Source code for epsproc.classes._plotters

ePSproc classes plot function wrappers

16/10/20    Methods for/from base class.

TODO: should be able to simplify with subselection logic removed (bit ad hoc currently due to organic growth of this!) and/or rewrite as decorators.


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  # For plot legends with Xarray plotter
import numpy as np # Needed only for np.nan at the moment

from epsproc import matEleSelector, plotTypeSelector, multiDimXrToPD, mfpad, sphSumPlotX, sphFromBLMPlot
from epsproc import lmPlot as lmPlotCore  # Hack rename here to prevent circular logic with local function - TODO: fix with core fn. reorg.
from epsproc.plot import hvPlotters
from epsproc.util.env import isnotebook

# ************** Plotters

def plotGetCro(self, pType = 'SIGMA', Erange = None, Etype = 'Eke', selDims = None, keys = None, backend = 'mpl'):
    Basic GetCro (cross-section) data plotting for multijob class. Run self.plot.line(x=Etype, col='Type') for each dataset.
    (See :py:func:`epsproc.classes.ePSmultiJob.plotGetCroComp()` for comparitive plots over datasets.)

    Note this is for LF averaged parameters, for more details see the `ePS starter notes <>`_ for more details.

    pType : str, optional, default = 'SIGMA'
        Set data for plotting, either 'SIGMA' (cross-section) or 'BETA' (B2 parameter).
        If backend = 'hv' this parameter is not used.

    Erange : list of int or float, optional, default = None
        Set plot range [Emin, Emax]. Defaults to full data range if not set

    Etype : str, optional, default = 'Eke'
        Set plot dimension, either 'Eke' (electron kinetic energy) or 'Ehv' (photon energy).

    selDims : str, optional, default = None
        Subselect dims, as a dictionary.
        E.g. to select a specific continuum symmetry set selDims = {'Cont':'Ag'}

    keys : list, optional, default = None
        Keys for datasets to plot.
        If None, all datasets will be plotted.

    backend : str, optional, default = 'mpl'
        Set plotter to use.

        - 'mpl' : Use Matplotlib/native Xarray plotter
        - 'hv' : use Holoviews via :py:func:`epsproc.plotters.hvPlotters.XCplot()`

    # # Default to all datasets
    # if keys is None:
    #     keys =
    keys = self._keysCheck(keys)

#         if['jobStructure'] == 'subDirs':
    for key in keys:
#                 testClass.dataSets[key]['XS'][0].sel(XC='SIGMA', Eke=slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])).plot.line(x='Eke', col='Type')   # This works
        # for m, item in enumerate([key]['XS']):

        # Set default to full range, same for all cases
        if Erange is None:
            Erange = [[key]['XS'][Etype].min().data,[key]['XS'][Etype].max().data]

        subset =[key]['XS'].sel(selDims)  # SelDims here - uses dictionary as passed, OK for None too.
        jobLabel =[key]['XS'].jobLabel

        # More elegant way to swap on dims?
        if Etype == 'Ehv':
        # Subset before plot to avoid errors on empty array selection!
            subset = subset.swap_dims({'Eke':'Ehv'}) #.sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})   # With dict unpacking for var as keyword

            # if subset.any():
            #     subset.plot.line(x=Etype, col='Type')

        subset = subset.sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})   # With dict unpacking for var as keyword

        if subset.any():
            # Propagate attrs for plot labelling
            subset.attrs =[key]['XS'].attrs

            if backend == 'mpl':
                subset.sel(XC=pType).plot.line(x=Etype, col='Type')

                if pType == 'SIGMA':
                    # plt.ylim([-1.5, 2.5])

            if backend == 'hv':
                layout, *_ = hvPlotters.XCplot(subset, kdims = Etype)

                print(f"\n*** {jobLabel}")
                # Check if notebook and output
                if isnotebook():
                    display(layout) # Use IPython display(), works nicely for notebook output
                    # Q: is display() always loaded automatically? I think so.
                    layout  # Not yet tested - not sure what the options are here for hv/Bokeh.
                            # May just want to return this object (hv layout)?

