Source code for epsproc.efield.efields

ePSproc Efield class


import numpy as np
from scipy import constants as scipy_constants
import pprint

import xarray as xr

# Additional imports for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts

# Use dictionary to create field defns intially?  Gets confusing otherwise.
# Should be able to iterate/unpack values here for different cases.
# Minimal defn. with (sigma, wavelength) or (bandwidth, wavelength), in working units.
# Edef = {'sigma': 15,
#         'l0': 800
#         }

[docs]class Efield(): ''' Basic class for handling E-field generation, data and related functions. Currently set for field creation based on Gaussian defined in time-domain. Defaults to a single (E,t) point if no parameters are supplied - this can be used with :py:func:`epsproc.geomFunc.EPR` Starting to look a bit top-heavy... passing directly to Xarray might save some structural overhead here? Define Gaussian field in the time-domain, with amplitude $E_0$, width $\sigma$ and carrier frequency $\omega_0$: .. math:: E(\omega_0,t)=E_{0}e^{-(t^2/2\sigma^{2})}e^{i\omega_0 t} Carrier frequency in rad/s: .. math:: \omega_0 = 2\pi \Omega_0 FWHM and Gaussian width (see for full definitions): .. math:: FWHM = 2\sigma\sqrt{2ln2} Parameters ---------- If no parameters are passed, return single point with E0 = 1 For a time-dependent field, pass at least sigma. E0 : float, optional, default = None Set (relative) field strength. If None, set E0 = 1 sigma : float, optional, default = None Set Gaussian width :math:\sigma, where :math:FWHM=2\sigma\sqrt{2ln2} t : array, optional, default = None Set time axis for E-field. If None, defaults to np.arange(-(5*sigma), 5*sigma, self.dt), and self.dt = 0.01*sigma dt : float, optional, default = None Set time-step. Default will set from t-axis, or self.dt = 0.01*sigma if sigma only passed. Pass here to override. l0 : float, optional, default = None Central wavelength in wavelength working units. If supplied this will be used to set f0 and w0. f0, w0 : float, optional, default = None Carrier frequency in freq. units, and :math:\omega_0 in (rad/s). If only f0 supplied, w0 will be calculated. If f0 and w0 supplied, w0 will be used directly. If None, this will be ignored. units : dictionary, optional, default = None Set units. If not passed, default dict will be created with units (THz, nm, fs) set. TODO: - best way to handle unit conversions? Did some of this for FROG code already? Yes, see python\test_codes\ - Consider other structures here, dataclass or namedtuple? - Xarray conversion? Use Xarray directly in class? - Bug with FFT/iFFT code? If shift=True and ishift=True then get extra freq components on iFFT - must be bug in axis assignment/conversion? OK if shift = False. ''' def __init__(self, Edef = None, units = None, verbose = True): # , E0 = None, sigma = None, A = 1, t = None, dt = None, l0 = None, f0 = None, w0 = None, units = None): #*** Define master list of parameters & init as empty or with defaults # If no parameters are passed, this can be used to create a defn template self.Edef = {'Pulse' : {'type' : 'Gaussian', # Eventually should generalise this to allow for other pulse types. 'domain' : 't', # Set a domain label here to switch between (t,E) domain pulse defn. - MAY WANT TO MOVE THIS TO SEPARATE LIST FN? 'dfft' : 'f', # Set conjugate domain (for FFT) 'sigma' : None, 'E0' : 1, # Set magnitude of field 'CEP':0, # Set CEP, only used if pulse carrier freq is also defined 'A' : 1, # Set A for Gaussian - should just set as E0? 'FWHM' : None, 'p' : 0 # Set polarization state. For single values {-1,0,+1} this will just label output. For 'XY' calc. spherical terms. # 'origin' : 0 # Set origin for domain }, 'Freq' : {'l' : None, # Set defns. for carrier, (wavelength, freq, ang. freq). Assumed to be in working units. Also use to index units later. 'f' : None, 'w' : None, # 'CEP':0, # Set CEP, only used if pulse carrier freq is also defined - SET IN PULSE for now, due to use of assignment loop for Freq terms. # 'Ehv' : None # Should add here, but need to fix assignment routine first! Now set by fConv() method. }, 'Ehv' : {'Ef' : None, # Defined energy domain to hold field converted to E(hv) units 'axis' : None }, 't' : {'Ef' : None, 'axis' : None, # Set generic labels here to allow for (t,f) axis shared methods. 'delta' : None }, 'f' : {'Ef' : None, 'axis' : None, 'delta' : None }, # 'EField' : {'Et' : None, # 'Ef' : None # }, # 'Spectrogram' : {'gate' : None, # 'data' : None # }, 'Units' : { # 'f':{'value':1e12, 'unit':'THz'}, # Set this as a derived unit, 1/t, below, otherwise may get discrepancies in unit conversion. 