Source code for epsproc.geomFunc.lfblmGeom

import numpy as np

# from epsproc.util import matEleSelector   # Circular/undefined import issue - call in function instead for now.
from epsproc.sphCalc import setPolGeoms
from epsproc.geomFunc import geomCalc, geomUtils
# from epsproc.geomFunc.geomCalc import (EPR, MFproj, betaTerm, remapllpL, w3jTable,)
# from epsproc.geomFunc.geomUtils import genllpMatE

# Code as developed 16/17 March 2020.
# Needs some tidying, and should implement BLM Xarray attrs and format for output.
[docs]def lfblmXprod(matEin, QNs = None, EPRX = None, p=[0], BLMtable = None, lambdaTerm = None, RX = None, eulerAngs = None, thres = 1e-2, thresDims = 'Eke', selDims = {'it':1, 'Type':'L'}, sumDims = ['mu', 'mup', 'l','lp','m','mp'], sumDimsPol = ['P','R','Rp','p'], symSum = True, SFflag = True, squeeze = False, phaseConvention = 'S', dlistMatE = ['lp', 'l', 'L', 'mp', 'm', 'M'], dlistP = ['p1', 'p2', 'L', 'mup', 'mu', 'M'], normFactors = [1/3, 1/5]): r""" Implement :math:`\beta_{LM}` calculation as product of (Clebsch-Gordan coeff) tensors. Formalism as per *Cross section and asymmetry parameter calculation for sulfur 1s photoionization of SF6*, A. P. P. Natalense and R. R. Lucchese, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 5344 (1999), .. math:: \begin{eqnarray} \beta_{\mathbf{k}}^{L,V} & = & \frac{3}{5}\frac{1}{\sum_{p\mu lhv}|I_{\mathbf{k},\hat{n}}^{(L,V)}|^{2}}\sum_{\stackrel{p\mu lhvmm_{v}}{p'\mu'l'h'v'm'm'_{v}}}(-1)^{m'-m_{v}}I_{\mathbf{k},\hat{n}}^{(L,V)} \\ & \times & \left(I_{\mathbf{k},\hat{n}}^{(L,V)}\right)^{*}b_{lhm}^{p\mu}b_{l'h'm'}^{p'\mu'*}b_{1vm_{v}}^{p_{v}\mu_{v}}b_{1v'm'_{v}}^{p'_{v}\mu'_{v}*} \\ & \times & [(2l+1)(2l'+1)]^{1/2}(1100|20)(l'l00|20) \\ & \times & (11-m'_{v}m_{v}|2M')(l'l-m'm|2-M') \end{eqnarray} Where each component is defined by fns. in :py:module:`epsproc.geomFunc.geomCalc` module. 22/06/20 In progress - code crudely adapted from mf/af cases, rather messy. Dev code: http://localhost:8888/lab/tree/dev/ePSproc/geometric_method_dev_Betas_090320.ipynb D:\code\ePSproc\python_dev\ePSproc_MFBLM_Numba_dev_tests_120220.PY http://localhost:8888/notebooks/epsproc/tests/LF_AF_verification_tests_190620_fullCG.ipynb TOTAL MESS AT THE MOMENT>>?>>>>?DFdas<>r ty Parameters ---------- phaseConvention : optional, str, default = 'S' Set phase conventions with :py:func:`epsproc.geomCalc.setPhaseConventions`. To use preset phase conventions, pass existing dictionary. normFactors : optional, list of int or float, default = [1/3, 1/5] Additional normalization factor to match ePS defns. Should be mu and m degeneracy factor? Always 1/3 for B0 term, 1/5 for B2 term? Or 1/(2L+1) term? """ from epsproc.util import matEleSelector # For transparency/consistency with subfunctions, str/dict now set in setPhaseConventions() phaseCons = geomCalc.setPhaseConventions(phaseConvention = phaseConvention) #*** Threshold and selection # Make explicit copy of data to avoid any overwrite issues matE = matEin.copy() matE.attrs = matEin.attrs # May not be necessary with updated Xarray versions # Use SF (scale factor) # Write to data.values to make sure attribs are maintained. (Not the case for da = da*da.SF) if