ePSproc wavefunction plotting tests & demo: CH3I with animation


This notebook demos (continuum photoelectron) wavefunction plotting from ePS gridded file outputs, for a large dataset including animation. (See the basic notebook for starter demo material.) The plotting is handled with pyVista, with itkwidgets for interactive plotting. Both tools are built on the ITK/VTK toolchain.


  • Test & demo wfPlotter class for large datasets.
  • Demo animation routine.

See also:


  • 11/08/20 updating with rewritten plotWf method.
  • 03/08/20 v1 and testing


# Standard libs
import sys
import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from datetime import datetime as dt
timeString = dt.now()

# For reporting
import scooby
# scooby.Report(additional=['holoviews', 'hvplot', 'xarray', 'matplotlib', 'bokeh'])
# TODO: set up function for this, see https://github.com/banesullivan/scooby
# Installed package version
# import epsproc as ep

# ePSproc test codebase (local)
if sys.platform == "win32":
    modPath = r'D:\code\github\ePSproc'  # Win test machine
    modPath = r'/home/femtolab/github/ePSproc/'  # Linux test machine

import epsproc as ep
* pyevtk not found, VTK export not available.

wfPlotter class

Data IO and plotting functions are set in the wfPlotter class.

from epsproc.vol.wfPlot import wfPlotter

# Load data from modPath\data
# dataPath = os.path.join(modPath, 'data', 'wavefn')  # Case for single test dataset in ePSproc repo

# Load data from an ePSdata download,
# See https://epsproc.readthedocs.io/en/dev/demos/ePSdata_download_demo_300720.html
# dataPath = r'/home/femtolab/Downloads/3660708/CH3I_1-60eV/orb20_A1_waveFn'  # Linux test machine
dataPath = r'D:\temp\3660708\CH3I_1-60eV\orb20_A1_waveFn'   # Win test machine

wfClass = wfPlotter(fileBase = dataPath, tempdir = Path(dataPath).parent)  # Optionally pass tempdir here for output image files (animation only), otherwise will be set to system default.

*** Scanning dir
Found 48 _Orb.dat file(s)

Found molecule: CH3I
Found 2 symmetries, ['SA1CA1', 'SECE']
Found 24 energies, [1.0, 3.5, 6.0, 8.5, 11.0, 13.5, 16.0, 18.5, 21.0, 23.5, 26.0, 28.5, 31.0, 33.5, 36.0, 38.5, 41.0, 43.5, 46.0, 48.5, 51.0, 53.5, 56.0, 58.5]

*** Read existing plot options from file D:\code\github\ePSproc\epsproc\vol\plotOptions.json OK.

File names are stored in .fList This is sorted in “natural” order with the natsort library, or python’s native sorted() function if natsort is not available.

# First 10 files in the sorted list

Job details are also extracted from the filenames, and stored in .fDictE (energy sorted) and .fDictSym (symmetry sorted). These are both accessed by simple integer keys.

{'E': 1.0,
 'fList': ['D:\\temp\\3660708\\CH3I_1-60eV\\orb20_A1_waveFn\\CH3ISA1CA1_1.0eV_Orb.dat',
 'mol': 'CH3I',
 'syms': ['SA1CA1', 'SECE']}

Select & read files

Since there might be quite a bit of data, the files are not read initially. This allows for subselection from the full file list. This can be done via the .selectOrbFiles() method, which will set values for IO, or by passing the selection parameters to the .readOrbFiles() method.

Data dictionaries and subselection

Subselection can be made by index value (int), energy value (float) or symmetry group…

# The .selectOrbFiles() method is used for selection,
# This is used by .readOrbFiles() below, but can also be called independently (without reading files)

# With ints (index) values
wfClass.selectOrbFiles(EList = [0,5,7])
Selected 3 energies, [1.0, 13.5, 18.5]
Selected symmetries, ['SA1CA1', 'SECE']
# With floats, which must correspond to exact values for the data items
wfClass.selectOrbFiles(EList = [8.5,16.0, 16.1])

# Note that unmatched values are ignored here.
# TODO: add a range option and nearest value matching
Selected 2 energies, [8.5, 16.0]
Selected symmetries, ['SA1CA1', 'SECE']
# With symmetries
wfClass.selectOrbFiles(SymList = 'SA1CA1')
Selected 24 energies, [1.0, 3.5, 6.0, 8.5, 11.0, 13.5, 16.0, 18.5, 21.0, 23.5, 26.0, 28.5, 31.0, 33.5, 36.0, 38.5, 41.0, 43.5, 46.0, 48.5, 51.0, 53.5, 56.0, 58.5]
Selected symmetries, ['SA1CA1']
# With a combination
wfClass.selectOrbFiles(EList = [0,1,6], SymList = 'SA1CA1')
Selected 3 energies, [1.0, 3.5, 16.0]
Selected symmetries, ['SA1CA1']
# There's also head & tail methods to check the selected items
Item key: 0
{'E': 1.0,
 'fList': ['D:\\temp\\3660708\\CH3I_1-60eV\\orb20_A1_waveFn\\CH3ISA1CA1_1.0eV_Orb.dat'],
 'mol': 'CH3I',
 'syms': ['SA1CA1']}
Item key: 6
{'E': 16.0,
 'fList': ['D:\\temp\\3660708\\CH3I_1-60eV\\orb20_A1_waveFn\\CH3ISA1CA1_16.0eV_Orb.dat'],
 'mol': 'CH3I',
 'syms': ['SA1CA1']}

File IO

This is handled by .readOrbFiles(). If a subselection has already been set, it will be used by default, otherwise all files will be read. Selections can also be made as above, plus the additional option of passing a file list directly.