'l':{'value':1e-9, 'unit':'nm'}, 't':{'value':1e-15, 'unit':'fs'}, 'Ehv':{'value':1, 'unit':'eV'} }, # Global FFT settings # May have issues here with shift and ishift - always need the latter...? # Bug with FFT/iFFT code? If shift=True and ishift=True then get extra freq components on iFFT - must be bug in axis assignment/conversion? OK if shift = False. 'FFT' : {'shift':False, 'ishift':True, 'pad':True, 'positiveHalf':False, 'phaseMaskFlag':False, 'thres':1e-3} } self.Emod = {'N':0, 0:{}} # Set empty dict to hold modified fields (propagated, shaped etc.). Use N to hold next field to update value. # Assign any passed values # Skip if no Edef is passed (will just set blank dict) if Edef is not None: for key in Edef: if key in self.Edef: for subkey in Edef[key]: if subkey in self.Edef[key]: # print(f'Setting Item {subkey} in dict {key} to {Edef[key][subkey]}') self.Edef[key][subkey] = Edef[key][subkey] else: print(f'Item {subkey} in dict {key} not recognised.') else: print(f'Key {key} not recognised.') #*** Set working units for conversions # Set f units self.Edef['Units']['f'] = {'value': np.round(1/self.Edef['Units']['t']['value']), 'unit': f"1/{self.Edef['Units']['t']['unit']}"} # Derived unit # Set as Hz in specific cases if self.Edef['Units']['f']['value'] == 1e15: self.Edef['Units']['f']['unit'] = 'PHz' if self.Edef['Units']['f']['value'] == 1e12: self.Edef['Units']['f']['unit'] = 'THz' # Set units for E - NOW SET DERIVED UNITS via fConv() method # self.Edef['Units']['E'] = self.Edef['Units']['f'].copy() # Set c in working units self.Edef['Units']['c'] = {'value': scipy_constants.c * self.Edef['Units']['t']['value']/self.Edef['Units']['l']['value'], 'unit': f"{self.Edef['Units']['l']['unit']}/{self.Edef['Units']['t']['unit']}"} # self.Edef['Units']['c']['value'] = scipy_constants.c * self.Edef['Units']['t']['value'] /self.Edef['Units']['l']['value'] #**** Calculate field and derived properties if set self.setEf() # Set description string - use """ format string, or ""\ multiline domain = self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'] self.Estring = f"""{self.Edef['Pulse']['type']} pulse: $\sigma$={self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma']} {self.Edef['Units'][domain]['unit']}, FWHM={self.Edef['Pulse']['FWHM']:.3f} {self.Edef['Units'][domain]['unit']}, l0={self.Edef['Freq']['l']:.3f} (dl={self.Edef['Pulse']['dl']:.3f}) {self.Edef['Units']['l']['unit']}, f0={self.Edef['Freq']['f']:.3f} (df={self.Edef['Pulse']['dw']:.3f}) {self.Edef['Units']['f']['unit']} (bandwidths for Gaussian transform limited pulses)""" # Print summary details if verbose: self.printDef()
[docs] def printDef(self): print('Pulse properties dictionary set:') pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # Print defns. for key in ['Pulse', 'Freq', 'Units', 'FFT']: print(f'{key} settings:') pp.pprint(self.Edef[key]) # Print domain details for key in [self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'], self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft']]: if self.Edef[key]['Ef'] is not None: print(f'{key} domain settings:') print(f"Points = {len(self.Edef[key]['Ef'])}, delta = {self.Edef[key]['delta']}") else: print(f"{key} domain not set") # Print field details for key in ['EField', 'Spectrogram']: pass
[docs] def setEf(self): """ Calculate pulse properties and E-fields based on Edef. """ # Set pulse in time-domain if self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'] == 't': # Set pulse FWHM or sigma if defined. # If both values are preset, only sigma is used. if (self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma'] is not None) and (self.Edef['Pulse']['type'] == 'Gaussian'): self.FWHMGau() elif(self.Edef['Pulse']['FWHM'] is not None) and (self.Edef['Pulse']['type'] == 'Gaussian'): self.sigmaGau() # Set t axis if required if (self.Edef['t']['axis'] is None) and (self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma'] is not None): if self.Edef['t']['delta'] is None: self.Edef['t']['delta'] = 1e-3*self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma'] # Default step size for t axis, relative to sigma. May get large however! self.Edef['t']['axis'] = np.arange(-(5*self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma']), 5*self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma'], self.Edef['t']['delta']) # No pulse in this case, just set to single point (t=0) elif (self.Edef['t']['axis'] is None) and (self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma'] is None): self.Edef['t']['axis'] = [0] # If t-axis is passed, set dt from this - assumes linear axis # Use length here to allow for list or np.array types if (len(self.Edef['t']['axis']) > 1) and (self.Edef['t']['delta'] is None): self.Edef['t']['delta'] = np.abs(self.Edef['t']['axis'][1]-self.Edef['t']['axis'][0]) # Check and set carrier freq if set if any(self.Edef['Freq'].values()): # Check which value is set, and set missing values. # Neater/slicker way to do this? Recursively? for key in self.Edef['Freq']: if self.Edef['Freq'][key] is not None: refKey = key refValue = self.Edef['Freq'][key] # print(refValue) if refKey is 'w': refValue *= self.Edef['Units']['f']['value']/2*np.pi # TODO: set for Ehv case. # if refKey is 'Ehv': # refValue *= self.Edef['Units']['f']['value']/2*np.pi # else: # refValue *= self.Edef['Units'][refKey]['value'] # Convert to real units - not required if c in working units for key in self.Edef['Freq']: if key not in [refKey, 'w']: # self.Edef['Freq'][key] = (scipy_constants.c/refValue)/self.Edef['Units'][key]['value'] # Convert between wavelength and freq., and set to working units self.Edef['Freq'][key] = self.Edef['Units']['c']['value']/refValue # With c in working units if refKey is not 'w': # Set w0 in working units (rad/[unit t]) # self.Edef['Freq']['w'] = 2*np.pi * self.Edef['Freq']['f'] * self.Edef['Units']['f']['value'] * self.Edef['Units']['t']['value'] self.Edef['Freq']['w'] = 2*np.pi * self.Edef['Freq']['f'] self.ECalc() # Set defined field self.EFFT() # Set FFT field # Set fields in Emod too - may eventually replace above with this? for key in [self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'], self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft']]: self.Emod[self.Emod['N']][key] = self.Edef[key] self.Emod['N'] += 1
#***************** Basic generators # Define Gaussian pulse in time domain, if carrier freq. is not defined calc. envelope only # Sigma = Gaussian width, FWHM = 2 # Define Gaussian
[docs] def Gau(self): # g = np.exp(-0.5*self.Edef['Pulse']['A']*(self.Edef['t']['axis']**2)/(self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma']**2)) # g = np.exp(-0.5*self.Edef['Pulse']['A']*((self.Edef[self.Edef['Pulse']['domain']]['axis']/self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma'])**2)) g = np.exp(-0.5*self.Edef['Pulse']['A']*(self.Edef[self.Edef['Pulse']['domain']]['axis']**2)/(self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma']**2)) return g
# Define FWHM from sigma, for a Gaussian pulse
[docs] def FWHMGau(self): self.Edef['Pulse']['FWHM'] = 2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))*self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma'] self.Edef['Pulse']['dw'] = 0.44/self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma'] # Spectral width for a Gaussian pulse, working units, sigma*tUnit to give in Hz # This is a bit of a fudge - need to decide where to put dw, and E domain defn. if self.Edef['Freq']['l'] is not None: self.Edef['Pulse']['dl'] = (self.Edef['Pulse']['dw']*self.Edef['Freq']['l']**2)/self.Edef['Units']['c']['value']
# self.Edef['Pulse']['dl'] = ((self.Edef['Pulse']['dw']*self.Edef['Freq']['l']**2)/scipy_constants.c) # Spectral width in wavelength units # print(f"For sigma={self.Edef['Pulse']['sigma']}: FWHM={self.Edef['Pulse']['FWHM']:.3f}, spectral width (transform limit)={self.Edef['Pulse']['dw']:.3f}") # Set field based on defined pulse parameters
[docs] def ECalc(self): domain = self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'] self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] = self.Edef['Pulse']['E0'] * self.Gau() if (self.Edef['Freq']['w'] is not None) and (domain == 't'): # Only valid for t-domain defn. # print('OK') # print(self.Edef['Freq']['w']) # print(self.Edef[domain]['axis']) # print(np.exp(1.0j*self.Edef['Freq']['w']*self.Edef[domain]['axis'])) # self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] = self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] * np.exp(1.0j*self.Edef['Freq']['w']*self.Edef[domain]['axis']/self.Edef['Units'][domain]['value']) # self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] = self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] * np.exp(1.0j*self.Edef['Freq']['w']*self.Edef[domain]['axis']*self.Edef['Units'][domain]['value']) self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] = self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] * np.exp(1.0j*(self.Edef['Freq']['w']*self.Edef[domain]['axis'] - self.Edef['Pulse']['CEP']))
#********************* FT functions # Set other domain field as FFT # Define spectral domain pulse as FFT(E(t)). Return normalised freq. axis if t and dt are defined.
