Source code for epsproc.sphCalc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ePSproc spherical function calculations.

Collection of functions for calculating Ylm, wignerD etc.

For spherical harmonics, currently using scipy.special.sph_harm

For other functions, using Moble's spherical_functions package

See tests/Spherical function testing Aug 2019.ipynb

27/08/19        Added wDcalc for Wigner D functions.
14/08/19    v1  Implmented sphCalc


# Imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from scipy.special import sph_harm
import spherical_functions as sf
import quaternion

# Calculate a set of sph function
[docs]def sphCalc(Lmax, Lmin = 0, res = None, angs = None, XFlag = True): ''' Calculate set of spherical harmonics Ylm(theta,phi) on a grid. Parameters ---------- Lmax : int Maximum L for the set. Ylm calculated for Lmin:Lmax, all m. Lmin : int, optional, default 0 Min L for the set. Ylm calculated for Lmin:Lmax, all m. res : int, optional, default None (Theta, Phi) grid resolution, outputs will be of dim [res,res]. angs : list of 2D np.arrays, [thetea, phi], optional, default None If passed, use these grids for calculation XFlag : bool, optional, default True Flag for output. If true, output is Xarray. If false, np.arrays Note that either res OR angs needs to be passed. Outputs ------- - if XFlag - YlmX 3D Xarray, dims (lm,theta,phi) - else - Ylm, lm 3D np.array of values, dims (lm,theta,phi), plus list of lm pairs Methods ------- Currently set for scipy.special.sph_harm as calculation routine. Example ------- >>> YlmX = sphCalc(2, res = 50) ''' # Set coords based on inputs # TODO: better code here (try/fail?) if angs is None and res: theta, phi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,res),np.linspace(0,np.pi,res)) elif res is None and angs: theta = angs[0] phi = angs[1] else: print('Need to pass either res or angs.') return False # Loop over lm and calculate lm = [] Ylm = [] for l in np.arange(Lmin,Lmax+1): for m in np.arange(-l,l+1): lm.append([l, m]) Ylm.append(sph_harm(m,l,theta,phi)) # Return as Xarray or np arrays. if XFlag: # Set indexes QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(np.asarray(lm).T, names = ['l','m']) YlmX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(Ylm), coords=[('LM',QNs), ('Theta',theta[0,:]), ('Phi',phi[:,0])]) return YlmX else: return np.asarray(Ylm), np.asarray(lm)
# Calculate wignerD functions # Adapted directly from Matlab code, # via Jupyter test Notebook "Spherical function testing Aug 2019.ipynb"
[docs]def wDcalc(Lrange = [0, 1], Nangs = None, eAngs = None, R = None, XFlag = True): ''' Calculate set of Wigner D functions D(l,m,mp,R) on a grid. Parameters ---------- Lrange : list, optional, default [0, 1] Range of L to calculate parameters for. If len(Lrange) == 2 assumed to be of form [Lmin, Lmax], otherwise list is used directly. For a given l, all (m, mp) combinations are calculated. Options for setting angles (use one only): Nangs : int, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Ranges will be set as (theta, phi, chi) = (0:pi, 0:pi/2, 0:pi) in Nangs steps. eAngs : np.array, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Array of angles, [theta,phi,chi], in radians R : np.array, optional, default None If passed, use this to define Euler angles sampled. Array of quaternions, as given by quaternion.from_euler_angles(eAngs). XFlag : bool, optional, default True Flag for output. If true, output is Xarray. If false, np.arrays Outputs ------- - if XFlag - wDX Xarray, dims (lmmp,Euler) - else - wD, R, lmmp np.arrays of values, dims (lmmp,Euler), plus list of angles and lmmp sets. Methods ------- Uses Moble's spherical_functions package for wigner D function. Moble's quaternion package for angles and conversions. Examples -------- >>> wDX1 = wDcalc(eAngs = np.array([0,0,0])) >>> wDX2 = wDcalc(Nangs = 10) ''' # Set QNs for calculation, (l,m,mp) if len(Lrange) == 2: Ls = np.arange(Lrange[0], Lrange[1]+1) else: Ls = Lrange QNs = [] for l in Ls: for m in np.arange(-l, l+1): for mp in np.arange(-l, l+1): QNs.append([l, m, mp]) QNs = np.array(QNs) # Set angles - either input as a range, a set or as quaternions if Nangs is not None: # Set a range of Eugler angles for testing pRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi,Nangs) tRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2,Nangs) cRot = np.linspace(0,np.pi,Nangs) eAngs = np.array([pRot, tRot, cRot,]).T if eAngs is not None: if eAngs.shape[-1] != 3: # Check dims, should be (N X 3) for quaternion... but transpose for pd.MultiIndex eAngs = eAngs.T if R is None: # Convert to quaternions R = quaternion.from_euler_angles(eAngs) # Calculate WignerDs # sf.Wigner_D_element is vectorised for QN OR angles # Here loop over QNs for a set of angles R wD = [] lmmp = [] for n in np.arange(0, QNs.shape[0]): lmmp.append(QNs[n,:]) wD.append(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, QNs[n,0], QNs[n,1], QNs[n,2])) # Return values as Xarray or np.arrays if XFlag: # Put into Xarray #TODO: this will currently fail for a single set of QNs. QNs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(np.asarray(lmmp).T, names = ['lp','mu','mu0']) if eAngs.size == 3: # Ugh, special case for only one set of angles. Euler = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[eAngs[0]],[eAngs[1]],[eAngs[2]]], names = ['P','T','C']) wDX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(wD), coords=[('QN',QNs)]) wDX = wDX.expand_dims({'Euler':Euler}) else: Euler = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(eAngs.T, names = ['P','T','C']) wDX = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(wD), coords=[('QN',QNs), ('Euler',Euler)]) return wDX else: return wD, R, np.asarray(lmmp).T