                # Setting title here doesn't work, now set in XCplot()
                # display(layout.opts(title=jobLabel))

#         else:

# Basically as per plotGetCro, but subselect and put on single plot.
# Should do all of this with Holoviews...!
def plotGetCroComp(self, pType='SIGMA', pGauge='L', pSym=('All','All'), Erange = None, Etype = 'Eke', Eshift = None, keys = None, backend = 'mpl', returnHandles = False):
    Basic GetCro (cross-section) data plotting for multijob class, comparitive plots.
    Run self.plot.line(x=Etype) for each dataset after subselection on Gauge and Symmetry, and use single axis.
    (See :py:func:`epsproc.classes.ePSmultiJob.plotGetCro()` for plots per dataset.)

    Note this is for LF averaged parameters, for more details see the `ePS starter notes <>`_ for more details.

    pType : str, optional, default = 'SIGMA'
        Set data for plotting, either 'SIGMA' (cross-section) or 'BETA' (B2 parameter).

    pGauge : str, optional, default = 'L'
        Set gauge, either 'L' (Length), 'V' (Velocity) or 'M' (Mixed)

    pSym : tuple of strs, optional, default = ('All','All')
        Select symmetry, (Cont, Targ).
        Default value will plot all allowed symmetries.

    Erange : list of int or float, optional, default = None
        Set plot range [Emin, Emax]. Defaults to full data range if not set

    Etype : str, optional, default = 'Eke'
        Set plot dimension, either 'Eke' (electron kinetic energy) or 'Ehv' (photon energy).

    Eshift : int or float, optional, default = None
        Apply energy shift to results if set.

    keys : list, optional, default = None
        Keys for datasets to plot.
        If None, all datasets will be plotted.

    backend : str, optional, default = 'mpl'
        Set plotter to use.

        - 'mpl' : Use Matplotlib/native Xarray plotter
        - 'hv' : use Holoviews via :py:func:`epsproc.plotters.hvPlotters.XCplot()`

    returnHandles : bool, optional, default = False
        If true, return plot object and legend test list.

    NOTE: added backend options 27/10/20. CURRENTLY NOT WORKING for hv, due to data structure assumed in `hvPlotters.XCplot()`

    UPDATE 06/04/21: looking at this again, subselect on XC is one issue (can be fixed as per code plotGetCro()), but likely want to write this very differently for comparison case.


    # Comparison plots over orbs

    # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  # For legend
    lText = []

    # # Default to all datasets
    # if keys is None:
    #     keys =
    keys = self._keysCheck(keys)

    for key in keys:
#                 testClass.dataSets[key]['XS'][0].sel(XC='SIGMA', Eke=slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])).plot.line(x='Eke', col='Type')   # This works
        # for m, item in enumerate([key]['XS']):

        # Set default to full range, same for all cases
        if Erange is None:
            Erange = [[key]['XS'][Etype].min().data,[key]['XS'][Etype].max().data]

        # More elegant way to swap on dims?
        if Etype == 'Ehv':
            # Subset before plot to avoid errors on empty array selection!
            subset =[key]['XS'].swap_dims({'Eke':'Ehv'}).sel(XC=pType, Type=pGauge, Sym=pSym, **{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})  # With dict unpacking for var as keyword

            # if subset.any():
            #     pltObj = subset.plot.line(x=Etype)

            subset =[key]['XS'].sel(XC=pType, Type=pGauge, Sym=pSym, **{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})   # With dict unpacking for var as keyword

        if subset.any():


            # This is currently a bit dodgy, overwriting original data with in place update?
            # TODO: fix and test!
            if Eshift is not None:
                subset[Etype] += Eshift

            # Basic plot with Xarray
            # pltObj = subset.plot.line(x=Etype)
            # lText.append([key]['jobNotes']['orbLabel'])

            # Version with mpl or hv (crude - basically from XC plot above.)
            if backend == 'mpl':
                pltObj = subset.plot.line(x=Etype)
                # pltObj = subset.sel(XC=pType).plot.line(x=Etype)