[docs] def EFFT(self): #, pad = True, positiveHalf = True, phaseMaskFlag = False, thres = 1e-3): # Now set in dict. domain = self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'] dfft = self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft'] # Use zero-padding for higher resolution FFT result? if self.Edef['FFT']['pad'] is True: n =**(np.ceil(np.log2(self.Edef[domain]['Ef'].shape[0]))+3)) nAxis = n else: n = None # Default value to pass to np.fft for no padding nAxis = self.Edef[domain]['axis'].shape[-1] Ebar = np.fft.fft(self.Edef[domain]['Ef'], n=n) # No fft shift, axis [0 .... +ve .... -ve], see axis = np.fft.fftfreq(nAxis, d=self.Edef[domain]['delta']) if self.Edef['FFT']['shift']: Ebar = np.fft.fftshift(Ebar) # Apply fft shift to move 0 to centre of range axis = np.fft.fftshift(axis) # Set for full or half FT if self.Edef['FFT']['positiveHalf']: if self.Edef['FFT']['shift']: inds = np.arange([0]/2), Ebar.shape[0]) # Set for half the range, starting from centre else: inds = np.arange(0,[0]/2)) # Set for half the range, starting at 0 self.Edef[dfft]['Ef'] = Ebar[inds] self.Edef[dfft]['axis'] = axis[inds] self.Edef[dfft]['delta'] = axis[1]-axis[0] else: self.Edef[dfft]['Ef'] = Ebar self.Edef[dfft]['axis'] = axis self.Edef[dfft]['delta'] = axis[1]-axis[0] if self.Edef['FFT']['phaseMaskFlag']: self.phaseMask(domain = dfft)
# # Function for checking for modified fields & sorting # def checkEmod(self): # # # Loop over domains # # for domain in [self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'], self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft']]: # # # Check for existing mod fields # # if domain in self.Emod.keys(): # # N = list(self.Emod[domain].keys()) # # # Should change formatting here, may want domain_N to allow for multiple cases, and looping. # # if (domain + '_mod') in self.Edef.keys(): # # N = list(self.Edef[domain + '_mod'].keys()) # # else: # # self.Edef[domain + '_mod'] = {} # # N = 0 # # Check if entries exist # if self.Emod: # N = self.Emod.N # else: # N = 0 # # Set # Calculate iFFT(E). # This, sort of, assumes that the field is defined as E(w), and the spectral phase is modified. # But could be used for other cases. # Emod is used if passed, otherwise uses self.Edef[dfft]['Ef'] # 27/04/20 Modified to use self.Emod for fields. # In this case, send either Emod to use this directly, or Ninput to use self.Emod[Ninput]. # Set comment = '' to pass notes on field generation.
