epsproc.calc.density_v2 module

Density matrix routines

27/08/21 v2 Updated dim handling for renaming multi-index levels + working HV plotting routines. 26/08/21 v1 Initial implementation

Dev code:

epsproc.calc.density_v2.densityCalc(da, denDims='LM', sumDims=None, keepDims=None, selDims=None, thres=None, squeeze=True)[source]

General density matrix from Xarray.

Compute density matrix as (outer product) da[denDims]*da[denDims].conj(), where dim specifies the dimension(s) to use. This is, essentially, the density matrix :math:row = |denDims\rangle \langle denDims|:math:

  • da (xarray) – Data array to check & restack
  • denDims (str, list, dict, optional, default = 'LM') – Dimensions to use as “state vector” from da. If a single dim (including stacked dims), which exists, this will be used directly. If multiple dims, will be restacked to a new dimension. Note that this can mix stacked and unstacked dims, and will restack if necessary.
  • sumDims (str, list, bool, optional, default = None) – Set specific dims to sum (“trace”) over. If sumDims = True all dims, apart from denDims and keepDims, will be summed over.
  • keepDims (str, list, optional, default = None) – Define dims to keep (won’t be summed over). Only used if sumDims = True.
  • selDims (str, list, optional, default = None) – Dimensions to subselect from.
  • thres (float, optional, default = None) – Threshold value. If set, used for both input and output datasets.
  • squeeze (bool, optional, default = True) – Squeeze out singleton dims if True.


selDims, thres and squeeze are passed to the standard matEleSelector() function.

epsproc.calc.density_v2.dimRestack(da, stackDims=[])[source]

General Xarray restacker including multi-indexes.

Check dims in da, and restack according to refDims if necessary

  • da (xarray) – Data array to check & restack
  • stackDims (str, list, dict, optional, default = []) – Dimensions to check in da, and restack along if not already stacked. Note that this can mix stacked and unstacked dims, and will restack if necessary

  • daOut (Xarray) – Data array with restacked dim.
  • stackedDim (str) – Name of new stacked dim
  • rsMap (dict) – Dictionary mapping for new stacked dim
  • dimCheck (dict) – Full output from ep.util.misc.checkDims()


>>> # Assuming matE is a standard array of matrix elements
>>> daOut, stackedDim, rsMap, dimCheck = dimRestack(matE)  # OK, returns input + dim check results
>>> daOut, stackedDim, rsMap, dimCheck = dimRestack(matE, stackDims='LM')  # OK, returns original dims
>>> daOut, stackedDim, rsMap, dimCheck = dimRestack(matE, stackDims=['LM','mu'])  # OK, restacks dims


Passing new mappings as stackDims is currently not supported, e.g. dMap = {‘NewDim’:[d1,d2…]} will fail. For this case, just use the native da.stack(dMap).

See also


epsproc.calc.density_v2.matPlot(da, kdims=['LMp', 'LM'], pTypes=['a', 'i', 'r'], returnType='plot')[source]

General matrix (2D) plot + stacked dims plotter with HoloViews.