Source code for epsproc.util.conversion

ePSproc conversion functions

17/07/20    Added orb3DCoordConv(), for orbital file coord conversions.
12/03/20    Added multiDimXrToPD(), function adapted from lmPlot() code.

TODO: consider implementing CCLIB for unit conversions. See also pint library.


import scipy.constants
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

[docs]def multiDimXrToPD(da, colDims = None, rowDims = None, thres = None, squeeze = True, dropna = True, fillna = False, colRound = 2, verbose = False): """ Convert multidim Xarray to stacked Pandas 2D array, (rowDims, colDims) Parameters ---------- da : Xarray Array for conversion. colDims : list of dims for columns, default = None rowDims : list of dims for rows, default = None NOTE: either colDims or rowDims must be defined, other coords will be stacked automatically. For full control over dim stack ordering, specifiy both colDims and rowDims NOTE: if xDim is a MultiIndex, pass as a dictionary mapping, otherwise it may be unstacked during data prep. E.g. for plotting stacked (L,M), set xDim = {'LM':['L','M']} thres : float, optional, default = None Threshold values in output (pd table only) TODO: generalise this and use matEleSelector() for input? squeeze : bool, optional, default = True Drop singleton dimensions. dropna : bool, optional, default = True Drop all NaN dimensions from output pd data frame (columnwise and rowise). fillna : bool, optional, default = False Fill any NaN values with 0.0. Useful for plotting/making data contiguous. colRound : int, optional, default = True Round column values to colRound dp. Only applied for Eke, Ehv, Euler or t dimensions. Returns ------- daRestackpd : pandas data frame (2D) with sorted data. daRestack : Xarray with restacked data. Method ------- Restack Xarray by specified dims, including basic dims checking, then use da.to_pandas(). 12/03/20 Function adapted from lmPlot() code. Note ----- This might casue :py:func:`epsproc.lmPlot()` to fail for singleton x-dimensions if squeeze = True. TO do: add work-around, see lines 114-122. """ # Threshold full array - this is as per lmPlot() code, but won't work for xDim as dict. # Should set this as a separate function to wrap matEleSelector for general cases. # if thres is not None: # # Threshold on abs() value before setting type, otherwise all terms will appear for some cases (e.g. phase plot) # da = matEleSelector(da, thres=thres, inds = selDims, dims = xDim) # , sq = True) # Squeeze may cause issues here if a singleton dim is used for xDim. dimUS = da.unstack().dims if type(colDims) == dict: colDimsList = list(colDims.items())[0][1] elif type(colDims) == list: colDimsList = colDims else: colDimsList = [colDims] # Workaround for singleton dims not passed as a list - without this set logic below fails. if rowDims is None: rowDims = list(set(dimUS) - set(colDimsList)) # Use set arithmetic to get items rowDims.sort() # Set sort to return alphebetical list. # Check rowDims exist, otherwise may throw errors with defaults rowDimsRed = [] # for dim in daRestack.unstack().dims: # if dim in rowDims: # rowDimsRed.append(dim) for dim in rowDims: if dim in dimUS: rowDimsRed.append(dim) # Additional check for any missing dims # Check # of dims and correct for any additional/skipped dims # Bit ugly - should be integrated with above code if (len(colDimsList) + len(rowDimsRed)) != len(dimUS): for dim in dimUS: if not (dim in colDimsList) and not (dim in rowDimsRed): rowDimsRed.append(dim) if verbose: print(f'Adding {dim} to plotting dim list.') # Restack for plotting, and drop singleton dimensions if desired. # NOTE - plotDim name retained here for compatibility with lmPlot(), may change in future. daRestack = da.unstack().stack(plotDim = rowDimsRed).dropna(dim = 'plotDim', how = 'all') # Rounding for column values to prevent large float labels in some cases for dim in colDimsList: if (dim in ['Eke', 'Ehv', 