[docs] def EiFFT(self, Emod = None, Ninput = None, comment = ''): #, f=None, pad=False): domain = self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'] dfft = self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft'] Nlast = self.Emod['N'] - 1 # Most recent field index, use this as input if nothing else specified # Set field based on input - this is currently a bit ugly! # if (Emod is None) and (Ninput is None): # if dfft in self.Emod[Nlast]: # Emod = self.Emod[Nlast][dfft]['Ef'] # Default to most recent field if it exists # EmodAxis = self.Emod[Nlast][dfft]['axis'] # else: # Emod = self.Edef[dfft]['Ef'] # Revert to original field defn. if not supplied # EmodAxis = self.Edef[dfft]['axis'] # elif (Emod is None) and (Ninput is not None): # Set specific field from Emod # Emod = self.Emod[Ninput][dfft]['Ef'] # EmodAxis = self.Emod[Ninput][dfft]['axis'] # Rewrite for updated Emod dict. N = Nlast # Set default if Ninput is not None: N = Ninput if Emod is None: Emod = self.Emod[N][dfft]['Ef'] # Default to most recent field if it exists EmodAxis = self.Emod[N][dfft]['axis'] if 'comment' in self.Emod[N][dfft].keys(): comment += self.Emod[N][dfft]['comment'] # Propagate comment # Transform back to time-domain, and center # Eifft = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifft(Emod)) # With shift Eifft = np.fft.ifft(Emod) # Without shift axis = np.fft.fftfreq(Eifft.shape[-1], d=self.Edef[dfft]['delta']) if self.Edef['FFT']['ishift']: Eifft = np.fft.ifftshift(Eifft) # Apply fft shift if set axis = np.fft.ifftshift(axis) # Set for full or half FT - if used with iFFT shift and a pulse center at 0, this will slice result. inds = np.arange(0, Eifft.shape[0]) # Set for full range if self.Edef['FFT']['positiveHalf']: Eifft /= 2.0 # Correct amplitudes, get x2 otherwise if positiveHalf is True. if self.Edef['FFT']['ishift']: inds = np.arange([0]/2), Eifft.shape[0]) # Set for half the range, starting from centre else: inds = np.arange(0,[0]/2)) # Set for half the range, starting at 0 # self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] = np.c_[self.Edef[domain]['Ef'], Eifft] # Basic stacking OK if pad=False and positiveHalf=False, otherwise axis lengths different # if self.Edef['FFT']['positiveHalf']: # inds =[0]/2) # Set for half the range # # Set as new field, or as new dict? # # Should change formatting here, may want domain_N to allow for multiple cases, and looping. # if (domain + '_mod') in self.Edef.keys(): # N = list(self.Edef[domain + '_mod'].keys()) # else: # self.Edef[domain + '_mod'] = {} # N = 0 # Set pair of fields in output # Always set to new output, or check for pair...? if domain in self.Emod[Nlast]: # If conjugate domain is already set, create a new field pair... Noutput = Nlast + 1 self.Emod[Noutput] = {} self.Emod[Noutput][dfft] = {'Ef':Emod, 'axis':EmodAxis, 'domain':domain } else: Noutput = Nlast # ...otherwise use input index. self.Emod[Noutput][domain] = {'Ef':Eifft[inds], 'axis':axis[inds], 'domain':domain, 'comment':comment # Add passed comment here, may also want to autogenerate note on field source? }
#if f: # t = np.fft.ifftfreq(f.shape[-1]) #else: # t = None # TODO
[docs] def finst(self): """Calculate f(t) as instantaneous freq.""" print('Not impemented')
#*************** Phase modification fns. # TODO: add more sophisticated fns, see, e.g., froglib.phasemanipulations, for removing linear and phase offsets. # Mask phase away from pulse?
[docs] def phaseMask(self, domain = None, thres = None): """Mask pulse phase away from main features. Should convert to use masked arrays for reversibility, or just return a mask (currently overwrites Ef).""" if thres is None: thres = self.Edef['FFT']['thres'] # Use global thres if not passed. thres = thres * np.abs(self.Edef[domain]['Ef']).max() self.Edef[domain]['Ef'][np.abs(self.Edef[domain]['Ef']) < thres] = 0 # Basic mask to zero away from features
# self.Edef[domain]['Ef'][np.abs(self.Edef[domain]['Ef']) < thres] = np.nan # Set as NaNs - will remove points from plots, but also throws errors with np.angle()
[docs] def setPhase(self, phaseVec = None, domain = None): """Set imaginary field terms (set phase) for specified domain & recalculated FFT.""" # Example: set quadratic phase # Set quadratic phase (corresponds to linear chirp), phi=A*f^2 # A = 0.1/fUnit # Ewq = np.abs(E2w)*np.exp(1.0j*(A*(f-(f0/tUnit)))**2) # Transform back to time-domain # E2tmod = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifft(Ewq)) pass
