Source code for epsproc.sphCalc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ePSproc spherical function calculations.

Collection of functions for calculating Spherical Tensors: Ylm, wignerD etc.

For spherical harmonics, currently using scipy.special.sph_harm

For other functions, using Moble's spherical_functions package

See tests/Spherical function testing Aug 2019.ipynb

04/12/19        Added `setPolGeoms()` to define frames as Xarray.
                Added `setADMs()` to define ADMs as Xarray
02/12/19        Added basic TKQ multipole frame rotation routine.
27/08/19        Added wDcalc for Wigner D functions.
14/08/19    v1  Implmented sphCalc


# Imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from scipy.special import sph_harm, lpmv
import spherical_functions as sf
import quaternion
import string

    from sympy.physics.quantum.spin import Rotation  # For basic frame rotation code, should update to use sf
except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'sympy'":
    print('* Sympy not found, some (legacy) sph functions may not be available. ')

# Master function for setting geometries/frame rotations
[docs]def setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = None, quat = None, labels = None, vFlag = 2): """ Generate Xarray containing polarization geometries as Euler angles and corresponding quaternions. Define LF > MF polarization geometry/rotations. Provide either eulerAngs or quaternions, but not both (supplied quaternions only will be used in this case). For default case (eulerAngs = None, quat = None), 3 geometries are calculated, corresponding to z-pol, x-pol and y-pol cases. Defined by Euler angles: (p,t,c) = [0 0 0] for z-pol, (p,t,c) = [0 pi/2 0] for x-pol, (p,t,c) = [pi/2 pi/2 0] for y-pol. Parameters ---------- eulerAngs : list or np.array of Euler angles (p(hi), t(heta), c(hi)), optional. List or array [p,t,c...], shape (Nx3). List or array including set labels, [label,p,t,c...], shape (Nx4) quat : list or np.array of quaternions, optional. labels : list of labels, one per set of angles. Optional. If not set, states will be labelled numerically. vFlag : version of routine to use, optional, default = 2 Options: - 1, use labels as sub-dimensional coord. - 2, set labels as non-dimensional coord. Returns ------- RX : Xarray of quaternions, with Euler angles as dimensional params. To do ----- - Better label handling, as dictionary? With mixed-type array may get issues later. (sf.quaternion doesn't seem to have an issue however.) - Xarray MultiIndex with mixed types? Tested with pd - not supported: >>> eulerInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([eulerAngs[:,0].T, eulerAngs[:,1:].T.astype('float')], names = ['Label','P','T','C']) # Gives error: # NotImplementedError: > 1 ndim Categorical are not supported at this time Examples -------- >>> # Defaults >>> RXdefault = setPolGeoms() >>> print(RXdefault) >>> # Pass Eulers, no labels >>> pRot = [1.666, 0, np.pi/2] >>> tRot = [0, np.pi/2, np.pi/2] >>> cRot = [-1.5, 0, 0] >>> eulerAngs = np.array([pRot, tRot, cRot]).T >>> RXePass = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs) >>> print(RXePass) >>> # Pass labels separately >>> RXePass = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs, labels = ['1','23','ff']) >>> print(RXePass) >>> # Pass Eulers with existing labels >>> labels = ['A','B','C'] >>> eulerAngs = np.array([labels, pRot, tRot, cRot]).T >>> RXePass = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs) >>> print(RXePass) >>> # Pass Quaternions and labels >>> RXqPass = setPolGeoms(quat = RXePass, labels = labels) >>> print(RXqPass) >>> # Pass both - only quaternions will be used in this case, and warning displayed. >>> RXqeTest = setPolGeoms(eulerAngs = eulerAngs, quat = RXePass, labels = labels) >>> print(RXqeTest) """ # Default case, set (x,y,z) geometries if (eulerAngs is None) and (quat is None): # As arrays, with labels pRot = [0, 0, np.pi/2] tRot = [0, np.pi/2, np.pi/2] cRot = [0, 0, 0] labels = ['z','x','y'] eulerAngs = np.array([labels, pRot, tRot, cRot]).T # List form to use later, rows per set of angles # Get quaternions from Eulers, if provided or as set above for default case. if eulerAngs is not None: if type(eulerAngs) is not np.ndarray: # eulerAngs = np.asarray(eulerAngs) eulerAngs = np.array(eulerAngs, ndmin=2) # 11/05/21 added to force ndmin for single element list case. elif eulerAngs.ndim is 1: eulerAngs = np.expand_dims(eulerAngs, 0) # 11/05/21 added to force ndmin for single element list case. if eulerAngs.shape[1] is 3: if labels is None: # Set labels if missing, alphabetic or numeric if eulerAngs.shape[0] < 27: labels = list(string.ascii_uppercase[0:eulerAngs.shape[0]]) else: labels = np.arange(1,eulerAngs.shape[0]+1) elif not isinstance(labels, (list, np.ndarray)): # 11/05/21 added to fix for single element non-list case. labels = [labels] eulerAngs = np.c_[labels, eulerAngs] # If quaternions are passed, set corresponding Eulers if quat is not None: eulerFromQuat = quaternion.as_euler_angles(quat) # Set Eulers from quaternions if labels is None: # Set labels if missing labels = np.arange(1,eulerFromQuat.shape[0]+1) if eulerAngs is not None: print('***Warning: Euler angles and Quaternions passed, using Quaternions only.') eulerAngs = np.c_[labels, eulerFromQuat] # Otherwise set from Eulers else: quat = quaternion.from_euler_angles(eulerAngs[:,1:]) # Convert Eulers to quaternions #*** Set up Xarray if vFlag == 1: # v1 keep Labels as subdim. # This works, and allows selection by label, but Euler coords may be string type # Set Pandas MultiIndex - note transpose for eulerAngs to (angs,set) order eulerInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(eulerAngs.T, names = ['Label','P','T','C']) # Create Xarray RX = xr.DataArray(quat, coords={'Euler':eulerInd}, dims='Euler') RX.attrs['dataType'] = 'Euler' elif vFlag == 2: # v2 Labels as non-dim coords. # Doesn't allow selection, but keeps Euler coords as floats in all cases. Euler = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(eulerAngs[:,1:].T.astype('float'), names = ['P','T','C']) RX = xr.DataArray(quat, coords={'Euler':Euler,'Labels':('Euler',eulerAngs[:,0].T)}, dims='Euler') RX.attrs['dataType'] = 'Euler' else: print('***Version not recognized') return RX
# Create Xarray from set of ADMs - adapted from existing blmXarray()
[docs]def setADMs(ADMs = [0,0,0,1], KQSLabels = None, t = None, addS = False, name = None, tUnits = 'ps'): """ Create Xarray from ADMs, or create default case ADM(K,Q,S) = [0,0,0,1]. Parameters ---------- ADMs : list or np.array, default = [0,0,0,1] Set of ADMs = [K, Q, S, ADM]. If multiple ADMs are provided per (K,Q,S) index, they are set to the t axis (if provided), or indexed numerically. KQSLabels : list or np.array, optional, default = None If passed, assume ADMs are unabelled, and use (K,Q,S) indicies provided here. t : list or np.array, optional, default = None If passed, use for dimension defining ADM sets (usually time). Defaults to numerical label if not passed, t = np.arange(0,ADMs.shape[1]) addS : bool, default = False If set, append S = 0 to ADMs. This allows for passing of [K,Q,ADM] type values (e.g. for symmetric top case) name : str, optional, default = None Set a name for the array. If None, will be set to 'ADM' (same as dataType attrib) tUnits : str, optional, default = 'ps' Units for temporal axis, if set. Returns ------- ADMX : Xarray ADMs in Xarray format, dims as per :py:func:`epsproc.utils.ADMdimList()` Examples --------- >>> # Default case >>> ADMX = setADMs() >>> ADMX >>> # Set with ranges (as an array [K,Q,S, t(0), t(1)...]), with values per t >>> tPoints = 10 >>> ADMX = setADMs(ADMs = [[0,0,0, *np.ones(10)], [2,0,0, *np.linspace(0,1,tPoints)], [4,0,0, *np.linspace(0,0.5,tPoints)]]) >>> # With full N2 rotational wavepacket ADM set from demo data (ePSproc\data\alignment), where modPath defines root... >>> # Load ADMs for N2 >>> from import loadmat >>> ADMdataFile = os.path.join(modPath, 'data', 'alignment', 'N2_ADM_VM_290816.mat') >>> ADMs = loadmat(ADMdataFile) >>> ADMX = setADMs(ADMs = ADMs['ADM'], KQSLabels = ADMs['ADMlist'], addS = True) >>> ADMX """ # Check size of passed set of ADMs # For ease of manipulation, just change to np.array if necessary! if isinstance(ADMs, list): ADMs = np.array(ADMs, ndmin = 2) # Set lables explicitly if not passed, and resize ADMs if KQSLabels is None: if addS: KQSLabels = ADMs[:,0:2] KQSLabels = np.c_[KQSLabels, np.zeros(KQSLabels.shape[0])] ADMs = ADMs[:,2:] else: KQSLabels = ADMs[:,0:3] ADMs = ADMs[:,3:] else: if addS: KQSLabels = np.c_[KQSLabels, np.zeros(KQSLabels.shape[0])] # Add S for labels passed case # Set indexing, default to numerical if t is None: t = np.arange(0,ADMs.shape[1]) tUnits = 'Index' # Set up Xarray QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(KQSLabels.real.T.astype('int8'), names = ['K','Q','S']) # Set lables, enforce type ADMX = xr.DataArray(ADMs, coords={'ADM':QNs,'t':t}, dims = ['ADM','t']) # Metadata if name is None: = 'ADM' else: = name ADMX.attrs['dataType'] = 'ADM' ADMX.attrs['long_name'] = 'Axis distribution moments' # Set units ADMX.attrs['units'] = 'arb' ADMX.t.attrs['units'] = tUnits return ADMX
# Calculate a set of sph function
[docs]def sphCalc(Lmax, Lmin = 0, res = None, angs = None, XFlag = True, fnType = 'sph', convention = 'phys', conj = False): ''' Calculate set of spherical harmonics Ylm(theta,phi) on a grid. Parameters ---------- Lmax : int Maximum L for the set. Ylm calculated for Lmin:Lmax, all m. Lmin : int, optional, default 0 Min L for the set. Ylm calculated for Lmin:Lmax, all m. res : int or list, optional, default None (Theta, Phi) grid resolution, outputs will be of dim [res,res] (if int) or [res[0], res[1]] (if list). angs : list of 2D np.arrays, [thetea, phi], optional, default None If passed, use these grids for calculation. NOTE: if 'maths' convention set, this array will be assumed to be [phi, theta] XFlag : bool, optional, default True Flag for output. If true, output is Xarray. If false, np.arrays fnType : str, optional, default = 'sph' Currently can set to 'sph' for SciPy spherical harmonics, or 'lg' for SciPy Legendre polynomials. More backends to follow. convention : str, optional, default = 'phys' Set to 'phys' (theta from z-axis) or 'maths' (phi from z-axis) spherical polar conventions. (Might need some work!) conj : bool, optional, default = False Return complex conjugate. Note that either res OR angs needs to be passed. Outputs ------- - if XFlag - YlmX 3D Xarray, dims (lm,theta,phi) - else - Ylm, lm 3D np.array of values, dims (lm,theta,phi), plus list of lm pairs Methods ------- Currently set for scipy.special.sph_harm as calculation routine. Note (theta, phi) definition, and normalisation. Example ------- >>> YlmX = sphCalc(2, res = 50) ''' # Check if res is 1D or 2D if passed if res is not None: if isinstance(res, int): res = [res, res] # Set coords based on inputs # TODO: better code here (try/fail?) # TODO: 03/09/20 checking/testing coords defns, needs a tidy up (or just remove) if angs is None and res: if convention == 'maths': # theta, phi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res),np.linspace(0,np.pi,res)) TP = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res[0]),np.linspace(0,np.pi,res[1])) elif convention == 'phys': # phi, theta = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res),np.linspace(0,np.pi,res)) TP = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,np.pi,res[0]),np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res[1])) elif res is None and angs: # theta = angs[0] # phi = angs[1] if convention == 'maths': TP = angs.T else: TP = angs # Used passed angs directly. else: print('Need to pass either res or angs.') return False # Loop over lm and calculate lm = [] Ylm = [] for l in np.arange(Lmin,Lmax+1): for m in np.arange(-l,l+1): lm.append([l, m]) if fnType is 'sph': if convention == 'maths': # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,theta,phi)) Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,TP[0],TP[1])) # For SciPy.special.sph_harm() 'maths' convention is enforced. elif convention == 'phys': # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,phi,theta)) Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,TP[1],TP[0])) # Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,TP[0],TP[1])) # Pass arrays by ind to allow for different conventions above. elif fnType is 'lg': # Ylm.append(lpmv(m,l,np.cos(phi))) if convention == 'maths': Ylm.append(lpmv(m,l,np.cos(TP[1]))) # For SciPy.special.lpmv() 'maths' convention is enforced. elif convention == 'phys': Ylm.append(lpmv(m,l,np.cos(TP[0]))) else: print(f"fnType {fnType} not supported.") # Return as Xarray or np arrays. if XFlag: # Set indexes QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(np.asarray(lm).T, names = ['l','m']) # YlmX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(Ylm), coords=[('LM',QNs), ('Theta',theta[0,:]), ('Phi',phi[:,0])]) # YlmX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(Ylm), coords=[('LM',QNs), ('Theta', TP[0][0,:]), ('Phi', TP[1][:,0])]) YlmX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(Ylm), coords=[('LM',QNs), ('Phi', TP[1][:,0]), ('Theta', TP[0][0,:])]) # Fixed dim ordering for SciPy maths convention. if conj: return YlmX.conj() else: return YlmX else: if conj: return np.conj(np.asarray(Ylm)), np.asarray(lm) else: return np.asarray(Ylm), np.asarray(lm)
# Calculate wignerD functions # Adapted directly from Matlab code, # via Jupyter test Notebook "Spherical function testing Aug 2019.ipynb"
[docs]def wDcalc(Lrange = [0, 1], Nangs = None, eAngs = None, R = None, XFlag = True, QNs = None, dlist = ['lp','mu','mu0'], eNames = ['P','T','C'], conjFlag = False, sfError = True, verbose = False): ''' Calculate set of Wigner D functions D(l,m,mp; R) on a grid. Parameters ---------- Lrange : list, optional, default [0, 1] Range of L to calculate parameters for. If len(Lrange) == 2 assumed to be of form [Lmin, Lmax], otherwise list is used directly. For a given l, all (m, mp) combinations are calculated. QNs : np.array, optional, default = None List of QNs [l,m,mp] to compute Wigner D terms for. If supplied, use this instead of Lrange setting. Options for setting angles (use one only): Nangs : int, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Ranges will be set as (theta, phi, chi) = (0:pi, 0:pi/2, 0:pi) in Nangs steps. eAngs : np.array, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Array of angles, [theta,phi,chi], in radians R : np.array, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Array of quaternions, as given by quaternion.from_euler_angles(eAngs). XFlag : bool, optional, default True Flag for output. If true, output is Xarray. If false, np.arrays dlist : list, optional, default ['lp','mu','mu0'] Labels for Xarray QN dims. eNames : list, optional, default ['P','T','C'] Labels for Xarray Euler dims. conjFlag : bool, optional, default = False If true, return complex conjuage values. sfError : bool, optional, default = None If not None, set `sf.error_on_bad_indices = sfError` If True (default