sel({'R':0,'Labels':'z'}), mTerm.size = 453600 # Adding also BLMprod.sum(['Total']), mTerm.size = 226800 # Adding also BLMprod.sum(['Cont', 'Targ', 'Total']), mTerm.size = 113400 So, for sym specific calcs, may be better to do split-apply type methods # mTerm.attrs['file'] = 'MulTest' # Temporarily adding this, not sure why this is an issue here however (not an issue for other cases...) mTerm.attrs = matEin.attrs # Propagate attrs from input matrix elements. # mTerm.attrs['phaseConvention'] = {phaseConvention:phaseCons} # Log phase conventions used. mTerm.attrs['phaseCons'] = geomCalc.setPhaseConventions(phaseConvention = phaseConvention) # Log phase conventions used. # Sum and threshold # sumDims = ['P', 'mu', 'mup', 'Rp', ] # Define dims to sum over xDim = {'LM':['L','M']} mTermSum = mTerm.sum(sumDims) if squeeze is True: mTermSum = mTermSum.squeeze() # Leave this as optional, since it can cause issues for M=0 only case mTermSumThres = matEleSelector(mTermSum.stack(xDim), thres=thres, dims = thresDims) # mTermSumThres = mTermSum # Normalise # TODO: Set XS as per old mfpad() # BLMXout['XS'] = (('Eke','Euler'), BLMXout[0].data) # Set XS = B00 # BLMXout = BLMXout/BLMXout.XS # Normalise if SFflag: mTermSumThres.values = mTermSumThres/mTermSumThres.SF mTermSumThres['XS'] = mTermSumThres.sel({'L':0,'M':0}).drop('LM').copy() # This basically works, and keeps all non-summed dims... but may give issues later...? Make sure to .copy(), otherwise it's just a pointer. mTermSumThres /= mTermSumThres.sel({'L':0,'M':0}).drop('LM') # Propagate attrs mTermSum.attrs = mTerm.attrs mTermSum.attrs['dataType'] = 'multTest' mTermSumThres.attrs = mTerm.attrs mTermSumThres.attrs['dataType'] = 'multTest' # return mTermSumThres, mTermSum, mTerm # 20/10/20 added output options as per last afblmGeom code update. #**** Tidy up and reformat to standard BLM array (see ep.util.BLMdimList() ) # TODO: finish this, and set this as standard output BetasNormX = mTermSumThres.unstack().rename({'L':'l','M':'m'}).stack({'BLM':['l','m']}) # Set/propagate global properties BetasNormX.attrs = matE.attrs BetasNormX.attrs['thres'] = thres # TODO: update this for **vargs # BLMXout.attrs['sumDims'] = sumDims # May want to explicitly propagate symmetries here...? # BLMXout.attrs['selDims'] = [(k,v) for k,v in selDims.items()] # Can't use Xarray to_netcdf with dict set here, at least for netCDF3 defaults. BetasNormX.attrs['dataType'] = 'BLM' # Set return args based on basisReturn parameter # Full results set, including all versions if verbose: print(f"Return type {basisReturn}.") if basisReturn in ["Results", "Legacy"]: return mTermSumThres, mTermSum, mTerm # Return basis arrays/tensors elif basisReturn == "Full": basis = {'QNs':QNs, 'EPRX':EPRXresort, 'lambdaTerm':lambdaTermResort, 'BLMtable':BLMtable, 'BLMtableResort':BLMtableResort, 'AKQS':AKQS, 'phaseConvention':phaseConvention, 'phaseCons':phaseCons} return BetasNormX, basis # Minimal return elif basisReturn == "BLM": return BetasNormX else: print(f"Return type {basisReturn} not recognised, defaulting to BLM only.") return BetasNormX