Source code for epsproc.calc.density_v1

Density matrix routines

26/08/21    v1 Initial implementation

Dev code:



#*** Dim functionality (see also lmPlot() and multiDimXrToPD() functions)

# Set imports
from epsproc.util import matEleSelector
from epsproc.util.misc import checkDims
# matEdimList, BLMdimList, dataTypesList, multiDimXrToPD
# checkDims = ep.util.misc.checkDims

[docs]def dimRestack(da, stackDims = []): """ General Xarray restacker including multi-indexes. Check dims in da, and restack according to refDims if necessary Parameters ---------- da : xarray Data array to check & restack stackDims : str, list, dict, optional, default = [] Dimensions to check in da, and restack along if not already stacked. Note that this can mix stacked and unstacked dims, and will restack if necessary Returns ------- daOut : Xarray Data array with restacked dim. stackedDim : str Name of new stacked dim rsMap : dict Dictionary mapping for new stacked dim dimCheck : dict Full output from :py:func:`ep.util.misc.checkDims()` Examples -------- >>> # Assuming matE is a standard array of matrix elements >>> daOut, stackedDim, rsMap, dimCheck = dimRestack(matE) # OK, returns input + dim check results >>> daOut, stackedDim, rsMap, dimCheck = dimRestack(matE, stackDims='LM') # OK, returns original dims >>> daOut, stackedDim, rsMap, dimCheck = dimRestack(matE, stackDims=['LM','mu']) # OK, restacks dims Notes ----- Passing new mappings as stackDims is currently not supported, e.g. dMap = {'NewDim':[d1,d2...]} will fail. For this case, just use the native da.stack(dMap). See also -------- multiDimXrToPD() : map input array to 2D Pandas DataFrame """ #*** Check dims dimCheck = checkDims(da, refDims = stackDims) if dimCheck['missing']: print(f"***Error: Missing specified dimension(s): {dimCheck['missing']}") return dimsIn #*** Restack dims if necessary # (1) if there are both stacked and unstacked dims in denDims, unstack then restack if dimCheck['stackedShared'] and dimCheck['shared']: # For restack, check stacked vs. unstacked dims and assign new mapping rsDims = [dimCheck['stackedMap'][key] for key in dimCheck['stackedShared']] rsDims.append(dimCheck['shared']) # Append unstacked dims rsDims = [item for sublist in rsDims for item in sublist] # Force to 1D list, # Set new map rsMap = {','.join(rsDims):rsDims} # Assumes dim names are str, otherwise use ','.join(map(str, rsDims)) # Restack daOut = da.unstack(dimCheck['stackedShared']).stack(rsMap) stackedDim = next(iter(rsMap)) # list(rsMap.keys())[0] # Set name for later # (2) for multiple single dims, restack only elif len(dimCheck['shared'])>1: rsDims = dimCheck['shared'] # Set new map rsMap = {','.join(rsDims):rsDims} # Assumes dim names are str, otherwise use ','.join(map(str, rsDims)) # Restack daOut = da.stack(rsMap) stackedDim = next(iter(rsMap)) # list(rsMap.keys())[0] # Set name for later # (3) if the dim is already stacked, just pass back. else: rsMap = {} daOut = da stackedDim = stackDims # Use passed dim name return daOut, stackedDim, rsMap, dimCheck
[docs]def densityCalc(da, denDims = 'LM', sumDims = None, keepDims = None, # May want additional control here, 1/sumDims ? selDims = None, thres = None, squeeze = True): r""" General density matrix from Xarray. Compute density matrix as (outer product) da[denDims]*da[denDims].conj(), where dim specifies the dimension(s) to use. This is, essentially, the density matrix :math:\row = |denDims\rangle \langle denDims|:math: Parameters ---------- da : xarray Data array to check & restack denDims : str, list, dict, optional, default = 'LM' Dimensions to use as "state vector" from da. If a single dim (including stacked dims), which exists, this will be used directly. If multiple dims, will be restacked to a new dimension. Note that this can mix stacked and