Source code for epsproc.sphPlot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ePSproc spherical polar plotting functions

Collection of functions for plotting 2D spherical polar data :math:`I(\\theta, \\phi)`.

Main plotters are:

* :py:func:`sphSumPlotX` for arrays of :math:`I(\\theta,\\phi)`
* :py:func:`sphFromBLMPlot` for arrays of :math:`\\beta_{LM}` parameters.


            * Added sphFromBLMPlot().
            * Some additional plot type fuctionality added.
            * Some tidying up and reorganising... hopefully nothing broken...

14/08/19    v1


- Code for switching backend plotter. (Rudiments in place 13/09/19.)
- Generalise plotting for more dimensions.
- More sophisticated/flexible Matplotlib implementation.
- Get Holoviews plotting working.


# imports
import numpy as np
# For plotting functions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm, colors

# Plotly (optional)
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
except ImportError as e:
    if e.msg != "No module named 'plotly'":
    print('* plotly not found, plotly plots not available. ')

# Local functions
from epsproc.sphCalc import sphCalc

#***** Plotting top-level functions & logic

# Define plot types
[docs]def plotTypeSelector(dataPlot, pType = 'a'): """ Set plotting data type. Parameters ---------- dataPlot : np.array, Xarray Data for plotting, output converted to type defined by pType. pType : char, optional, default 'a' Set type of plot. * 'a' (abs) = np.abs(dataPlot) * 'r' (real) = np.real(dataPlot) * 'i' (imag) = np.imag(dataPlot) * 'p' (product) = dataPlot * np.conj(dataPlot) Returns ------- Xarray, np.array Input data structure converted to pType. """ if pType == 'a': dataPlot = np.abs(dataPlot) elif pType == 'r': dataPlot = np.real(dataPlot) elif pType == 'i': dataPlot = np.imag(dataPlot) elif pType == 'p': # TODO: check conj defns with Xarray dataPlot = np.abs(dataPlot * np.conj(dataPlot)) elif pType == 'a2': dataPlot = np.abs(dataPlot**2) # Set pType in output plotting data Xarray dataPlot.attrs['pType'] = pType return dataPlot
# Plot a set of mfpads using Holoviews # TODO: finish this!!!
[docs]def sphPlotHV(dataIn): # Remove multilevel indexes, these casuse issues with HV dataPlot = dataIn.copy() if 'Sym' in dataPlot.dims: # This is a bit dodgy, and may fail in some cases. dataPlot['Sym'] = dataPlot['Cont'] if 'Euler' in dataPlot.dims: dataPlot['Euler'] = np.arange(0,dataPlot.Euler.size)
# Convert sph to cart coords # ACTUALLY, this will be a bit tricky at da level - best to set a new da for (x,y,z) outputs...? # dataPlot = dataPlot * dataPlot.conj() # theta, phi = np.meshgrid(dataPlot.Theta, dataPlot.Phi) # X = dataPlot * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) # Y = dataPlot * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) # Z = dataPlot * np.cos(phi) # Plot MFPADs from a set of BLM
[docs]def sphFromBLMPlot(BLMXin, res = 50, pType = 'r', plotFlag = False, facetDim = None, backend = 'mpl'): r''' Calculate spherical harmonic expansions from BLM parameters and plot. Surfaces calculated as: .. math:: I(\theta,\phi)=\sum_{L,M}\beta_{L,M}Y_{L,M}(\theta,\phi) Parameters ---------- dataIn : Xarray Input set of BLM parameters. res : int, optional, default 50 Resolution for output (theta,phi) grids. pType : char, optional, default 'r' (real part) Set (data) type to plot. See :py:func:`plotTypeSelector`. plotFlag : bool, optional, default False Set plotting True/False. Note that this will plot for all facetDim. facetDim : str, optional, default None Dimension to use for subplots. Currently set for a single dimension only. For matplotlib backend: one figure per surface. For plotly backend: subplots per