                # if pType == 'SIGMA':
                #     plt.ylabel('XS/Mb')
                # else:
                #     plt.ylabel(r"$\beta_{LM}$")

            # NOTE: added backend options 27/10/20. CURRENTLY NOT WORKING for hv, due to data structure assumed in `hvPlotters.XCplot()`
            # TODO: change formatting to use XCplot and/or set up new subfunction.
            if backend == 'hv':
                pltObj, *_ = hvPlotters.XCplot(subset, kdims = Etype)

                print(f"\n*** {jobLabel}")
                # Check if notebook and output
                if isnotebook():
                    display(pltObj) # Use IPython display(), works nicely for notebook output
                    # Q: is display() always loaded automatically? I think so.
                    pltObj  # Not yet tested - not sure what the options are here for hv/Bokeh.
                            # May just want to return this object (hv layout)?

        # Label with orb_sym
#                 lText.append(self.dataSets[key]['XS'][m].attrs['fileBase'].rsplit('/',maxsplit=1)[0])

        # lText.append(f"Orb {self.dataSets[key]['XS'][m].attrs['orbInfo']['orbN']} ({self.dataSets[key]['XS'][m].attrs['orbInfo']['orbSym'][0]})")

        # lText.append(self.dataSets[key]['jobNotes'][m]['orbLabel'])

    # Update legend etc.
    if backend == 'mpl':

        if pType == 'SIGMA':
            # plt.ylim([-1.5, 2.5])

    if returnHandles:
        return pltObj, lText

def lmPlot(self, Erange = None, Etype = 'Eke', dataType = 'matE', xDim = None, keys = None, refDataKey = None, reindexTol = 0.5, reindexFill = np.nan, setPD = True, **kwargs):
    Wrapper for :py:func:`epsproc.lmPlot` for multijob class. Runs lmPlot() for each dataset.

    Erange : list of int or float, optional, default = None
        Set plot range [Emin, Emax]. Defaults to full data range if not set.

    Etype : str, optional, default = 'Eke'
        Set plot dimension, either 'Eke' (electron kinetic energy) or 'Ehv' (photon energy).

    dataType : str, optional, default = 'matE'
        Set data type to plot, corresponding to label in
        - 'matE' raw matrix elements.
        - 'AFBLM' computed AF BLMs.

    xDim : str, optional, default = None
        Settings for x-axis, if None plot vs. Etype.
        See :py:func:`epsproc.lmPlot` for more details.

    keys : list, optional, default = None
        Keys for datasets to plot.
        If None, all datasets will be plotted.

    refDataKey : str or int, optional, default = None
        If set, calculate difference plots against reference dataset.
        This must be a key in
        TODO: implement difference plots.
        TODO: implement testing logic, may fail without E-axis forcing, and sym summation?

    reindexTol : float, optional, default = 0.1
        If computing difference data, the reference data is reindexed to ensure E grid matching.
        This specifies tolerance (in E units, usually eV) for reindexing.
        If this fails, difference plot may be null.

    reindexFill : int or float, optional, default = NaN
        Value to use for missing values upon reindexing.
        Default matches [Xarray.reindex default](, i.e. NaN, but this may give issues in some cases.

    setPD : bool, optional, default = True
        Set Pandas array in main dataset?

    kwargs : dict, optional, default = {}
        Plotting options to pass to :py:func:`epsproc.lmPlot`.
        These will also be set in self.lmPlotOpts for further use.
        Note that any existing options in self.lmPlotOpts will also be used, or overwritten if matching keys are found.

    Basic scheme from ePSmultijob.plotGetCro, which loops and switches on Eke/Ehv. Should tidy up at some point.