# TODO: impement, and add original & modified field placeholders. Or set as new rows in Ef array?
[docs] def removePhase(self, domain = None): """Remove imaginary field terms (reset phase).""" if domain is None: for item in ['t', 'f']: self.Edef[item]['Ef'] = np.abs(self.Edef[item]['Ef']) else: self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] = np.abs(self.Edef[domain]['Ef'])
[docs] def chirp(self, A, resetPhase=False, comment = None): """ Add quadratic phase (chirp) in spectral domain. Requires an E-field object, and chirp parameter A. .. :math: phi=A*(f-f0)^2 TODO: check Diels for nomenclature here. """ domain = 'f' Nlast = self.Emod['N'] # Last output slot, use N-1 as input if nothing else specified # Set field - checks no longer required as now Emod[0] set at init (in setEf()). # try: # Ew = self.Emod[Nlast-1][domain]['Ef'] # EwAxis = self.Emod[Nlast-1][domain]['axis'] # except KeyError: # Ew = self.Edef[domain]['Ef'] # EwAxis = self.Edef[domain]['axis'] Ew = self.Emod[Nlast-1][domain]['Ef'] EwAxis = self.Emod[Nlast-1][domain]['axis'] # Remove existing phase - this is only the linear term if starting from a Gaussian pulse if resetPhase: Ew = np.abs(Ew) # Add chirp # Ewq = np.abs(Ew)*np.exp(1.0j*(A*(self.Edef[domain]['axis']-self.Edef['Freq']['f']))**2) # Ewq = Ew*np.exp(1.0j*A*(self.Edef[domain]['axis']-self.Edef['Freq']['f'])**2) Ewq = Ew*np.exp(1.0j*A*(EwAxis-self.Edef['Freq']['f'])**2) # Set as new field, or as new dict? # Should change formatting here, may want domain_N to allow for multiple cases, and looping. # Or nest this? Or concatenate? (-- Only if domain axes are identical.) # if (domain + '_mod') in self.Edef.keys(): # N = list(self.Edef[domain + '_mod'].keys()) # else: # self.Edef[domain + '_mod'] = {} # N = 0 # self.Edef[domain + '_mod'][N] = {'Ef':Ewq, # 'axis':self.Edef[domain]['axis'], # 'domain':domain # } self.Emod[Nlast] = {} self.Emod[Nlast][domain] = {'Ef':Ewq, 'axis':EwAxis, 'domain':domain, 'comment': f'$E_{{{Nlast-1}}}$, phase {domain} chirped, A={A}', 'A':A } self.Emod['N'] += 1 # Update indexer # self.EiFFT(Emod = Ewq) # Set tmod pulse via ifft self.EiFFT() # Set tmod pulse via ifft
#***************** Spectrograms # Basic (Frog) spectrograms - code adapted from Froglib, # For code implementing various Frog methods, see "" - to be implemented here as frog() method
[docs] def calcSpectrogram(self, signal = None, gate = None, fType = 'blind', N = None, verbose = False): domain = 't' # Set signal and gate fields. If not passed, use most recently set fields. if N is None: N = self.Emod['N'] - 1 if signal is None: signal = self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef'] elif type(signal) is np.ndarray: pass # elif type(signal) is ####### May want to allow for passing of pulse defn. dictionary here? gateObj = None if gate is None: gate = signal # Default to signal, or to short gaussian...? elif type(gate) is float: # Take a passed value as a Gaussian width...? pass elif type(gate) is dict: # Generate gate pulse as new Ef object gateObj = Efield(gate, verbose = verbose) gate = gateObj.Edef[domain]['Ef'] # elif type(signal) is np.ndarray: # pass # TODO: # - Error checking, currently needs square array. # - Downsampling for cases with large FFT axis - just select ROI around features (see Frog code?) # - Methods, see "" for more frog types. # Following code in froglib... nn = len(signal) n2 = int(nn / 2) # (1) Outer product of two fields (time-domain), blind Frog case # ap = np.outer(signal, gate) # (1) Outer product of two fields (time-domain), depending on type of Frog # NOTE field ordering matters for X-Frog definitions. # Set options using dictonary (see and ap = { 'SHG': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1, f2) + np.outer(f2, f1), # SHG case, symmetric in time 'blind': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1, f2), # Blind case, just two fields 'SD': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1**2,f2.conjugate()), # SD classic 'SDr': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f2**2,f1.conjugate()), # SD classic - field ordering reversed, matters in X-Frog case # 'SDb': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1,f2.conjugate()**2), 'SD1': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1, f1.conjugate()*f2), # Various options for alternative SD cases, depending on non-linearity and field ordering 'SD2': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1*f2,f2), 'SD3': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1,f1*f2.conjugate()), 'PG': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1, np.abs(f2)**2), # PG classic - results match Trebino for cubic case (flipped relative to SD) 'PGr': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f2, np.abs(f1)**2), # PG classic - field ordering reversed, matters in X-Frog case 'PG1': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(np.abs(f1)**2, f2), # PG classic - this defn. identical to SD case. 'TG1': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1, f2**2) # TG options # 'TG2': lambda f1,f2: np.outer(f1, f2**2) }[fType](signal, gate) # (2) Defined empty arrays to hold results m1 = np.zeros(np.shape(ap), dtype=np.complex128) m2 = np.zeros(np.shape(ap), dtype=np.complex128) # (3) Loop over input and roll - effectively sets tau for each row for i in range(n2 - 1, -n2, -1): m1[i + n2, :] = np.roll(ap[i + n2, :], -i) m1 = np.transpose(m1) # (4) Roll and FFT to set a freq. axis for i in range(nn): m2[i, :] = np.roll(np.fft.fft(np.roll(m1[i, :], +n2)), -n2) # time-freq m2 = np.transpose(m2) # freq - time m2 = m2 / np.max(np.max(np.abs(m2))) # return m2 # Set outputs - should just set in Emod....? self.Spectrogram = {'siganl':signal, 'gate':gate, 'gateObj':gateObj, 'data':m2, 'N':N }
#***************** Derived domains/unit conversion # Set other domains via copy & rescale - would be neater just to store multiple axes, but duplicate for now.
