Source code for epsproc.vol.setOptions

ePSproc vol module setOptions

Functions to read & write default set of plotting options to file.

If run as main:

- Check existing file from passed arg, or in default location (epsproc/vol/plotOptions.json)
- Read file if exists.
- If file is missing, prompt to write defaults to file.

08/08/20    v1, dev.  See also set_plot_options_json.ipynb


import json
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

import sys
import os
import inspect
from pathlib import Path

[docs]def setLocalOptions(): optionsLocal = {} globalSettings = {"note":"Global plot settings, used as defaults. To change for session, overwrite in local dict. To change permanently, overwrite in file plotOptions.json. To reset, use `epsproc/vol/set_plot_options_json.ipynb` or .py.", "pType":"Abs", "interactive":True, "inline":True, "animate":False, "isoLevels":6, "isoValsAbs":None, "isoValsPC":None, "isoValsGlobal":True, "opacity":0.5, "subplot":False # "plotter":"" # Set plotter dynamically based on options above...? } optionsLocal["global"] = globalSettings BGplotterSettings = {"addAxis" : True, "kwargs" : {} # Set empty kwargs dict for passing any other params at run time. } optionsLocal["BGplotter"] = BGplotterSettings return optionsLocal
# def setOptionsFile(optionsFile = None):
[docs]def readOptionsFile(optionsFile, verbose = False): # Set path wrapper in case str was passed. optionsFile = Path(optionsFile) if optionsFile.is_file(): # try: with open(optionsFile) as json_file: optionsFileJSON = json.load(json_file) print(f"\n*** Read existing plot options from file {optionsFile} OK.") if verbose: print(json.dumps(optionsFileJSON, sort_keys=False, indent=4)) return optionsFileJSON else: print(f"\n*** Plot options file {optionsFile} not found, using defaults.") return setLocalOptions()
[docs]def writeOptionsFile(optionsFile, optionsLocal, owFlag = False): # Set path wrapper in case str was passed. optionsFile = Path(optionsFile) print(f"*** Writing plot options to file {optionsFile}") if optionsFile.is_file(): owFlag = input(f"File {optionsFile} exists, overwrite (y/n)? ") else: owFlag = 'y' with open(optionsFile, 'w') as json_file: if owFlag == 'y': json.dump(optionsLocal, json_file, indent=4, sort_keys=False) # Set indent + sort keys for nicer (HF) file output.
if __name__ == "__main__": # Check passed args if len(sys.argv > 1): optionsFile = Path(sys.argv[1]) else: optionsFile = None # Set default path based on file location - may not be robust? # From if optionsFile is None: optionsFile = Path((os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))),'plotOptions.json') writeFlag = True # Read file optionsLocal = setLocalOptions() # if optionsFile.is_file(): # with open(optionsFile) as json_file: # optionsFileJSON = json.load(json_file) # # print(f"*** Read existing file {optionsFile} OK, contents:") # print(json.dumps(optionsFileJSON, sort_keys=False, indent=4)) # # else: # print(f"*** File {optionsFile} not found.") if writeFlag: ow = input("Write defaults to {optionsFile} (y/n)? ") if ow == 'y': writeOptionsFile(optionsFile, setLocalOptions())