'Euler', 't']) and (colRound is not None): daRestack[dim] = daRestack[dim].round(colRound) # Restack colDims in cases where it is a MultiIndex if type(colDims) == dict: daRestack = daRestack.stack(colDims) # TODO: add work-around here for singleton x-dim to avoid dropping in that case. (Otherwise have to manually set squeeze = True) if squeeze: # daRestackpd = daRestack.unstack().stack(plotDim = rowDimsRed).squeeze().to_pandas().dropna(axis = 1).T # daRestackpd = daRestack.unstack().stack(plotDim = rowDimsRed).dropna(dim = 'plotDim', how = 'all').squeeze().to_pandas().T daRestackpd = daRestack.squeeze().to_pandas() else: # daRestackpd = daRestack.unstack().stack(plotDim = rowDimsRed).to_pandas().dropna(axis = 1).T # daRestackpd = daRestack.unstack().stack(plotDim = rowDimsRed).dropna(dim = 'plotDim', how = 'all').to_pandas().T daRestackpd = daRestack.to_pandas() # Transpose Pandas table if necessary - colDims must be columns if type(colDims) != dict: if hasattr(daRestackpd, 'columns') and (colDims not in daRestackpd.columns.names): # Check coldims, won't exist in singleton dim case. daRestackpd = daRestackpd.T # For dictionary case, check items for each key are in column names. # THIS CODE IS HORRIBLE - should be a neater way to do this. # TODO: fix case for some levels missing, at the moment assumes any present is OK. # TODO: test for single vs. MultiIndex case - columns.names vs. else: for key in colDims: dimList = colDims[key] check = [item in daRestackpd.columns.names for item in dimList] if not any(check): daRestackpd = daRestackpd.T # Threshold by abs value, pd only # TODO: replace with more general thresholding of input da. # AS is this can result in non-contiguous row/col data. if thres is not None: daRestackpd = daRestackpd[daRestackpd.abs() >= thres] # Drop all na cols (often generated by XR restack) # NOTE that if data is NOT thresholded, this may do nothing as values may be 0.00, rather than Nan. # As set this will drop any all-NaN rows and cols. Ordering shouldn't matter. if dropna: daRestackpd = daRestackpd.dropna(how='all', axis=1).dropna(how='all', axis=0) # Fill nas for contiguous plotting. if fillna: daRestackpd = daRestackpd.fillna(0.0) return daRestackpd, daRestack
#********************** Calculations # Convert eV <> Hartrees (atomic units)
[docs]def conv_ev_atm(data, to = 'ev'): """ Convert eV <> Hartree (atomic units) Parameters ---------- data : int, float, np.array Values to convert. to : str, default = 'ev' - 'ev' to convert H > eV - 'H' to convert eV > H Returns ------- data converted in converted units. """ # Define H in eV, value from # H = 27.211386245 H = scipy.constants.physical_constants['Hartree energy in eV'][0] # Use scipy value if to == 'ev': dataOut = data*H else: dataOut = data/H return dataOut
# Convert energy in eV to wavelength in nm
[docs]def conv_ev_nm(data): #, to = 'nm'): """Convert E(eV) <> lambda(nm).""" # Define constants from scipy.constants h = scipy.constants.h c = scipy.constants.c evJ = scipy.constants.physical_constants['electron volt-joule relationship'][0] # Define output units - wavelength in m waveConv = 1e-9 dataOut = (h * c)/(data * evJ)/waveConv # if to is 'nm': # dataOut = (h * c)/(data * evJ)/waveConv # # else: # dataOut = (data/waveConv)*evJ/(h * c) return dataOut
# Convert energy in eV to wavelength in A, for electrons
[docs]def conv_ev_nm_elec(data): #, to = 'nm'): """Convert Eke(eV) > lambda(A) for electrons.""" # Define constants from scipy.constants h = scipy.constants.h # c = scipy.constants.c m = scipy.constants.m_e # ec = scipy.constants.e evJ = scipy.constants.physical_constants['electron volt-joule relationship'][0] # Define output units - wavelength in m waveConv = 1e-10 # dataOut = (h * c)/(data * evJ)/waveConv # KE = data*ec # nu = np.sqrt(2*KE/m) nu = np.sqrt(2*(data*evJ)/m) lam = h/(m*nu)/waveConv # return (lam, nu, KE) return lam