surface. backend : str, optional, default 'mpl' (matplotlib) Set backend used for plotting. See :py:func:`sphSumPlotX` for details. Returns ------- Xarray Xarray containing the calcualted surfaces I(theta,phi,...) fig List of figure handles. ''' # Calculate YLMs YLMX = sphCalc(BLMXin.l.max(), res=res) YLMX = YLMX.rename({'LM':'BLM'}) # Switch naming for multiplication & plotting # Calculate MFPADs (theta,phi) dataPlot = BLMXin*YLMX dataPlot = dataPlot.rename({'BLM':'LM'}) # Switch naming back for plotting function # Pass data to plotting function if plotFlag: fig = sphSumPlotX(dataPlot, pType = pType, facetDim = facetDim, backend = backend) else: fig = None return dataPlot, fig
# Sum and plot spherical functions from an Xarray. # TODO: This currently assumes matplotlib cm is already loaded. # TODO: More plot types. # TODO: More careful testing - not totally sure if summation & axes consistent here.
[docs]def sphSumPlotX(dataIn, pType = 'a', facetDim = 'Eke', backend = 'mpl'): ''' Plot sum of spherical harmonics from an Xarray. Parameters ---------- dataIn : Xarray Input structure can be * Set of precalculated Ylms, dims (theta,phi) or (theta,phi,LM). * Set of precalculated mfpads, dims (theta,phi), (theta,phi,LM) or (theta,phi,LM,facetDim). * If (LM) dimension is present, it is summed over before plotting. * If facetDim is present this is used for subplots, currently only one facetDim is supported here. pType : char, optional, default 'a' (abs value) Set (data) type of plot. See :py:func:`plotTypeSelector`. facetDim : str, optional, default Eke Dimension to use for subplots. * Currently set for a single dimension only. * For matplotlib backend: one figure per surface. * For plotly backend: subplots per surface. backend : str, optional, default 'mpl' Set backend used for plotting. - mpl matplotlib: basic 3D plotting, one figure per surface. - pl plotly: fancier 3D plotting, interactive in Jupyter but may fail at console. Subplots for surfaces. - hv holoviews: fancier plotting with additional back-end options. Can facet on specific data types. Returns ------- fig List of figure handles. Examples -------- >>> YlmX = sphCalc(2, res = 50) >>> sphSumPlotX(YlmX) Note ---- Pretty basic functionality here, should add more colour mapping options and multiple plots, alternative back-ends, support for more dimensions etc. ''' # Sum over QNs if necessary # if (dataIn.LM.shape[0]) > 1: if 'LM' in dataIn.dims: dataPlot = dataIn.sum(dim='LM') else: dataPlot = dataIn # (theta,phi) grid from Xarray coords theta, phi = np.meshgrid(dataPlot.Theta, dataPlot.Phi) # Set data according to type of plot selected dataPlot = plotTypeSelector(dataPlot, pType = pType) # Switch plot function based on backend print('Plotting with {0}'.format(backend)) fig = [] # Matplotlib if backend is 'mpl': # Check dimensionality - loop over facetDim if necessary # Return list of fig handles if len(dataPlot.dims) > 2: print('Data dims: {0}, subplots on {1}'.format(dataPlot.dims, facetDim)) # Basic loop over facetDim # Fails for dims with multi-index, or repeated values for sub-indexes if used as selector. # Therefore, use positional numerical index... # for nPlot in dataPlot[facetDim]: # fig.append(sphPlotMPL(dataPlot.sel({facetDim:[nPlot]}).squeeze(), theta, phi)) # Will fail if dims>2 passed. # Loop over facetDim with full dataArray as selector, allows for MultiIndex cases. for nPlot in dataPlot[facetDim]: fig.append(sphPlotMPL(dataPlot.sel({facetDim:nPlot}).squeeze(), theta, phi)) # Will fail if dims>2 passed. else: # Call matplotlib plotting fn., single surface fig.append(sphPlotMPL(dataPlot, theta, phi)) # Plotly if backend is 'pl': fig.append(sphPlotPL(dataPlot, theta, phi, facetDim)) return fig