[docs] def fConv(self): """Convert freq. domain axis to lenght & energy units. and set fields.""" domain = 'f' for N in np.arange(0, self.Emod['N']): # Set wavelength scale self.Emod[N]['l'] = self.Emod[N][domain].copy() # Without .copy() this will just be a pointer. self.Emod[N]['l']['axis'] = self.Edef['Units']['c']['value']/self.Emod[N]['f']['axis'] # Set energy scale self.Emod[N]['Ehv'] = self.Emod[N][domain].copy() self.Emod[N]['Ehv']['axis'] = (scipy_constants.h/scipy_constants.e) * self.Emod[N]['f']['axis']/self.Edef['Units']['t']['value']
#***************** Conversion... # Convert a single set of fields to an Xarray Dataset # With spectrogram + looping over domains - assumes axis sizes are concomittant I think
[docs] def toXarrayDS(self, N = None): if N is None: N = self.Emod[N] -1 # Default to last set field set ds = xr.Dataset() # Init empty dataset, then loop over fields for domain in self.Emod[N].keys(): domainName = f'E{domain}' # Set data name - can't be same as coord names in this case if domain in [self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'], self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft']]: # Key dims, set as unlinked ds[domainName] = ((domain), self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef']) ds.coords[domain] = self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'] else: ds[domainName] = ((domain), self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef']) ds.coords[domain] = ((self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft']), self.Emod[N][domain]['axis']) # For derived dims, set as linked to dfft dim - should set this more cleanly elsewhere...? # Set units (will be used for plotting) ds[domain].attrs['units'] = self.Edef['Units'][domain]['unit'] ds[domainName].attrs['units'] = 'arb' # Assign spectrogram if hasattr(self, 'Spectrogram'): ds['spectrogram'] = ((self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft'], self.Edef['Pulse']['domain']), np.abs(self.Spectrogram['data'])) self.Emod[N]['ds'] = ds
#***************** Plotting # Basic plotting # TODO: check plotTypes vs. defns. in ePSproc # TODO: modify to plot sets of fields, either stacked or single plot. # 28/04/20: Changed to plot from Emod[N] dicts # TODO: sort out axis limits - should pass to override or set in class. Also change to, e.g. Holoviews, for more interaction...
