Source code for epsproc.util.misc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ePSproc convenience functions

Collection of small functions for sorting etc.


# import numpy as np
import re
import itertools
import os
from datetime import datetime
# import scipy.constants
# # Package fns.
# from epsproc.basicPlotters import molPlot

    from natsort import natsorted  # For natural sorting
    natsortFlag = True

except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'natsort'":
    print('* natsort not found, some sorting functions not available. ')
    natsortFlag = False

#***************** Convenience functions...

# Multistring replace
# See
[docs]def stringRepMap(string, replacements, ignore_case=False): """ Given a string and a replacement map, it returns the replaced string. :param str string: string to execute replacements on :param dict replacements: replacement dictionary {value to find: value to replace} :param bool ignore_case: whether the match should be case insensitive :rtype: str CODE from: ... more or less verbatim. Thanks to *bgusach* for the Gist. """ # If case insensitive, we need to normalize the old string so that later a replacement # can be found. For instance with {"HEY": "lol"} we should match and find a replacement for "hey", # "HEY", "hEy", etc. if ignore_case: def normalize_old(s): return s.lower() re_mode = re.IGNORECASE else: def normalize_old(s): return s re_mode = 0 replacements = {normalize_old(key): val for key, val in replacements.items()} # Place longer ones first to keep shorter substrings from matching where the longer ones should take place # For instance given the replacements {'ab': 'AB', 'abc': 'ABC'} against the string 'hey abc', it should produce # 'hey ABC' and not 'hey ABc' rep_sorted = sorted(replacements, key=len, reverse=True) rep_escaped = map(re.escape, rep_sorted) # Create a big OR regex that matches any of the substrings to replace pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep_escaped), re_mode) # For each match, look up the new string in the replacements, being the key the normalized old string return pattern.sub(lambda match: replacements[normalize_old(], string)
# Sort a 2D numpy array.
[docs]def arraySort2D(a, col): """ Sort np.array `a` by specified column `col`. From """ return a[a[:,col].argsort()]
# Set up lambdas for itertools groupby use in fileListSort (below) # Quick hack to get this working for different file-naming conventions. # TODO: make nicer & generalise. # TODO: consider cases with/without prefix str for single and multiple dirs - that's the main difference with prefixStr...? # 28/04/21 - currently broken for wavefn files, must have changed this for other purposes AFTER ? # Quick fix by also matching by file type for orb data files (.dat) # Should really use regex here!
[docs]def sortGroupFn(fListSorted, prefixStr): # (1) Original case, works for wavefunction files with naming convention # <jobSym>_<Eke>_Orb.dat, e.g. CH3ISA1CA1_1.0eV_Orb.dat # In this case, split and group on first part of file name partName = fListSorted[0].replace(prefixStr,'') if (len(partName.split('_')) < 2) or (partName.endswith('.dat')): return lambda x:x.replace(prefixStr,'').split('_')[0] # (2) Case for multi-E ePS job output files. # <job>.<orb>_<Sym>_<Eke>.out, e.g. N2O_wf.orb1_S_E1.0_6.0_97.0eV.inp.out # In this case, just group be prefix, which should be OK if only a single dir is set. # Should likely also check for file extension or other here? else: # return lambda x:prefixStr # Use prefix str only return lambda x:x.split('_E')[0] # Check from full name, no additional prefixStr required.
# Sort & group filenames
[docs]def fileListSort(fList, groupByPrefix=True, prefixStr = None, verbose=1): """ Sort a list of file names, and group by prefix. Note: this currently assumes a file name schema whereby split('_')[0] picks the grouping string. Note: os.path.commonprefix() is used for determining prefix, this may fail in some cases (e.g. for cases where a single file is passed, or files from different dirs). Pass prefix manaully in these cases. Returns ------- fListSorted, groupedList, prefixStr """ if natsortFlag: fListSorted = natsorted(fList) else: fListSorted = sorted(fList) # prefixStr = '' if groupByPrefix: if prefixStr is None: prefixStr = os.path.commonprefix(fListSorted) # Find common prefix if not passed. # Solution with itertools groupby # Adapted from # groupedList = [list(v) for k,v in itertools.groupby(fListSorted,key=lambda x:x.replace(prefixStr,'').split('_')[0])] groupedList = [list(v) for k,v in itertools.groupby(fListSorted,key=sortGroupFn(fListSorted, prefixStr))] if verbose: print(f"\n*** FileListSort \n Prefix: {prefixStr} \n {len(groupedList)} groups.") if verbose > 1: print("\n Grouped list:") print(*groupedList, sep = '\n') if len(fList) > 1: return fListSorted, groupedList, prefixStr else: return fList, fList, None
# Return a time-string for setting unique file names # May already have this elsewhere...?
[docs]def timeStamp(): """Get local time and return formatted string "%d-%m-%y_%H-%M-%S" for time-stamping filesnames.""" dt = return dt.strftime("%d-%m-%y_%H-%M-%S")
[docs]def checkDims(data, refDims = []): """ Check dimensions for a data array (Xarray) vs. a reference list (or dict). Returns dictionary of dims, intersection and differences. TODO: check and order dims by size? Otherwise set return is alphebetical 11/05/21 Added handling for stacked dims. """ dims = data.dims # Set dim list - this excludes stacked dims dimsUS = data.unstack().dims # Set unstaked (full) dim list stackedDims = list(set(dims) - set(dimsUS)) # Check ref vs. full dim list sharedDims = list(set(dimsUS)&{*refDims}) # Intersection extraDims = list(set(dimsUS) - {*refDims}) # Difference invalidDims = list({*refDims} - set(dimsUS)) return {'dataDims':dims, 'dataDimsUS':dimsUS, 'refDims':refDims, 'shared':sharedDims, 'extra':extraDims, 'stacked':stackedDims, 'invalid':invalidDims}
# Subselect from sharedDims
[docs]def subselectDims(data, refDims = []): """ Subselect dims from shared dim dict. Check dimensions for a data array (Xarray) vs. a reference list. Used to set safe selection criteria in matEleSelector. """ # Check dims dimSets = checkDims(data, refDims) # Subselect if isinstance(refDims,dict): # Return dim with only subselected keys, i.e. existing dims. return {k:v for k,v in refDims.items() if k in dimSets['shared']} else: return dimsSets['shared'] # Return shared dim list only.