Source code for epsproc.plot.hvPlotters

ePSproc plotting functions with Holoviews + Bokeh.

Aim: simple plotters for different datatypes, interactive in Jupyter Notebook + HTML formats.

15/07/20    Debugged, still pretty basic but running.
05/07/20    v1 in development.


 - Plotting test notebooks (/tests/plottingDev) for more.
 - Dev code: http://localhost:8888/notebooks/github/ePSproc/epsproc/tests/plottingDev/basicPlotting_dev_280620.ipynb


- Plotting style mapping & options. Currently having HV issues here.
- Currently set only for XC datatypes from single dataSet, will want to enable stacking etc. here.
- Errorbar or spread plots, currently having issues getting these working for multidim data.


import xarray as xr
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  # For addtional plotting functionality - also need to import here for Seaborn styles to function.
# import holoviews as hv

# Optionals
# Additional plotters
# Seaborn for styles
    import seaborn as sns
    snsFlag = True

except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'seaborn'":
    print('* Seaborn not found, SNS styles not available. ')
    snsFlag = False

# Holoviews for plotting interface
    import holoviews as hv
    from holoviews import opts
    hvFlag = True

except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'holoviews'":
    print('* Holoviews not found, hvPlotters not available. ')
    hvFlag = False

# Set plotters & options.
[docs]def setPlotters(hvBackend = 'bokeh', width = 500, snsStyle = "darkgrid"): """ Set some plot options - Seaborn style + HV defaults. May have some issues with scope here - TBC. Should just run on function import? Update: now moved to module import. Parameters ----------- hvBackend : str or list of strs, optional, default = 'bokeh' Backend(s) for holoviews to load. Can call bokeh, matplotlib or plotly width : int, optional, default = 500 Setting for plot width, in pixels. snsStyle : str, optional, default = "darkgrid" If using Seaborn styles, use snsStyle. See """ # Plotting libs # Optional - set seaborn for plot styling if snsFlag: import seaborn as sns # For > v0.8 need to run .set_theme, see try: sns.set_theme(style = snsStyle) # Set style except AttributeError: pass sns.set_style(snsStyle) # May be unnecessary if set_theme already used? sns.set_context("paper") # "paper", "talk", "poster", sets relative scale of elements # # sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(11.7,8.27)}) # Set figure size explicitly (inch) # # Wraps Matplotlib rcParams, sns.set(rc={'figure.dpi':(120)}) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # For addtional plotting functionality # import bokeh # import holoviews as hv # from holoviews import opts if hvFlag: # Set HV extension try: hv.extension(hvBackend) except ImportError as e: if e.msg != "None of the backends could be imported": raise if hvBackend == 'bokeh': print("Possible bokeh version issue, see (For Holoviews 1.12.5, Bokeh 1.4.0 works, Bokeh 2.0.0 doesn't.)") # Set global HV options # Setting frame_width here results in offset plots in layout - try setting later? # opts.defaults(opts.Curve(frame_width=500, tools=['hover'], show_grid=True, padding=0.01)) opts.defaults(opts.Curve(width=width, tools=['hover'], show_grid=True, padding=0.01))
# return # Convert "standard" XS dataarray to dataset format.
[docs]def hvdsConv(dataXS): """ Basic conversion for XS data from Xarray to Holoviews. This will drop stacked Sym dims, and sum of Total to reduce - may not be appropriate in all cases? """ ds = xr.Dataset({'sigma':dataXS.sel({'XC':'SIGMA'}).drop('XC'), 'beta':dataXS.sel({'XC':'BETA'}).drop('XC')}) hv_ds = hv.Dataset(ds.unstack().sum('Total')) # OK - reduce Sym dims. return hv_ds, ds
# HV plotting routine for XS data
[docs]def XCplot(dataXS, lineDashList = {'L': 'dashed', 'M': 'solid', 'V': 'dashed'}, kdims = "Eke", tString = None): """ Plot XC data using Holoviews. Currently optional stuff hard-coded here, will produce plots [sigma, beta] showing all data. Rather crude, needs some more style mapping. Parameters ----------- dataXS : Xarray Xarray dataarray containing XC data in standard format. lineDashList : dict, optional, default = {'L': 'dashed', 'M': 'solid', 'V': 'dashed'} Set line types for calculation gauge. kdims : str, optional, default = 'Eke' Set x-axis dimension. tString : str, optional, default = None Set Returns -------- layout : hv object Examples --------- >>> plotObj, _,_ = XCplot(dataXS[0]) >>> plotObj Notes ----- - Should add some limit finding params here, to skip/fix cases for out-of-range XS or betas (e.g. null XS cases). """ # Convert to HV dataset hv_ds, ds = hvdsConv(dataXS) # Set options # THIS NEEDS work! # lineDashList = {'L': 'dashed', 'M': 'solid', 'V': 'dashed'} # lineColorList = {'PU': 'blue', 'SU': 'red', 'All': 'green'} # This is working now... just need better cmapping dsPlotSet = hv.Layout() for vdim in ds.var(): plotList = [] # for vdim in ds.var(): for gauge in ds.Type: # print(gauge.item()) # Explicit looping here works for setting desired parameters independently # dsPlotSet +=, kdims=["Eke"], vdims=vdim, dynamic=False).opts(line_dash=lineList[gauge.item()]).overlay(['Cont']) # plotList.append(, kdims=["Eke"], vdims=[vdim], dynamic=False).opts(line_dash=lineList[gauge.item()]).overlay(['Cont'])) # Keep Type dim until *after* curve setting to allow for correct composition from list (otherwise will create Holomaps rather than curves) # With cmap also on type # plotList.append(, kdims=["Eke"], vdims=[vdim, 'Type'], dynamic=False).select(Type=gauge.item()).opts(line_dash=lineDashList[gauge.item()], color=lineColorList[gauge.item()]).overlay(['Cont'])) # Cmap on Cont plotList.append(, kdims=[kdims], vdims=[vdim, 'Type'], dynamic=False).select(Type=gauge.item()).opts(line_dash=lineDashList[gauge.item()]).overlay(['Cont'])) # For beta case, force scale # Note 'beta' in lower case in hv_ds, and need to set as parameter in redim # Method from if vdim == 'beta': plotList[-1] = plotList[-1].redim(beta=hv.Dimension(vdim, range=(-1.5, 2.2))) dsPlotSet += hv.Overlay(plotList) #.groupby('Cont') #.collate() # Set title if required # Default to passed string if set, or use existing labels. # TODO: this currently doesn't seem to display when rendering layout (only tested in Jupyter lab) title = tString if title is None: if hasattr(dataXS, 'jobLabel'): title = dataXS.jobLabel elif hasattr(dataXS, 'file'): title = dataXS.file else: title = 'XS data plot' # print(title) dsPlotSet = dsPlotSet.opts(title = title) # (dsPlotSet + hv.Table(hv_ds)).cols(1) # return (dsPlotSet + hv.Table(hv_ds)).cols(1), hv_ds, ds # return (dsPlotSet).cols(1).opts(opts.Curve(frame_width=500)), hv.Table(hv_ds), hv_ds, ds return (dsPlotSet).cols(1), hv.Table(hv_ds), hv_ds, ds