    # Set xDim if not passed.
    if xDim is None:
        xDim = Etype

    # # Default to all datasets
    # if keys is None:
    #     keys = list(
    keys = self._keysCheck(keys)

    # Set lmPlotOpts
    # Check passed args vs. self.lmPlotOpts and overwrite
    if kwargs:
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            self.lmPlotOpts[key] = value

    # Check Etype exists, it may not for some data types.
    # if not Etype in[keys[0]].keys():
    if not Etype in list([keys[0]][dataType].coords):
        Etype = None

    # Set default to full range of 1st dataset, keep same for all cases
    # TODO: set per dataset?
    if (Erange is None) and Etype:
        Erange = [[keys[0]][dataType][Etype].min().data,[keys[0]][dataType][Etype].max().data]

    # Set ref dataset if required
    if refDataKey is not None:
        refData =[refDataKey][dataType]

        if Etype == 'Ehv':
            refData = refData.swap_dims({'Eke':'Ehv'})

        if Etype:
            refData = refData.sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})  # Case for slicing on Etype

        refData.attrs =[refDataKey][dataType].attrs # Propagate atrrs.

        refData = None

    # Loop over datasets
    for key in keys:
#                 testClass.dataSets[key]['XS'][0].sel(XC='SIGMA', Eke=slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])).plot.line(x='Eke', col='Type')   # This works

        # Init empty list for daPlotpd data
        # 21/10/20 - should only be single item per key in current data schema, so just set directly below
        # if setPD:
        #[key]['daPlotpd'] = []

        # for m, item in enumerate([key]['matE']):

        # More elegant way to swap on dims?
        if Etype == 'Ehv':
        # Subset before plot to avoid errors on empty array selection!
            subset =[key][dataType].swap_dims({'Eke':'Ehv'}).sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})   # With dict unpacking for var as keyword

        elif Etype == 'Eke':
            subset =[key][dataType].sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})   # With dict unpacking for var as keyword

            subset =[key][dataType]  # Case for no Etype dim.

        # Difference data
        # NOTE: ref. data is reindexed here to ensure E-point subtraction (otherwise mismatch will give null results)
        # TODO: may want some selection logic here, this may produce empty results in many cases.
        if refData is not None:
            subset = subset - refData.reindex(**{Etype:subset[Etype]}, method='nearest', tolerance=reindexTol, fill_value=reindexFill)
            subset.attrs =[key][dataType].attrs  # Propagate attribs
            subset.attrs['jobLabel'] = f"{subset.attrs['jobLabel']} diff with {refData.attrs['jobLabel']}"

            # Slightly crude check for empty result.
            # Note this is different from subset.any() below, which only checks for 0
            # See
            if subset.max().isnull():
                print("*** Warning, difference array is Null. Try a larger reindexTol value.")

        # Run lmPlot
        if subset.any():
            daPlot, daPlotpd, legendList, gFig = lmPlotCore(subset, xDim = xDim, **self.lmPlotOpts)
            daPlotpd = None

        # Set Pandas table to dataset if specified.
        # 21/10/20 - should only be single item per key in current data schema, so just set directly
        if setPD:
            #[key]['daPlotpd'].append(daPlotpd)  # Set to include None cases to keep indexing. Should set as dict instead?
  [key]['daPlotpd'] = daPlotpd

def ADMplot(self, dataType = 'ADM', xDim = 't', Etype='t', col = None, **kwargs):
    Wrap BLMplot() for ADMs. Thin wrapper with some ADM-specific defaults.

    TODO: make this good.
    # Pass using locals()
    # self.BLMplot(**locals())  # Almost neat, but needs logic to remove self and unpack kwargs

    # Pass explicitly
    self.BLMplot(dataType = dataType, xDim = xDim, Etype = Etype, col = col, **kwargs)

def BLMplot(self, Erange = None, Etype = 'Eke', dataType = 'AFBLM',
            xDim = None, selDims = None, col = 'Labels', row = None,
            thres = None, keys = None, **kwargs):
    Basic BLM line plots using Xarray plotter.


    Similar to :py:func:`epsproc.BLMplot`, may change to simple wrapper, but some differenences in terms of dim handling here.

    For more flexibility, use `self.lmPlot`.

    TODO: update BLMplot to support more datatypes, and implement here instead.