SFflag: matE.values = matE * matE.SF matEthres = matEleSelector(matE, thres = thres, inds = selDims, dims = thresDims, sq = True, drop = True) # Sum **AFTER** threshold and selection, to allow for subselection on symmetries via matEleSelector if symSum: if 'Sym' in matEthres.dims: matEthres = matEthres.sum('Sym') # Sum over ['Cont','Targ','Total'] stacked dims. # Calculate CG sets #*** For (l,lp) terms, use code from betaTerm(), but CG version # Set QNs QNs = geomUtils.genllpMatE(matEthres, phaseConvention = phaseConvention) # Set phase convention for term (lp,l,-mp,m|2,-M) - NOTE also ordering of lp,l etc.! # dlistMatE = ['lp', 'l', 'L', 'mp', 'm', 'M'] # Now passed. if phaseCons['lfblmCGCons']['negmp']: QNs[:,3] *= -1 # mp > -mp # Including this restricts things to mp=0 only? Phase con choice? Doesn't seem correct! # Full calculation including this term sends PU continuum to zero/NaN. if phaseCons['lfblmCGCons']['negM']: QNs[:,5] *= -1 # M > -M # Calculate main term + term with m=mp=M=0 CGmatE = geomCalc.CG(QNs=QNs, dlist = dlistMatE) CGmatEM0 = geomCalc.CG(QNs = geomUtils.genllLList(QNs, uniqueFlag = True, mFlag = False), dlist = dlistMatE, form='xdaLM') # Multiply terms (as per betaTerm() code) CGmatEmult = CGmatE.unstack()*CGmatEM0.drop('mSet').squeeze().unstack() # Reset any flipped coord values for consistency before phase & matE multiplication terms. if phaseCons['lfblmCGCons']['negmp']: CGmatEmult['mp'] *= -1 # mp > -mp # Including this restricts things to mp=0 only? Phase con choice? Doesn't seem correct! # Full calculation including this term sends PU continuum to zero/NaN. if phaseCons['lfblmCGCons']['negM']: CGmatEmult['M'] *= -1 # M > -M #*** For photon terms # See EPR() and MFproj() for existing 3j prototypes. # dlistP = ['p1', 'p2', 'L', 'mup', 'mu', 'M'] # Note p1=p2=1 and will be dropped QNsP=geomUtils.genllL(Lmin=1,Lmax=1) # Generates all possible l1=l2=1 terms, no phase convention applied. if phaseCons['lfblmCGCons']['negmup']: QNsP[:,3] *= -1 # mup > -mup if phaseCons['lfblmCGCons']['negMP']: QNsP[:,5] *= -1 # M > -M CGP = geomCalc.CG(QNs=QNsP, dlist = dlistP, form='xdaLM') CGPM0 = geomCalc.CG(QNs = geomUtils.genllLList(QNsP, uniqueFlag = True, mFlag = False), dlist = dlistP, form='xdaLM') # Multiply terms (as per betaTerm() code) CGPmult = CGP.unstack()*CGPM0.drop('mSet').squeeze().unstack() # Reset any flipped coord values for consistency before phase & matE multiplication terms. if phaseCons['lfblmCGCons']['negmup']: CGPmult['mup'] *= -1 # mup > -mup if phaseCons['lfblmCGCons']['negMP']: CGPmult['M'] *= -1 # M > -M # *** Multiply all geometric terms # Multiply matE * photon terms CGPM = CGmatEmult * CGPmult.squeeze(['p1','p2']).drop(['p1','p2']) # Set phase = (-1)^(m'-mu) CGPM *= np.power(-1, np.abs( - #*** Full multiplication by matrix elments. # Define matrix element multiplication term (code from mfblmGeom()) matEconj = matEthres.copy().conj() # matEconj = matEconj.unstack().rename({'l':'lp','m':'mp','mu':'mup'}) # Full unstack # matEmult = matEthres.unstack() * matEconj matEconj = matEconj.unstack('LM').rename({'l':'lp','m':'mp','mu':'mup'}) # Unstack LM only. matEmult = matEthres.unstack('LM') * matEconj