case), this will raise a value error on bad QNs. If False, set = 0. See code at **05/05/21 - added, but CURRENTLY NOT WORKING** Outputs ------- - if XFlag - wDX Xarray, dims (lmmp,Euler) - else - wD, R, lmmp np.arrays of values, dims (lmmp,Euler), plus list of angles and lmmp sets. Methods ------- Uses Moble's spherical_functions package for wigner D function. Moble's quaternion package for angles and conversions. For testing, see Examples -------- >>> wDX1 = wDcalc(eAngs = np.array([0,0,0])) >>> wDX2 = wDcalc(Nangs = 10) ''' # Set QNs for calculation, (l,m,mp) if len(Lrange) == 2: Ls = np.arange(Lrange[0], Lrange[1]+1) else: Ls = Lrange # Set QNs based on Lrange if not passed to function. if QNs is None: QNs = [] for l in Ls: for m in np.arange(-l, l+1): for mp in np.arange(-l, l+1): QNs.append([l, m, mp]) QNs = np.array(QNs) # Set angles - either input as a range, a set or as quaternions if Nangs is not None: # Set a range of Eugler angles for testing pRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi,Nangs) tRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2,Nangs) cRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi,Nangs) eAngs = np.array([pRot, tRot, cRot,]).T if eAngs is not None: if eAngs.shape[-1] != 3: # Check dims, should be (N X 3) for quaternion... but transpose for pd.MultiIndex eAngs = eAngs.T else: if R is not None: eAngs = quaternion.as_euler_angles(R) # Set Eulers from quaternions if R is None: # Convert to quaternions R = quaternion.from_euler_angles(eAngs) # Calculate WignerDs # 05/05/21 - Testing term skipping here and try/except below for afpad routine with sub-selected polarization terms, which currently sets some invalid QNs. # Setting sf.error here currently doesn't work - may be version or scope issue? Use in try/except in main loop instead, also with option of skipping terms. # Term skipping may be problematic, since it changes size of QNs array, so left as setting zeros for now. if sfError is not None: sf.error_on_bad_indices = sfError # sf.Wigner_D_element is vectorised for QN OR angles # Here loop over QNs for a set of angles R wD = [] lmmp = [] for n in np.arange(0, QNs.shape[0]): try: if conjFlag: wD.append(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2]).conj()) else: wD.append(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2])) lmmp.append(QNs[n,:]) except ValueError: # Set to zero to maintain array dims if sfError: if verbose: print(f'*** WignerD calc invalid (l,m,m) term ({QNs[n,0]}, {QNs[n,1]}, {QNs[n,2]}) set to 0') lmmp.append(QNs[n,:]) wD.append(0.0) else: if verbose: print(f'*** WignerD calc skipping invalid (l,m,m) term ({QNs[n,0]}, {QNs[n,1]}, {QNs[n,2]})') # Return values as Xarray or np.arrays if XFlag: # Put into Xarray #TODO: this will currently fail for a single set of QNs. QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(np.asarray(lmmp).T, names = dlist) if (eAngs is not None) and (eAngs.size == 3): # Ugh, special case for only one set of angles. Euler = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[eAngs[0]],[eAngs[1]],[eAngs[2]]], names = eNames) wDX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(wD), coords=[('QN',QNs)]) wDX = wDX.expand_dims({'Euler':Euler}) else: Euler = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(eAngs.T, names = eNames) wDX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(wD), coords=[('QN',QNs), ('Euler',Euler)]) return wDX else: return wD, R, np.asarray(lmmp).T
#*** Basic frame rotation code, see # Define frame rotation of state multipoles. # Eqn. 4.41 in Blum (p127) # Currently a bit ugly! # Also set for numerical output only, although uses Sympy functions which can be used symbolically. # Pass TKQ np.array [K,Q,TKQ], eAngs list of Euler angles (theta,phi,chi) to define rotation.