    TODO: fix dim handling and subselection, see old plotting code.

    05/06/21: added **kwargs pass to Xarray line plot
    03/02/21: added col, row arguments for flexibility on calling. Still needs automated dim handling.

    # Set xDim if not passed.
    if xDim is None:
        xDim = Etype

    # # Default to all datasets
    # if keys is None:
    #     keys = list(
    keys = self._keysCheck(keys)

    # Set default to full range of 1st dataset, keep same for all cases
    # TODO: set per dataset? Now in subset fn.
    # if Erange is None:
    #     Erange = [[keys[0]][dataType][Etype].min().data,[keys[0]][dataType][Etype].max().data]

    # Loop over datasets
    for key in keys:
#                 testClass.dataSets[key]['XS'][0].sel(XC='SIGMA', Eke=slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])).plot.line(x='Eke', col='Type')   # This works

        # for m, item in enumerate([key]['matE']):

        # # More elegant way to swap on dims?
        # if Etype == 'Ehv':
        # # Subset before plot to avoid errors on empty array selection!
        #     subset =[key][dataType].swap_dims({'Eke':'Ehv'}).sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})   # With dict unpacking for var as keyword
        # else:
        #     subset =[key][dataType].sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})   # With dict unpacking for var as keyword

        subset = self.Esubset(key = key, dataType = dataType, Etype = Etype, Erange = Erange)

        # Threshold results. Set to check along Eke dim, but may want to pass this as an option.
        # Set squeeze to True also
        subset = matEleSelector(subset, thres=thres, inds = selDims, dims = Etype, sq = True)

        if subset.any():
            # THIS IS SHIT
            # if hasattr(subset, 'XSrescaled'):
            # #     print(f"Dataset: {key}, {[key]['jobNotes']['orbLabel']}, XS")
            #     # list(set(subset.dims) - {row} - {col})
            #     rowXS = row
            #     colXS = col
            #     if 'BLM' in row:
            #         rowXS = None
            #     if 'BLM' in col:
            #         colXS = None
            #     subset.XSrescaled.real.plot(x=Etype, col=colXS, row=rowXS)   # UGH THESE DIMENSION ARE NOT THE SAME OF COURSE SO WILL POTENTIALLY BREAK. SHITTY CODE AGAIN.
            #     # plt.title(f"Dataset: {key}, {[key]['jobNotes']['orbLabel']}, XS")

                print(f"Dataset: {key}, {[key]['jobNotes']['orbLabel']}, {dataType}")
            except KeyError:
                print(f"Dataset: {key}, {dataType}")

            # TODO: add some logic here, sort or switch on flag or number of dims?
            # subset.real.plot(x=Etype, col='Labels', row='BLM')  # Nice... should give line plots or surfaces depending on dims
            # subset.where(subset.l>0).real.plot.line(x=Etype, col=col, row=row)  # Set to line plot here to stack BLMs, also force l>0 - THIS SUCKS, get an empty B00 panel.
            subset.real.plot.line(x=Etype, col=col, row=row, **kwargs)
            # plt.title(f"Dataset: {key}, {[key]['jobNotes']['orbLabel']}, {dataType}")