# Default case - here the previous selection is used.

Read 3 wavefunction data files OK.
*** Grids set OK
*** Data set OK
# Set which files should be read, can pass a list of paths here, or index into .fList with ints.
# Note that, in this case, the original fList is reused, and items are resorted, so may not match self.fDictE or self.fDictSym
subSet = [0,5,10,15]
Selected 4 energies, [1.0, 13.5, 26.0, 38.5]
Selected symmetries, ['SA1CA1']

Read 4 wavefunction data files OK.
*** Grids set OK
*** Data set OK
# The data items previously set now have all the data appended.
# This is set as a PyVista object in the 'vol' dictionary item

# NOTE - PyVista items are indexed sequentially, so may not match input dict keys. This may change in future.
Item key: 0
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells129600
N Points137751
X Bounds-1.000e+01, 1.000e+01
Y Bounds-1.000e+01, 1.000e+01
Z Bounds-1.000e+01, 1.000e+01
Dimensions51, 37, 73
N Arrays3
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax
Item key: 3
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells129600
N Points137751
X Bounds-1.000e+01, 1.000e+01
Y Bounds-1.000e+01, 1.000e+01
Z Bounds-1.000e+01, 1.000e+01
Dimensions51, 37, 73
N Arrays3
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax


The default plot is interactive (with VTK), and will show all the loaded datasets (with given type). Rotation, visibilities and opacities of each plotted dataset can be changed via the menu in the plot window. This is good for initial data exploration. Note, however, that this needs a live notebook process, and won’t render in static HTML output.

wfClass.plotWf(pType='Re', opacity=0.3)
Set plotter to PlotterITK


For non-interactive data exploration, subplots can be used.

wfClass.plotOptions['global']['subplot'] = True
Set plotter to Plotter


Multiple frame output and gif generation is (just about) supported.


  • fix global colormap
  • more annotations
  • frame rate
  • fix global (x,y,z) scaling (default crops to contours)
wfClass.plotOptions['global']['subplot'] = False
wfClass.plotOptions['global']['animate'] = True
Frame images output to:  D:\temp\3660708\CH3I_1-60eV\wfAnimation_CH3I_27-08-20_09-52-41
GIF animation file:  D:\temp\3660708\CH3I_1-60eV\wfAnimation_CH3I_27-08-20_09-52-41\wfAnimation_CH3I_27-08-20_09-52-41.gif
Set plotter to Plotter
Animation output complete.
# To get the file path
# To show the gif

With full E set

# Set symmetry, all E
wfClass.selectOrbFiles(SymList = 'SA1CA1')
Selected 24 energies, [1.0, 3.5, 6.0, 8.5, 11.0, 13.5, 16.0, 18.5, 21.0, 23.5, 26.0, 28.5, 31.0, 33.5, 36.0, 38.5, 41.0, 43.5, 46.0, 48.5, 51.0, 53.5, 56.0, 58.5]
Selected symmetries, ['SA1CA1']

Read 24 wavefunction data files OK.
*** Grids set OK
*** Data set OK
Frame images output to:  D:\temp\3660708\CH3I_1-60eV\wfAnimation_CH3I_27-08-20_09-52-57
GIF animation file:  D:\temp\3660708\CH3I_1-60eV\wfAnimation_CH3I_27-08-20_09-52-57\wfAnimation_CH3I_27-08-20_09-52-57.gif
Set plotter to Plotter
Animation output complete.

Plot options

The default plot options are set in a dictionary. Some options can also be passed directly to the plotter. Currently the defaults are initially read from file, and custom options files can also be used.


  • more options to set, including plotter-specific cases.
  • general set functionality, rather than manual assignment.
# Currently set plotOptions
{'global': {'note': 'Global plot settings, used as defaults. To change for session, overwrite in local dict. To change permanently, overwrite in file plotOptions.json. To reset, use `epsproc/vol/set_plot_options_json.ipynb` or .py.',
  'pType': 'Abs',
  'interactive': False,
  'inline': True,
  'animate': True,
  'isoLevels': 6,
  'isoValsAbs': None,
  'isoValsPC': None,
  'isoValsGlobal': True,
  'opacity': 0.3,
  'subplot': False},
 'BGplotter': {'addAxis': True, 'kwargs': {}}}
# Reset local values from file
Overwrite local plot options with settings from file (y/n)?  y

*** Read existing plot options from file D:\code\github\ePSproc\epsproc\vol\plotOptions.json OK.
# Setting local options to follow!
Arb option setting not yet supported, but can be manually assigned to self.plotOptions dictionary.
# Manual assignment to nested dictionary
wfClass.plotOptions['global']['opacity'] = 0.5



import scooby
scooby.Report(additional=['epsproc', 'pyvista', 'xarray'])
Thu Aug 27 09:59:04 2020 Eastern Daylight Time
OS Windows CPU(s) 32 Machine AMD64
Architecture 64bit RAM 63.9 GB Environment Jupyter
Python 3.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2019, 15:29:51) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)]
epsproc 1.2.5-dev pyvista 0.25.3 xarray 0.15.0
numpy 1.19.1 scipy 1.3.0 IPython 7.12.0
matplotlib 3.3.1 scooby 0.5.6
Intel(R) Math Kernel Library Version 2020.0.0 Product Build 20191125 for Intel(R) 64 architecture applications