# Renorm by L=0 term
[docs]def renormL0(data): """ Renormalise passed data (Xarray) by (L,M) = (0,0) term. Requires input Xarray to have dims (L,M) or (l,m), should be robust over all other dims. """ dataOut = data.copy() # Note - this currently assumes m dim is present, and forces it to be dropped after selection. if hasattr(dataOut,'L'): # dataOut /= dataOut.sel({'L':0}).drop('BLM') dataOut /= dataOut.sel({'L':0}).drop('M').squeeze() elif hasattr(dataOut,'l'): # dataOut /= dataOut.sel({'l':0}).drop('BLM') dataOut /= dataOut.sel({'l':0}).drop('m').squeeze() else: print("***Warning, L/l not present in dataset.") return None # Propagate attrs dataOut.attrs = data.attrs return dataOut
# Convert expansion parameters from Legendre Polynomial to Spherical Harmonic form (and back)
[docs]def conv_BL_BLM(data, to = 'sph', renorm = True): """ Convert BL (Legendre Polynomial) <> BLM (Spherical Harmonic), plus parameter renomalisation. .. math:: \beta^{Sph}_{L,0} = \sqrt{(2L+1)/4\pi}\beta^{Lg} Note: other conventions may be used here, see Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Values to convert. Currently assumes an Xarray, with dims .L and .M to : str, default = 'sph' - 'sph' to convert BL > BLM - 'lg' to convert BL0 > BL renorm : bool, optional, default = True If true, additionally renormalise paramters by L=0 term, such that B0 = 1. Notes ----- - Should add type to keep track of betas here. - Should generalise to other input structure & add error checking. - Implement SHTOOLS library....! """ # Set conversion factor # Bconv = np.sqrt(2*data.L+1)/(4*np.pi) if hasattr(data,'L'): Bconv = np.sqrt((2*data.L+1)/(4*np.pi)) elif hasattr(data,'l'): Bconv = np.sqrt((2*data.l+1)/(4*np.pi)) elif hasattr(data,'XC'): # Case for ePS GetCro LF (B2 only) output, with no sigma/XC renorm # Q: Sigma renorm in this case...? # Bconv = xr.DataArray([np.sqrt(1/(4*np.pi)), np.sqrt(5/(4*np.pi))], dims='XC', coords={'XC':['SIGMA','BETA']}) Bconv = xr.DataArray([1, np.sqrt(5/(4*np.pi))/np.sqrt(1/(4*np.pi))], dims='XC', coords={'XC':['SIGMA','BETA']}) renorm = False # No further renorm in this case else: print("*** Beta conversion error: Data type not supported.") return None # Set output values if to == 'sph': dataOut = data/Bconv elif to == 'lg': dataOut = data*Bconv else: print(f"*** Beta conversion error: conversion type {to} not supported.") if renorm: # Note - this currently assumes m dim is present, and forces it to be dropped after selection. # if hasattr(dataOut,'L'): # # dataOut /= dataOut.sel({'L':0}).drop('BLM') # dataOut /= dataOut.sel({'L':0}).drop('M').squeeze() # elif hasattr(dataOut,'l'): # # dataOut /= dataOut.sel({'l':0}).drop('BLM') # dataOut /= dataOut.sel({'l':0}).drop('m').squeeze() # Now moved to separate function dataOut = renormL0(dataOut) # Propagate attrs dataOut.attrs = data.attrs dataOut.attrs['normType'] = to return dataOut
[docs]def orb3DCoordConv(fileIn, coordMaxLen=50): """ Basic coord parse & conversion for volumetric wavefunction files from ePS. Parameters ---------- fileIn : data from a single file List of values from a wavefunction file, as returned by :py:func:`epsproc.readOrb3D()`. (Note this currently assumes a single file/set of values.) coordMaxLen : int, optional, default=50 Max coord grid size, assumed to demark native Cart (<coordMaxLen) from Spherical (>coordMaxLen) coords. Returns ------- x,y,z : np.arrays of Cartesian coords (x,y,z) """ # Set grid, convert to Cart if necessary, assuming that grid won't be larger than 10 Angs if (len(fileIn[2][0]) > coordMaxLen): # Convert to Cart grid for plotting # TODO: Investigate use of sph grid here - should be cleaner. # TODO: Investigate recreating mesh in Paraview, rather than saving to file. [T,R,P] = np.meshgrid(fileIn[2][1], fileIn[2][0], fileIn[2][2]) T = (T*np.pi/180) #-np.pi/2 P = P*np.pi/180 x = R*np.sin(P)*np.cos(T) z = R*np.cos(P) y = R*np.sin(P)*np.sin(T) else: x,y,z = np.meshgrid(file[2][1], file[2][0], file[2][2]) return x,y,z