# # Plot PADs from mat elements (MF) or BLMs
# def padPlot(self, selDims = {}, sumDims = {}, Erange = None, Etype = 'Eke',
#                 keys = None, dataType = 'TX',
#                 pType = 'a', pStyle = 'polar', plotFlagGlobal = True,
#                 backend = 'mpl'):
#     """
#     Plot PADs from mat elements (MF) or BLMs.
#     """
#     # # Default to all datasets
#     # if keys is None:
#     #     keys =
#     # else:
#     #     if not isinstance(keys, list):   # Force list if single item passed
#     #         keys = [keys]
#     keys = self._keysCheck(keys)
#     # Loop over datasets
#     for key in keys:
#         # for m, item in enumerate(self.dataSets[key]['TX']):
#         plotFlag = True
#         # # More elegant way to swap on dims?
#         # subset =[key][dataType]
#         #
#         # if Etype == 'Ehv':
#         # # Subset before plot to avoid errors on empty array selection!
#         #     subset = subset.swap_dims({'Eke':'Ehv'})
#         #
#         # # Slice on Erange with/without step size - bit ugly.
#         # if Erange is not None:
#         #     if len(Erange) == 3:
#         #         subset = subset.sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1], Erange[2])})   # With dict unpacking for var as keyword
#         #     else:
#         #         subset = subset.sel(**{Etype:slice(Erange[0], Erange[1])})
#         subset = self.Esubset(key = key, dataType = dataType,  Erange = Erange, Etype = Etype)
#         # Handling for Euler or Labels dim
#         eDim = 'Euler'
#         if hasattr(subset, 'Labels'):
# #                 if 'Labels' in selDims:
#             if eDim in subset.dims:
#                 subset = subset.swap_dims({'Euler':'Labels'})
#             eDim = 'Labels'
#         # if selDims is not None:  # Now set as empty dict to avoid issues later.
#         # TODO: smarter dim handling here - selDims may not be consistent over all dataSets!
#         if selDims:
#             subset = subset.sel(selDims)
#         # Compute PADs if not already present in dataset
#         # TODO: more careful type checking here, should have general dist case?
#         # 16/01/21 moved up to allow for dim checking for grid case - BUT THIS IS SHIT CODE, LOTs of this already in sph plot fns.
#         if dataType not in ["TX", "wigner"]:
#             subset, _ = sphFromBLMPlot(subset, plotFlag = False)
#             subset = subset.sum('LM')
#         if self.verbose['main']>2:
#             print(subset.dims)
#         # Check dimensionality - sum over Sym & it if necessary
#         if (subset.ndim > 3):  # Need some additional dim logic here!
#             print(f"Found dims {subset.dims}, summing to reduce for plot. Pass selDims to avoid.")
#             if 'Sym' in subset.dims:
#                 subset = subset.sum('Sym').squeeze()
#             if 'it' in subset.dims:
#                 subset = subset.sum('it').squeeze()
#             # Check result is OK
#             # TODO: check for specific dims here
#             if (subset.ndim > 3): # and not (eDim in subset.dims):
#                 # Try squeezing in case of singleton dims
#                 subset = subset.squeeze()
#                 # Define non-parseable case - should make this more general.
#                 # This also isn't correct for handling BLM vs. gridded data types.
#                 testDims = list(set(subset.dims) - set(eDim))
#                 if self.verbose['main']>2:
#                     print(testDims)
#                 if (len(testDims) > 3):
#                     print(f"*** ERROR: dataset {[key][dataType].jobLabel}  ndims = {subset.ndim}, dims = {subset.dims}. Skipping MFPAD plotting.")
#                     plotFlag = False
#             # else:
#             #     pass
#         # Propagate attrs
#         subset.attrs =[key][dataType].attrs
#         #
#         # # Compute PADs if not already present in dataset
#         # # TODO: more careful type checking here, should have general dist case?