matEmult.attrs['dataType'] = 'multTest' # Threshold product and drop dims. # matEmult = ep.util.matEleSelector(matEmult, thres = thres, dims = thresDims) matEmult = matEleSelector(matEmult, thres = thres, dims = thresDims) # Multiplication & sum to BLM values degenllp = np.sqrt((2*matEmult.l+1)*(2*matEmult.lp+1)) Betas = (CGPM * matEmult * degenllp).sum(sumDims).stack({'LM':['L','M']}) # Additional factors & renorm # XSmatE = (matE * matE.conj()).sel(selDims).sum(['LM','mu']) # (['LM','mu','it']) # Cross section as sum over mat E elements squared (diagonal terms only) XSmatE = normFactors[0] * (matEthres * matEthres.conj()).sum(['LM','mu']) # Use selected & thresholded matE. # NOTE - this may fail in current form if dims are missing. normBeta = normFactors[1] * (1/XSmatE) # Normalise by sum over matrix elements squared. Betas = Betas.where(Betas.M.pipe(np.abs) <= Betas.L, drop=True) # Clean up m coords. BetasNorm = Betas.copy() # Check different renorm methods BetasNormXS = normBeta * Betas.copy() BetasNorm['XS'] = BetasNorm.sel({'L':0,'M':0}).drop('LM').copy() # Set XS as B00 term # BetasNorm['XS'] = XSmatE BetasNorm.sel({'L':0,'M':0}).drop('LM').copy() # Set XS as B00 term BetasNorm /= BetasNorm.sel({'L':0,'M':0}).drop('LM') # Renorm BLM/B00 # Renorm by 1/5 == 1/(2L+1)? Could be included correctly above, or just normalisation choice in ePS? # BetasNorm = 1/5 * BetasNorm.where(BetasNorm.L > 0) # For L>0 only... but sets B0 to NaN # BetasNorm.where(BetasNorm.L > 0, 1/5 * BetasNorm, BetasNorm) # As above, but with Xarray conditional. This should work (see but throws an error. # AH - difference between xr.where() and BetaNorm.where() - latter only takes replacement arg. # BetasNorm = BetasNorm.where(BetasNorm.L == 0, 1/5 * BetasNorm) # OK # where(mask, not mask) BetasNorm = BetasNorm.where(BetasNorm.L == 0, 1/(2*BetasNorm.L + 1) * BetasNorm) # BetasNorm = BetasNorm.where(BetasNorm.M.pipe(np.abs) <= BetasNorm.L, drop=True) # Clean up m coords. BetasNorm['XS2'] = XSmatE #**** Tidy up and reformat to standard BLM array (see ep.util.BLMdimList() ) # TODO: finish this, and set this as standard output # Might also want .where(M<L) to remove spurious terms...? BetasNormX = BetasNorm.unstack().rename({'L':'l','M':'m'}).stack({'BLM':['l','m']}) BetasNormX = BetasNormX.where(BetasNormX.m.pipe(np.abs) <= BetasNormX.l, drop=True) # Clean up m - required again after unstack/restack (not possible to rename directly in multi-level index...?). # For LF CG case need to sum over (dummy) 'm' and reformat... to usual BLM array with M=0 BetasNormX = BetasNormX.unstack('BLM').sum('m').expand_dims({'m':[0]}).stack({'BLM':['l','m']}) # Set/propagate global properties BetasNormX.attrs = matE.attrs BetasNormX.attrs['thres'] = thres # TODO: update this for **vargs # BLMXout.attrs['sumDims'] = sumDims # May want to explicitly propagate symmetries here...? # BLMXout.attrs['selDims'] = [(k,v) for k,v in selDims.items()] # Can't use Xarray to_netcdf with dict set here, at least for netCDF3 defaults. BetasNormX.attrs['dataType'] = 'BLM' BetasNormX.attrs['normType'] = 'lg' # Set normType (sph, lg). return BetasNormXS, BetasNorm, Betas, XSmatE, BetasNormX