[docs] def plot(self, plotType = 'phaseUW', Nplot = None, domainList = None, thres = 1e-2): '''Basic plot with Matplotlib''' # plt.plot(self.t, self.Et) if Nplot is None: Nplot = np.arange(0, self.Emod['N']) # Default plots for domain + dfft if domainList is None: domainList = [self.Edef['Pulse']['domain'], self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft']] for domain in domainList: # Set up figure - do this *before* looping over N (fields) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() if plotType == 'phaseUW': ax2 = ax1.twinx() # lText = [] # Plot selected fields for N in Nplot: lString = f'$E_{{{N}}}$ ' # Plot according to type if plotType == 'complex': # Plot real + imag field components ax1.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef'].real, '-', label = lString + 'Re') ax1.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef'].imag, '-', label = lString + 'Im') ax1.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], np.abs(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef']), '--', label = f'|{lString}|') # plt.legend(['Re', 'Im', 'Abs']) # lText.extend([f'{N} Re', f'{N} Im', f'{N} Abs']) elif plotType == 'field': # Plot real-valued field (E + E*) ax1.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], 0.5*(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef'] + self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef'].conj()), '-', label = f'{lString}+{lString}*') elif plotType == 'abs': # Plot envelope only, |E| ax1.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], np.abs(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef']), '-', label = f'|{lString}|') elif plotType == 'phase': # Plot magnitude + phase ax1.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], np.abs(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef']),'-', label = f'|{lString}|') ax1.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], (np.angle(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef'])), '--', label = lString + 'Phase') # lText.extend([f'{N} Abs', f'{N} Phase']) # lText.extend((f'{N} Abs', f'{N} Phase')) # ax1.legend(['Abs', 'Phase']) elif plotType == 'phaseUW': # Plot magnitude + phase, unwrapped # Single axis # plt.plot(self.Edef[domain]['axis'], np.abs(self.Edef[domain]['Ef']), self.Edef[domain]['axis'], np.unwrap(np.angle(self.Edef[domain]['Ef']))) # Test secondary_y - not working # plt.plot(self.Edef[domain]['axis'], np.abs(self.Edef[domain]['Ef'])) # plt.plot(self.Edef[domain]['axis'], np.unwrap(np.angle(self.Edef[domain]['Ef'])), secondary_y=True) # Full ax addressing ax1.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], np.abs(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef']), '-', label = f'|{lString}|') ax2.plot(self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'], np.unwrap(np.angle(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef'])), '--', label = lString + 'Phase') # plt.legend(['Abs', 'Phase (unwrapped)']) # lText.extend([f'{N} Abs', f'{N} Phase']) # lText.extend((f'{N} Abs', f'{N} Phase')) if plotType != 'phaseUW': plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.xlabel(self.Edef['Units'][domain]['unit']) else: ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude') ax2.set_ylabel('Phase (unwrapped)') ax1.set_xlabel(self.Edef['Units'][domain]['unit']) # plt.xlim((-2.66, 2.66)) # Set for two cycles at 800nm # plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5) # Set some sensible limits (FFT scales will be large) if domain == 'f': # self.Edef['Pulse']['dfft']: # Hmmm, should be able to do this generically over all domains? With origin + width? # TODO: move origins + widths to domain-specific containers. plt.xlim(0.8*self.Edef['Freq']['f'], 1.2*self.Edef['Freq']['f']) elif domain == 't': scale = [-2.5, 2.5] plt.xlim(scale[0]*self.Edef['Pulse']['FWHM'], scale[1]*self.Edef['Pulse']['FWHM']) else: # Estimate from feature... peak = np.abs(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef']).max() mask = np.abs(self.Emod[N][domain]['Ef']) > peak*thres scale = [self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'][mask].min(), self.Emod[N][domain]['axis'][mask].max()] plt.xlim(scale[0], scale[1]) # Set legend from array or list # plt.legend(Nplot) # plt.legend(lText) # Set legends from labels, per axis object if plotType == 'phaseUW': ax1.legend(loc='upper left') ax2.legend(loc='upper right') else: ax1.legend(loc='upper left') # This sometimes defaults to middle, so set explicitly plt.title(self.Estring + f'\nplotType = {plotType}')
[docs] def plotSpectrogram(self): """ VERY basic spectrogram plotter from old code - for quick testing only. TODO: fix axes for with/withou fft shift. BETTER: use plotSpectrogramHV() instead, this uses full axes as set. """ # Testing - set vars as per old code for brevity S = self.Spectrogram['data'] N = self.Emod['N'] - 1 t = self.Emod[N]['t']['axis'] f = self.Emod[N]['f']['axis'] plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.abs(S)**2, extent = [t[0],t[-1],f[[0]/2)-1],f[[0]/2)]], aspect='auto') plt.ylim((1.5*(f0/tUnit),2.5*(f0/tUnit))) plt.ylabel('$\Omega$ /THz') plt.xlabel('t /fs') plt.title('Spectrogram')
[docs] def plotSpectrogramHV(self, N = None): # May need to set this directly in notebook? hv.extension('bokeh') # Set N if N is None: N = self.Emod['N'] -1 # Check ds exists if not 'ds' in self.Emod[N].keys(): self.toXarrayDS(N = N) hv_ds = hv.Dataset(self.Emod[N]['ds']['spectrogram']) # hv_ds self.spec =, kdims=['t','f']) self.spec.opts(width=700, height=700)