#         # if dataType not in ["TX", "wigner"]:
#         #     subset, _ = sphFromBLMPlot(subset, plotFlag = False)
#         # Plot
#         if plotFlag and plotFlagGlobal:
#             if eDim in subset.dims:
#                 # TODO: make this more robust. Currently assumes Euler dim is 1st dim.
#                 if subset[eDim].size > 1:
#                     if pStyle is 'polar':
#                         for EulerInd in range(0,subset[eDim].size):
# #                                 print(f"*** Pol Geom: {subset[eDim][EulerInd].item()}")  # Need to pass all this through to plotters otherwise appears before plots!
#                             # Set full title string here to pass to plotter.
#                             # tString = f"{eDim}: {subset[eDim][EulerInd].item()}"
#                             tString = f"Pol geom: {subset[eDim][EulerInd].item()}, ploType: {pType}"
#                             _ = sphSumPlotX(subset[EulerInd], pType = pType, backend = backend, facetDim = Etype, titleString = tString)
#                     elif pStyle is 'grid':
#                         print(f"Grid plot: {subset.attrs['jobLabel']}, dataType: {dataType}, plotType: {pType}")
#                         # Set data
#                         subset = plotTypeSelector(subset, pType = pType, axisUW = Etype)
#                         if self.verbose['main']>2:
#                             print(subset)
#                         # If Phi is sliced, assumed 2D (Theta,E) plots
#                         # NOTE - force real datatype here, otherwise get errors from complex residuals.
#                         # TODO: why is this (after abs pType selection?) Should error check & clean up - this could cause issues sometimes...
#                         if 'Phi' in selDims.keys():
#                             # print(subset)
#                             # subset.pipe(np.abs).plot(x='Theta', y=Etype, col=eDim, robust=True)
#                             subset.plot(x='Theta', y=Etype, col=eDim, robust=True)
#                         else:
#                             # subset.pipe(np.abs).plot(y='Theta',x='Phi', row=eDim, col=Etype, robust=True)
#                             subset.plot(y='Theta',x='Phi', row=eDim, col=Etype, robust=True)
#                         # plt.title(subset.attrs['jobLabel'])
#             else:
#                 # 15/01/21: developing/debugging here - this case seems to be called even with data WITH EULERs?  Why?
#                 # tString = f"Pol geom: {subset[eDim][EulerInd].item()}, ploType: {pType}"
#                 tString = 'No Euler test'
#                 if pStyle is 'polar':
#                     _ = sphSumPlotX(subset, pType = pType, backend = backend, facetDim = Etype, titleString = tString)
#                 elif pStyle is 'grid':
#                     # Autoset dims from non (Theta,Phi) Dims
#                     rowDim = list(set(subset.dims) - set(('Theta','Phi',Etype)))
#                     # Set data
#                     subset = plotTypeSelector(subset, pType = pType, axisUW = Etype)
#                     if len(rowDim) > 1:
#                         print(f"*** ERROR: gridplot skipped for  {[key][dataType].jobLabel}, rowDims = {rowDim} too many dims.")
#                     elif len(rowDim) == 1:
#                         print(f"Grid plot: {[key][dataType].attrs['jobLabel']}, dataType: {dataType}, plotType: {pType}, dims ({rowDim}, {Etype})")
#                         subset.plot(y='Theta',x='Phi', row=rowDim, col=Etype, robust=True)
#                     else:
#                         print(f"Grid plot: {[key][dataType].attrs['jobLabel']}, dataType: {dataType}, plotType: {pType}, dims ({Etype})")
#                         subset.plot(y='Theta',x='Phi', col=Etype, robust=True)
#     # Return data for further use
#     if not plotFlagGlobal:
#         return subset