[docs]def TKQarrayRot(TKQ,eAngs): r""" Frame rotation for multipoles $T_{K,Q}$. Basic frame rotation code, see for examples. Parameters ---------- TKQ : np.array Values defining the initial distribution, [K,Q,TKQ] eAngs : list or np.array List of Euler angles (theta,phi,chi) defining rotated frame. Returns ------- TKQRot : np.array Multipoles $T'_{K,Q}$ in rotated frame, as an np.array [K,Q,TKQ]. TODO: redo with Moble's functions, and Xarray input & output. Formalism ---------- For the state multipoles, frame rotations are fairly straightforward (Eqn. 4.41 in Blum): .. math:: \begin{equation} \left\langle T(J',J)_{KQ}^{\dagger}\right\rangle =\sum_{q}\left\langle T(J',J)_{Kq}^{\dagger}\right\rangle D(\Omega)_{qQ}^{K*} \end{equation} Where $D(\Omega)_{qQ}^{K*}$ is a Wigner rotation operator, for a rotation defined by a set of Euler angles $\Omega=\{\theta,\phi,\chi\}$. Hence the multipoles transform, as expected, as irreducible tensors, i.e. components $q$ are mixed by rotation, but terms of different rank $K$ are not. """ TKQRot = [] thres = 1E-5 Kmax = 6 # Easy way - loop over possible output values & sum based on input TKQ. Can probably do this in a smarter way. for K in range(0,Kmax+1): for q in range(-K,K+1): # Set summation variable and add relevant terms from summation TKQRotSum = 0.0 for row in range(TKQ.shape[0]): Kin = TKQ[row][0] Qin = TKQ[row][1] if Kin == K: Dval = Rotation.D(K,Qin,q,eAngs[0],eAngs[1],eAngs[2]) TKQRotSum += conjugate(Dval.doit())*TKQ[row][2] else: pass if np.abs(N(TKQRotSum)) > thres: TKQRot.append([K,q,N(TKQRotSum)]) # Use N() here to ensure Sympy numerical output only return np.array(TKQRot)
# 05/12/19 Rewriting with new eAngs and ADM defns... (Xarrays)
[docs]def TKQarrayRotX(TKQin, RX, form = 2): r""" Frame rotation for multipoles $T_{K,Q}$. Basic frame rotation code, see for examples. Parameters ---------- TKQin : Xarray Values defining the initial distribution, [K,Q,TKQ]. Other dimensions will be propagated. RX : Xarray defining frame rotations, from :py:func:`epsproc.setPolGeoms()` List of Euler angles (theta,phi,chi) and corresponding quaternions defining rotated frame. Returns ------- TKQRot : Xarray Multipoles $T'_{K,Q}$ in rotated frame, as an np.array [K,Q,TKQ]. Formalism ---------- For the state multipoles, frame rotations are fairly straightforward (Eqn. 4.41 in Blum): .. math:: \begin{equation} \left\langle T(J',J)_{KQ}^{\dagger}\right\rangle =\sum_{q}\left\langle T(J',J)_{Kq}^{\dagger}\right\rangle D(\Omega)_{qQ}^{K*} \end{equation} Where $D(\Omega)_{qQ}^{K*}$ is a Wigner rotation operator, for a rotation defined by a set of Euler angles $\Omega=\{\theta,\phi,\chi\}$. Hence the multipoles transform, as expected, as irreducible tensors, i.e. components $q$ are mixed by rotation, but terms of different rank $K$ are not. Examples -------- >>> vFlag = 2 >>> RX = ep.setPolGeoms(vFlag = vFlag) # Package version >>> RX >>> testADMX = ep.setADMs(ADMs=[[0,0,0,1],[2,0,0,0.5]]) >>> testADMX >>> testADMrot, wDX, wDXre = TKQarrayRotX(testADMX, RX) >>> testADMrot >>> testADMrot.attrs['dataType'] = 'ADM' >>> sph, _ = sphFromBLMPlot(testADMrot, facetDim = 'Euler', plotFlag = True) """ # Check dataType and rename if required if TKQin.dataType is 'ADM': TKQ = TKQin.copy() elif TKQin.dataType is 'BLM': TKQ = TKQin.copy().unstack('BLM').rename({'l':'K','m':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) else: print('***TKQ dataType not recognized, skipping frame rotation.') return None, None, None # Test if S is set, and flag for later # Better way to get MultiIndexes here? if 'S' in TKQ.unstack().dims: # incS = TKQ.S.pipe(np.abs).values.max() > 0 incS = True else: incS = False # If S = 0, apply basic TKQ transformation # if not incS: #*** Formulate using existing style (looped) # # Loop over rotations, extract quaternion value from Xarray (better way to do this...?) # # Note this will fail for looping over RX, then taking values - seems to give size=1 array which throws errors... weird... # for R in RX.values: # # Loop over input K values, for all Q # for Kin in ADMX.K: # # Set QNs # # Rotation matrix elements # sf.Wigner_D_element(R, QNs) #*** Formulate using existing wDX code, then multiply - should be faster and transparent (?), and allow multiple dims # Calculate Wigner Ds wDX = wDcalc(Lrange = np.unique(TKQ.K.values), R = RX.values) # NOTE - alternatively can pass angles as Eulers, but may need type conversion for RX.Euler depending on format, and/or loop over angle sets. # Rename coords, use dataType for this # dtList = ep.dataTypesList() # dtDims = dtList[TKQ.dataType]['dims'] # Best way to get relevant QNs here...? Maybe need to start labelling these in dataTypesList? # Rename for ADMs for testing... # ... then mutliply (with existing dims), resort & sum over Q if incS: # Test cases if form == 1: wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Q','mu0':'Qp'}).expand_dims({'S':[0]}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Q,Qp} # This matches Blum 4.41 for CONJ(wD) and conj(TKQ) # Here formulated as TKQp* = sum_Q(TKQ* x D^K_{Q,Qp}*) TKQrot = (TKQ.conj() * wDXre.conj()).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}).conj() # Gives *no difference* between (x,y) cases? Should be phase rotation? if form == 2: # ******************* THINK THIS is the correct case. wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Qp','mu0':'Q'}).expand_dims({'S':[0]}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Qp,Q} # This matches Zare, eqn. 3.83, for D*xTKQ # Here formulated as TKQrot = sum_q(TKq x D^K_{q,Q}*) TKQrot = (TKQ * wDXre.conj()).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Gives re/im difference between (x,y) cases? Should be phase rotation? if form == 3: wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Q','mu0':'Qp'}).expand_dims({'S':[0]}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Q,Qp} # This matches Zare, eqn. 5.8, for sum over Q and REAL wD # Here formulated as TKQp = sum_Q(TKQ x D^K_{Q,Qp}) TKQrot = (TKQ * wDXre).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # TKQrot = (wDXre * TKQ).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Gives *no difference* between (x,y) cases? Should be phase rotation? else: # wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Q','mu0':'Qp'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Q,Qp} # TKQrot = (TKQ * wDXre).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) # form = 2 case only. # wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Qp','mu0':'Q'}).expand_dims({'S':[0]}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q','S')}) # Restack according to D^l_{mu,mu0} > D^K_{Qp,Q} wDXre = wDX.unstack('QN').rename({'lp':'K','mu':'Qp','mu0':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) # This matches Zare, eqn. 3.83, for D*xTKQ # Here formulated as TKQrot = sum_q(TKq x D^K_{q,Q}*) TKQrot = (TKQ * wDXre.conj()).unstack('ADM').sum('Q').rename({'Qp':'Q'}).stack({'ADM':('K','Q')}) #*** Mutliply (with existing dims), then resort & sum over Q # NOW INCLUDED ABOVE for different test cases # Propagate frame labels & attribs # TODO: fix Labels propagation - this seems to drop sometimes, dim issue? # TKQrot['Labels'] = RX.Labels TKQrot['Labels']=('Euler',RX.Labels.values) # This seems to work... TKQrot.attrs = TKQ.attrs # For BLM data, rename vars. if TKQin.dataType is 'BLM': TKQrot = TKQrot.unstack('ADM').rename({'K':'l','Q':'m'}).stack({'BLM':('l','m')}) return TKQrot, wDX, wDXre