#******** Low-level plotting functions # Set cart coords from spherical polar coords
[docs]def sphToCart(R, theta, phi): r""" Convert spherical polar coords :math:`(R,\theta,\phi)` to Cartesian :math:`(X,Y,Z)`. Parameters ---------- R, theta, phi : np.arrays Spherical polar coords :math:`(R,\theta,\phi)`. Returns ------- X, Y, Z : np.arrays Cartesian coords :math:`(X,Y,Z)`. Definitions ------------ Conversion defined with the `usual physics convention <>`_ , where: * :math:`R` is the radial distance from the origin * :math:`\theta` is the polar angle (defined relative to the z-axis), :math:`0\leq\theta\leq\pi` * :math:`\phi` is the azimuthal angle (defined relative to the x-axis), :math:`0\leq\theta\leq2\pi` * :math:`X = R * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta)` * :math:`Y = R * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta)` * :math:`Z = R * np.cos(phi)` """ X = R * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) Y = R * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) Z = R * np.cos(phi) return X, Y, Z
# Plot using matplotlib - legacy # TODO - remove this. # def sphPlot(dataPlot, theta, phi): # sphPlotMatplotLib(dataPlot, theta, phi) # Plot using matplotlib
[docs]def sphPlotMPL(dataPlot, theta, phi): ''' Plot spherical polar function (R,theta,phi) to a Cartesian grid, using Matplotlib. Parameters ---------- dataPlot : np.array or Xarray Values to plot, single surface only, with dims (theta,phi). theta, phi : np.arrays Angles defining spherical polar grid, 2D arrays. Returns ------- fig Handle to matplotlib figure. ''' X, Y, Z = sphToCart(dataPlot, theta, phi) # Plot in a new figure using Matplotlib fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) # ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet) # ax.axis('equal') # Not implemented for 3D axes # Rescale axis to equal, hack from scaling = np.array([getattr(ax, 'get_{}lim'.format(dim))() for dim in 'xyz']) ax.auto_scale_xyz(*[[np.min(scaling), np.max(scaling)]]*3) return fig
# Plot as Plotly subplots, as function of selected dim. # Currently set for subplotting over facetDim, but assumes other dims (theta,phi)
[docs]def sphPlotPL(dataPlot, theta, phi, facetDim = 'Eke', rc = None): ''' Plot spherical polar function (R,theta,phi) to a Cartesian grid, using Plotly. Parameters ---------- dataPlot : np.array or Xarray Values to plot, single surface only, with dims (theta,phi). theta, phi : np.arrays Angles defining spherical polar grid, 2D arrays. facetDim : str, default 'Eke' Dimension to use for faceting (subplots), currently set for single dim only. Returns ------- fig Handle to figure. ''' # Set up subplots nData = dataPlot[facetDim].size if rc is None: nCols = 3 rc = [nData/nCols, nCols] pType = {'type':'surface'} specs = [[pType] * rc[1] for i in range(rc[0])] # Set specs as 2D list of dicts. fig = make_subplots(rows=rc[0], cols=rc[1], specs=specs) nPlots = rc[0] * rc[1] # Add surfaces # From n=0 for rInd in range(1,rc[0]+1): for cInd in range(1,rc[1]+1): if n < nData: X,Y,Z = sphToCart(dataPlot.sel({facetDim:dataPlot[facetDim][n]}),theta,phi) # Bit ugly, probably a better way to select here. fig.add_trace( go.Surface(x=X, y=Y, z=Z, colorscale='Viridis', showscale=False), row=rInd, col=cInd) # , title=[facetDim + '=' + str(dataPlot[facetDim][n].data)]) # Needs some work here... # fig['layout'].update(scene=dict(aspectmode="data")) # Try and fix aspect ratio issues - getting stuck on first subplot? Seems independent of setting here. # DOESN'T WORK # From # fig['layout'].update(scene=dict( # aspectmode='manual', # aspectratio=go.layout.scene.Aspectratio( # x=x.ptp(), y=y.ptp(), z=z.pyp()))) n=n+1 return fig