# padPlot v2, rewritten 19/01/21
# This has better dim handling, and simpler logic, but still needs some work.
def padPlot(self, selDims = {}, sumDims = {'Sym','it'}, Erange = None, Etype = 'Eke',
                keys = None, dataType = 'TX', facetDims = None, squeeze = False, reducePhi = None,
                pType = 'a', pStyle = 'polar', returnFlag = False,
                backend = 'mpl'):

    Plot I(theta,phi) data from BLMs or gridded datasets.

    reducePhi : optional, default = None
    This allow phi selection or summation for parameters which required Ylm expansion before plotting.
        Pass 'sum' to sum over phi before plotting.
        Pass a value to select.

    TODO: fix dim handling for pl case, need to pass facetDim != None.


    # Default to all datasets
    keys = self._keysCheck(keys)

    # Default facetDims, (Eulers, Eke)
    # Should test these?
    if facetDims is None:
        facetDims = ['Labels', Etype]

    if len(facetDims) == 1:
    if len(facetDims) > 2:
        print(f"Too many facetDims (max=2), using only {facetDims[0:2]}.")

    # Loop over datasets
    for key in keys:
        # for m, item in enumerate(self.dataSets[key]['TX']):
        plotFlag = True

        # Set data & slice on E
        subset = self.Esubset(key = key, dataType = dataType,  Erange = Erange, Etype = Etype)

        # if selDims is not None:  # Now set as empty dict to avoid issues later.
        # TODO: smarter dim handling here - selDims may not be consistent over all dataSets!
        if selDims:
            subset = subset.sel(selDims)

        # If theta and/or phi present, assume angular gridded data
        # If not present, assumed LM parameters, and expand on grid
        if not (('Theta' in subset.dims) or ('Phi' in subset.dims)):
            subset, _ = sphFromBLMPlot(subset, plotFlag = False)
            subset = subset.sum('LM')

        if sumDims:
            sumDimsCheck = set(subset.dims)&{*sumDims}  # This checks sumDims are present, otherwise will throw an error.
            print(f"Summing over dims: {sumDimsCheck}")
            subset = subset.sum(sumDimsCheck)

        if reducePhi:
            if reducePhi == 'sum':
                subset = subset.sum('Phi')
                subset = subset.sel({'Phi':reducePhi})

        if squeeze:
            subset = subset.squeeze()

        #***** Check dims
        # Handling for Euler or Labels dim - UGLY
        eDim = 'Euler'
        if hasattr(subset, 'Labels'):
#                 if 'Labels' in selDims:
            if eDim in subset.dims:
                subset = subset.swap_dims({'Euler':'Labels'})

            eDim = 'Labels'

#         plotDims = set(subset.dims) - set(facetDims)

        # Check facetDims exist, otherwise may get groupby errors (may be cleaner to use try/except here?)
        # NOTE this will still produce errors in some cases (0 dims matched)
        facetDimsCheck = list(set(subset.dims)&{*facetDims})
        if len(facetDimsCheck) == 0:
            print(f'***Error: missing dims {facetDims}.')
        elif len(facetDimsCheck) == 1:

        extraDims = set(subset.dims) - {*facetDimsCheck,*sumDims} - {'Theta','Phi'}  # Check for outstanding dims, this will return an empty set if all dims accounted for here

        if extraDims:
            print(f"Found additional dims {extraDims}, summing to reduce for plot. Pass selDims to avoid.")

            for dim in extraDims:
                subset = subset.sum(dim)  #.squeeze()

        # Ensure attrs propagated
        subset.attrs =[key][dataType].attrs

        # GROUPBY AND PLOT?  NOT SURE HOW BEST TO HANDLE MULTIPLE DIMS HERE? Can pass 1 facet dim to SPH plotter already.
        # TODO: decide MAX 4D. Then reduce > groupby > facet to existing plotter.
        # TODO: general way to handle more dims?

        if pStyle is 'polar':
            for groupLabel, item in subset.groupby(facetDimsCheck[0]):
#                 tString = f"Pol geom: {item.item()}, plotType: {pType}"
                tString = f"{facetDimsCheck[0]}: {groupLabel}, plotType: {pType}"
                _ = sphSumPlotX(item, pType = pType, backend = backend, facetDim = facetDimsCheck[1], titleString = tString)

        elif pStyle is 'grid':
            print(f"Grid plot: {subset.attrs['jobLabel']}, dataType: {dataType}, plotType: {pType}")

            # Set data
            subset = plotTypeSelector(subset, pType = pType, axisUW = Etype)

            if reducePhi:
                # subset.plot(x='Theta', y=Etype, col=eDim, robust=True)
                # subset.plot(x='Theta', y=facetDimsCheck[0], col=facetDimsCheck[1], robust=True)  # This might fail for only one facetDim
                                                                                                    # This did work initially, but not later - dim ordering always goes to alphabetical with set selection above
                subset.plot(x='Theta', y=Etype, col=list({*facetDimsCheck}-{Etype})[0], robust=True)  # Force E dim to y
                subset.plot(y='Theta',x='Phi', row=facetDimsCheck[1], col=facetDimsCheck[0], robust=True)  # This might fail for only one facetDim. DIM ORDERING NOT PRESERVED

    # Return data? Note this is only set for final key value at the moment.
    if returnFlag:
        return subset