unstacked dims, and will restack if necessary. sumDims : str, list, bool, optional, default = None Set specific dims to sum ("trace") over. If sumDims = True all dims, apart from denDims and keepDims, will be summed over. keepDims : str, list, optional, default = None Define dims to keep (won't be summed over). Only used if sumDims = True. selDims : str, list, optional, default = None Dimensions to subselect from. thres : float, optional, default = None Threshold value. If set, used for both input and output datasets. squeeze : bool, optional, default = True Squeeze out singleton dims if True. Notes ----- selDims, thres and squeeze are passed to the standard :py:func:`matEleSelector` function. """ # Set data daDen = matEleSelector(da, thres = thres, inds = selDims, sq = squeeze) #.sum(sumDims) # TODO: pass **kwargs here? # Pass dims = denDims? # Restack dims if required daDen, denDim, *_ = dimRestack(daDen, stackDims = denDims) # Check for summation dims, cf. padPlot() routine # extraDims = set(daDen.dims) - {*facetDimsCheck,*sumDims} # Check for outstanding dims, this will return an empty set if all dims accounted for here # if extraDims: # print(f"Found additional dims {extraDims}, summing to reduce for plot. Pass selDims to avoid.") # for dim in extraDims: # subset = subset.sum(dim) #.squeeze() # Handle dim summation from input args only. # Default is to leave all other dims untouched if sumDims or keepDims: # Set this to sum over all other dims (except keepDims) if sumDims is True: sumDims = {*daDen.dims} - {denDim} elif not isinstance(sumDims, list): # If passed, force list sumDims = [sumDims] if not isinstance(keepDims, list): # If passed, force list keepDims = [keepDims] sumDimsCheck = set(daDen.dims)&{*sumDims} # This checks sumDims are present, otherwise will throw an error. keepDimsCheck = set(daDen.dims)&{*keepDims} sumTot = sumDimsCheck - keepDimsCheck # Set dims to sum print(sumDimsCheck, keepDimsCheck, sumTot) else: sumTot = [] #*** Compute density from specified dims daDot = daDen * daDen.conj().rename({denDim:denDim+'_p'}) # Outer product along denDims # General .dot version... might be faster than above? # matEdot =, daDen.conj().rename({denDim:denDim+'_p'}), dims = sumDims) daOut = matEleSelector(daDot, thres = thres, sq = squeeze).sum(sumTot) # Threshold density mat # TODO: pass **kwargs here? # Pass dims = denDims? return daOut, daDot
# ******************* IN PROGRESS ******************************* import pandas as pd import holoviews as hv # import hvplot.pandas hv.extension('bokeh')
[docs]def matPlot(da, kdims = ['LMp','LM']): """ General matrix (2D) plot + stacked dims plotter with HoloViews. """ #*** Set data matEplot = da # May want to add thresholds etc. here? #*** Relabel any multi-indexes to strings. # Without this HV plot throws errors for int category dims (kdims only?) # TODO: check for kdims vs. stacked/selection dims? ind = matEplot.indexes labels = {} for dim in ind: # print(ind[item]) # Remap multiindex only - note this returns list not PD indexer if isinstance(ind[dim], pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex): labels[dim] = [','.join(map(str, item)) for item in ind[dim]] matEplot = matEplot.assign_coords({dim:labels[dim]}) # Compose HoloMap from data for r,i,a plottypes # This only works for 2D data...? hvmap = hv.HoloMap({pType: hv.Dataset(ep.plotTypeSelector(matEplot, pType = pType).real).to(hv.HeatMap, kdims=kdims) for pType in ['r','i','a']}, kdims="pType") # Example with continuum included too - should be able to generalise? # hvmap = hv.HoloMap({(cont,pType): hv.Dataset(ep.plotTypeSelector(matEplot.sel(Cont=cont), pType = pType).squeeze(drop=True).real).to(hv.HeatMap, kdims=['LMp','LM']) # for pType in ['r','i','a'] for cont in ['A2','B1','B2']}, kdims=['Cont',"pType"]) return hvmap